The global climate finance system – is the whole stronger than the sum of its parts?
Pickering, Jonathan / Carola Betzold / Jakob Skovgaard (2017)
The Current Column of 27 March 2017
Global verhandeln, lokal umsetzen: Die integrierte Umsetzung von Klimapolitik und Nachhaltigkeitszielen braucht anwendungsorientierte Forschung
Bauer, Steffen (2017)
in: Transforming Cities 1/2017, 12-15
Paris Climate Agreement, 2030 Agenda and New Urban Agenda: the future of transformative policies
Brandi, Clara / Steffen Bauer / Anna Pegels (2017)
in: Annual Report 2015-2016: Building bridges between research and practice, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 14-17
Towards “greening” trade? Tracking environmental provisions in the preferential trade agreements of emerging markets
Berger, Axel / Clara Brandi / Dominique Bruhn / Manjiao Chi (2017)
Discussion Paper 2/2017
Between global and local governance: The critical ecosystem partnership fund in China
Chan, Sander / Ayşem Mert / Philipp Pattberg (2017)
in: A. Esguerra, N. Helmerich, & T. Risse (eds.), Sustainability Politics and Limited Statehood, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 77–104
Die klimaresiliente Gesellschaft: Transformation und Systemänderungen
Hirschfeld, Jesko / Gerrit Hansen / Dirk Messner (2017)
in: Guy P. Brasseur / Daniela Jacob / Susanne Schuck-Zöller (eds.), Klimawandel in Deutschland: Entwicklung, Folgen, Risiken und Perspektiven, Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum, 315-324
Expanding oil palm cultivation in Indonesia: changing local water cycles raises risks of droughts and floods
Merten, Jennifer / Alexander Röll / Surya Tarigan / Dirk Hölscher / Jonas Hein (2017)
Briefing Paper 1/2017
Mobilising private adaptation finance: Developed country perspectives
Pauw, Pieter (2017)
in: . International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 1–17
Why data access matters: the NDC Explorer reveals new insights on national climate action plans
Pauw, Pieter / Kennedy Mbeva / Adis Dzebo (2017)
The current column of 16 January 2017
On the role of central banks in enhancing green finance
Volz, Ulrich (2017)
Geneva: UN Environment Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System (Working Paper 17/01)
Sustainability-oriented innovation systems in China and India
Altenburg, Tilman (ed.) (2016)
Abingdon, UK: Routledge
Trump im Weißen Haus – Was wird aus „Paris“, der globalen Agenda für nachhaltige Entwicklung, der Weltordnung?
Messner, Dirk (2016)
Published on: International Development Blog, 15 November 2016
Directing Structural Change: from Tools to Policy
Altenburg, Tilman / Maria Kleinz / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2016)
Discussion Paper 24/2016
A decade on: How relevant is the regulatory environment for Micro and Small Enterprise upgrading after all?
Altenburg, Tilman / Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa / Markus Loewe (2016)
Published on: The European Journal of Development Research, doi: 10.1057/s41287-016-0010-2
Sustainability-oriented Innovation Systems in China and India
Altenburg, Tilman (ed., 2016)
London: Routledge
Making retail modernisation in developing countries inclusive. A development policy perspective
Altenburg, Tilman / Elmar Kulke / Aimée Hampel-Milagrosa / Lisa Peterskovsky / Caroline Reeg (2016)
Discussion Paper 2/2016
Marrakesh Climate Conference: Time to act!
