New Actors in International Development

Development cooperation in Sub Sahara Africa is not only enhanced by Europe but also - although differently - by other countries such as China. This project examined opportunities and dangers for Africa’s development posed by China’s engagement as well as the effects of activities of other smaller donor countries such as India or Brazil.

Project Lead:
Erik Lundsgaarde

Project description

Besides the EU other countries and among them most prominently the Peoples’ Republic of China, have a strong interest in Sub Sahara Africa. Even though China’s cooperation policy cannot easily be compared to European development cooperation, it is possible to analyse the Africa policies of both actors and their impact on the continent. In which areas can China’s engagement provide an opportunity for Africa’s development (investment in infrastructure, more policy space for African states...) and where do the dangers lie (possibly undermining good governance)? What constitutes the Africa policy of China and other emerging actors? And how can activities of other, still significantly smaller “new donors” (India, but also Brazil, Malaysia, South Korea) be judged regarding their impact on Africa’s development?