Bauer, Steffen / Clara Brandi (2016)
Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2016
Keine nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele ohne die G20
Berensmann, Kathrin (2016)
Diplomatisches Magazin 12/2016, 50-53
Green Finance: Akteure, Herausforderungen und Politikempfehlungen
Berensmann, Kathrin / Nannette Lindenberg (2016)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 23/2016
Green bonds: Taking off the rose-coloured glasses
Berensmann, Kathrin / Florence Dafe / Miriam Kautz / Nannette Lindenberg (2016)
Briefing Paper 24/2016
Sustainability standards and sustainable development: synergies and trade offs of transnational governance
Brandi, Clara (2016)
Sustainable Development (online first), DOI: 10.1002/sd.1639
Effective and geographically balanced? An output-based assessment of non-state climate actions
Chan, Sander / Robert Falkner / Matthew Goldberg / Harro van Asselt (2016)
Climate Policy, 1–12
Rescaling of access and property relations in a frontier landscape: insights from Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas / Soeryo Adiwibowo / Christoph Dittrich / Rosyani / Endriatmo Soetarto / Heiko Faust (2016)
The Professional Geographer, 68(3), 380–389
Why equity is fundamental in climate change policy research
Klinsky, Sonja / Timmons Roberts / Saleemul Huq / Chukwumerije Okereke / Peter Newell / Peter Dauvergne / Karen O’Brien / Heike Schroeder / Petra Tschakert / Jennifer Clapp / Margaret Keck / Frank Biermann / Diana Liverman / Joyeeta Gupta / Atiq Rahman / Dirk Messner / David Pellow / Steffen Bauer (2016)
Global Environmental Change,
Mimicry of the legal: translating de jure land formalization processes into de facto local action in Jambi province, Sumatraa
Kunz, Yvonne / Jonas Hein / Rina Mardiana / Heiko Faust (2016)
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 9 (1), 127-146
Green banking regulation: setting out a framework
Lindenberg, Nannette / Ulrich Volz (2016)
Practitioners‘ Dialogue on Climate Investments (PDCI)
Dekarbonisierung: Transformation zur Klimaverträglichkeit
Messner, Dirk (2016)
in: Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz: Grundlagen, Folgen und Perspektiven (Swiss Academies Reports) 11 (5), 150-153
Private finance for adaptation: do private realities meet public ambitions?
Pauw, Pieter / Richard J.T. Klein / Frank Biermann / Pier Vellinga (2016)
Climatic Change, 134(4), 489–503.
Fostering Green Finance in Asia
Volz, Ulrich (2016)
Report prepared for the 2016 Annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank
Taxing carbon as an instrument of green industrial policy in developing countries
Pegels, Anna
Discussion Paper 23/2016
Bridging the Gap - the role of non-state action
Höhne, Niklas / Philip Drost with the contributing authors Fatemeh Bakhtiari / Sander Chan / Ann Gardiner et al. (2016)
in: The Emissions Gap Report 2016: a UNEP Synthesis Report, Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment (UNEP), 23-30
Climate conference in Marrakesh: litmus test for the Paris Agreement
Bauer, Steffen / Clara Brandi (2016)
The Current Column of 7 November 2016
Financing options for loss and damage: a review and roadmap
Durand, Alexis / Victoria Hoffmeister / Romain Weikmans / Jonathan Gewirtzman / Sujay Natson / Saleemul Huq / J. Timmons Roberts
Discussion Paper 21/2016
UN summit on housing and sustainable urban development: what is at stake?
Dick, Eva / Maria-Theres Haase (2016)
The Current Column of 17 October 2016
Marrakesh Climate Conference: Time to act!
Bauer, Steffen / Clara Brandi (2016)
Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2016
Migration, risk management and climate change: evidence and policy responses (Global Migration Issues)
Milan, Andrea / Benjamin Schraven / Koko Warner / Noemi Cascone (eds.) (2016)
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer
Priority setting – or rather not? Positive concerns for SDGs
Samanta, Sayan (2016)
The Current Column, 12 September 2016
Climate action beyond mitigation and the global North
Chan, Sander (2016)
in: Vikrom Mathur / Aniruddh Mohan, Road from Paris: ensuring effective and equitable climate action, ORF: New Delhi, India, 56-67
Practitioner's guide to strategic green industrial policy
Weinmann, Christoph David / Christina Buczko / Leisa Burrell / Ralph Luken / Anna Pegels (2016)
Mission impossible? International cooperation in science, technology and innovation
Stamm, Andreas / Aurelia Figueroa (2016)
published on 7. Apr 2016
Book review: "Hayley Stevenson / John S. Dryzek: Democratizing global climate governance"
Mathis, Okka Lou / Sander Chan (2016)
in: Carbon and Climate Law Review (CCLR) 10 (1), 83-85
Aligning transnational climate action with international climate governance: the road from Paris
Chan, Sander / Clara Brandi / Steffen Bauer (2016)
Review of European Community & International Environmental Law (RECIEL), 25 (2), 238-247
Pledge for transformative cities gives a new impetus to Habitat III
Dick, Eva / Maria-Theres Haase (2016)
published on Devex 13 July 2016
Städtische Governance für nachhaltige globale Entwicklung: von den SDGs zur New Urban Agenda
Dick, Eva (2016)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 6/2016
Die Schutzlücke schließen: Klimaflüchtlinge als Herausforderung für das Recht
Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2016)
published on Umwelt - Mitwelt - Zukunft 73/2016, 6
Coordinating the willing
Lindenberg, Nannette (2016)
published on D+C Development and Cooperation e-Paper 7/2016, 38-39
Stop planning how to implement Paris Agreement - just start doing it
Lindenberg, Nannette (2016)
published on, 6 June 2016
Rescaling conflictive access and property relations in the context of REDD+ in Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas (2016)
Universität Göttingen eDISS
Today is gonna be the day: Stop planning how to implement the Paris Agreement, just start doing it!
Lindenberg, Nannette (2016)
The Current Column of 6 June 2016
What place for Asia in the EU’s strategy on development cooperation? Which role for Europe in Asia? Any at all?
Henökl, Thomas (2016)
in: Olivia Gippner (ed.), Changing waters: towards a new EU Asia Strategy (LSE Ideas! Special Report), London: School of Economics, 71-78
Chapter 1: Introduction to "The Adaptation Gap Report: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi
Bee, Skylar / Aaron Atteridge / Pieter Pauw / Pieter Terpstra / Paul Watkiss (2016)
in: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), The Adaptation Gap Report, Nairobi, 1-8
Chapter 4: Private sector finance for adaptation
Atteridge, Aaron / Pieter Pauw / Pieter Terpstra / Fabio Bedini / Lorenzo Bossi / Cecilia Costella (2016)
in: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), The Adaptation Gap Report, Nairobi, 31-38
The EU needs new confidence
Kloke-Lesch, Adolf (2016)
published on D+C Development and Cooperation 7/2016, 41
Biodiversity research: social sciences under-represented
Richerzhagen, Carmen (2016)
The Current Column of 20 May 2016
Shifting gears and forging ahead: Research for transformative climate governance after "Paris"
Brandi, Clara / Steffen Bauer / Klaus Jacob (2016)
The Current Column of 18 May 2016
Paris agreement: gateway to a decarbonised global society
Messner, Dirk (2016)
in: Great insights 5 (3), 4-6
Non-economic loss and damage in the context of climate change: understanding the challenges
Serdeczny, Olivia / Eleanor Waters / Sander Chan (2016)
Discussion Paper 3/2016
The global refugee crisis: The key role of cities
Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven(2016)
The Current Column of 2 May 2016
Carbon and biodiversity offsetting: A way towards sustainable development?
Hein, Jonas / Jean Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco (2016)
The Current Column of 21 March 2016
Urban governance for sustainable global development: from the SDGs to the New Urban Agenda
Dick, Eva (2016)
Briefing Paper 8/2016
Sweet harmony: why UN climate plans should use the same metrics
Pauw, Pieter / Kennedy Mbeva (2016)
published on Climate Home, 17th March 2016
Die Deutungshoheit über die Zukunft haben jetzt die klimaschutzorientierten Unternehmen
Messner, Dirk (2016)
published on Factory - Magazin für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
How does globalization affect ecological pressures? A robust empirical analysis using the ecological footprint
Rudolph, Alexandra / Lukas Figge (2015)
Heidelberg: Ruprecht-Karls Universität, Discussion Paper Series 599
What does the Paris climate agreement mean for water policy?
Dombrowsky, Ines / Steffen Bauer / Waltina Scheumann(2016)
The Current Column of 22 March 2016
Das Pariser Klimaabkommen und die globale Energiepolitik
Bauer, Steffen / Anna Pegels (2016)
in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ) 66 (12/13), 32-38
Self-differentiation of countries’ responsibilities: addressing climate change through intended nationally determined contributions
Mbeva, Kennedy Liti / Pieter Pauw (2016)
Discussion Paper 4/2016
Die Deutungshoheit über die Zukunft haben jetzt die klimaschutzorientierten Unternehmen
Messner, Dirk
published on Factory (2016)
The emergence of electromobility: Comparing technological pathways in France, Germany, China and India
Altenburg, Tilman / Eike W. Schamp / Ankur Chaudhary (2015)
Science and Public Policy 43(4), 464-475
Innovation Paths in Europe and Asia: Divergence or Convergence?
Schmitz, Hubert / Tilman Altenburg (2015)
Science and Public Policy 43(4), 454-463
“Climate refugees” in Europe? Climate-related migration affects developing countries in particular
Mathis, Okka Lou / Benjamin Schraven (2015)
The Current Column of 10 December 2015
UN Klimakonferenz: Geht doch
Bauer, Steffen / Pieter Pauw (2015)
published on Zeit Online, 26 November 2015
Wer vertritt die Armen? Entwicklungsländer müssen mit an den Tisch
Schmitz, Birgit (2015)
in: Frankfurter Rundschau 18th November 2015, 18
Non-economic loss and damage: addressing the forgotten side of climate change impacts
Serdeczny, Olivia / Eleanor Waters / Sander Chan (2016)
Briefing Paper 3/2016
Europe must send global cooperation signals – Four proposals
Messner, Dirk (2016)
The Current Column, 11 January 2016
Comparing Low Carbon Innovation Paths in Asia and Europe
Altenburg, Tilman / Ambuj Sagar / Hubert Schmitz / Lan Xue (ed., 2015)
Science and Public Policy, Special Section, Vol 43 (4)
Industrial Policy in Developing Countries. Failing Markets, Weak States
Altenburg, Tilman / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2015)
Cheltenham / Northampton: Edward Elgar
Comparing low carbon innovation paths in Asia and Europe
Altenburg, Tilman / Ambui Sagar / Hubert Schmitz / Xue Lan (eds.) (2015)
Published on: Science and Public Policy (Special Issue)
Innovation paths in Europe and Asia: divergence or convergence?
Schmitz, Hubert / Tilman Altenburg (2015)
Published on: Science and Public Policy doi:10.1093/scipol/scv053
The emergence of electromobility: comparing technological pathways in France, Germany, China and India
Altenburg, Tilman / Eike W. Schamp / Ankur Chaudhary (2015)
Published on: Science and Public Policy, doi:10.1093/scipol/scv054
Industrial policy in developing countries: failing markets, weak states
Altenburg, Tilman / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2015)
Cheltenham: Elgar
Rent management: the heart of Green Industrial Policy
Schmitz, Hubert / Oliver Johnson / Tilman Altenburg (2015)
in: New Political Economy 20 (6), 812-831
Scaling-up renewable energy deployment in North Africa
Vidican, Georgeta (2015)
in: Alessandro Rubino, Regulation and investments in energy markets: solutions for the Mediterranean, Amsterdam: Academic Pr., 73-87
Electricity transition in the MENA: a de-risking governance approach
Vidican, Georgeta / Luigi Carafa / Gianleo Frisari (2015)
in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Special Issue: New approaches for transitions to low fossil carbon societies
The emergence of a solar energy innovation system in Morocco: a governance perspective
Vidican, Georgeta (2015)
Published on: Innovation and Development, 30.06.2015
Social norms, trust and control of power theft in Uganda: does bulk metering work for MSEs?
Never, Babette (2015)
in: Energy Policy 82/2015, 197-206
New climate investments must strengthen sustainable development and minimize trade-offs
Hoch, Stephan / Britta Horstmann / Axel Michaelowa / Jonas Hein (2015)
Briefing Paper 22/2015
EU climate leadership: five building blocks for ambitious action
Brandi, Clara / Steffen Bauer / Pieter Pauw / Sander Chan / Okka Lou Mathis (2015)
Briefing Paper 21/2015
The global regulatory framework for decarbonisation: 3x3 starting points for the reform of global economic governance
Brandi, Clara / Dominique Bruhn / Nannette Lindenberg (2015)
Briefing Paper 19/2015
Between minilateralism and multilateralism: opportunities and risks of pioneer alliances in international trade and climate politics
Clara Brandi / Axel Berger / Dominique Bruhn (2015)
Briefing Paper 16/2015
Die To-do-Liste von Paris
Bauer, Steffen / Clara Brandi / Sander Chan (2015)
published on Zeit Online 14 December 2015
Den Klimaschutz muss man sich leisten
Brandi, Clara / Jonas Keil / Pieter Pauw (2015)
published on Zeit Online 4 December 2015
Strengthening non-state climate action: a progress assessment of commitments launched at the 2014 UN Climate Summit
Chan, Sander / Robert Falkner / Harro van Asselt / Matthew Goldberg (2015)
Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (Working Paper 242) / Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (Working Paper 216)
Climate change: the European Union towards COP21 and beyond
Bauer, Steffen / Clara Brandi / Simon Maxwell / Tancrède Voituriez (2015)
European Think Tanks Group
Private finance for adaptation: do private realities meet public ambitions?
Pauw, Pieter / Richard J.T. Klein / Frank Biermann / Pier Vellinga (2015)
published on Climatic Change
Reinvigorating International Climate Policy: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Nonstate Action
Chan, S., van Asselt, H., Hale, T., Abbott, K. W., Beisheim, M., Hoffmann, M., Guy, B., Höhne, N., Hsu, A., Pattberg, P., Pauw, P., Ramstein, C. and Widerberg, O. (2015)
Global Policy. doi: 10.1111/1758-5899.12294
Rescaling of access and property relations in a frontier landscape: insights from Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas / Soeryo Adiwibowo / Christoph Dittrich / Rosyani / Endriatmo Soetarto / Heiko Faust (2015)
published on The Professional Geographer DOI:10.1080/00330124.2015.1089105
Der globale Regelrahmen für Dekarbonisierung: 3x3 Ansatzpunkte für die Reform der Global Economic Governance
Brandi, Clara / Dominique Bruhn / Nannette Lindenberg (2015)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 10/2015
Between minilateralism and multilateralism: opportunities and risks of pioneer alliances in international trade and climate politics
Clara Brandi / Axel Berger / Dominique Bruhn (2015)
Briefing Paper 16/2015
Paris ante portas: Erwartungen an das neue UN-Klimaabkommen
Bauer, Steffen / Clara Brandi (2015)
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2015, 38-41
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Brandi, Clara / Steffen Bauer / Sander Chan / Okka Lou Mathis (2015)
in: Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (eds.), Translating an ambitious vision into global transformation: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Discussion Paper 7/2015), 81-84
If you like the world, save it!
Mathis, Okka Lou / Matthias Ruchser
The Current Column of 21 September 2015
Assessment and review under a 2015 climate change agreement: lessons learned and ways forward
van Asselt, Harro / Håkon Sælen / Pieter Pauw (2015)
in: Nordic Working Papers
Klimapolitik anno 2015: zwischen Wissen und Wahrheit
Bauer, Steffen (2015)
in: Vereinte Nationen 63 (2), 87-89
Raus aus der Kohle
Keil, Jonas (2015)
in: Frankfurter Rundschau 19 August 2015
Sustainable Energy Supply – What Is It About?
Ruchser, Matthias (2015)
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 8/2015, 36-39
Safeguarding the earth system as a priority for sustainable development and global ethics
Brandi, Clara (2015)
in: Journal of Global Ethics 11 (1), 32-36
CO2-Ausstoß ausgelagert
Bruhn, Dominique
Gastwirtschaft Frankfurter Rundschau 10 July 2015
Decarbonisation is no mean feat
Bauer, Steffen (2015)
The Current Column of 30 June 2015
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Loewe, Markus / Anna Pegels / Tilman Altenburg (2015)
in: Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (eds.), Translating an ambitious vision into global transformation: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Discussion Paper 7/2015), 51-58
G-7: a turning point in climate policy or empty words?
Lütkenhorst, Wilfried / Anna Pegels (2015)
The Current Column of 15 June 2015
Klimaschutz kostest Geld: Industrieländer müssen ihre Zusagen einhalten
Berensmann, Kathrin (2015)
in: Frankfurter Rundschau, Gastwirtschaft 3/4 June 2015, 126
The human factor in energy efficiency: lessons from developing countries
Pegels, Anna / Aurelia Figueroa / Babette Never (2015)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / Pretoria: National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA)
INDCs: A silver bullet for the climate negotiations, or empty talk?
Pauw, Pieter / Kennedy Mbeva
The Current Column of 26 May 2015
What is the potential for a climate, forest and community friendly REDD+ in Paris?
Hein, Jonas / Karen Meijer / Jean Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco
Briefing Paper 3/2015
Energy - the seventh Sustainable Development Goal
Ruchser, Matthias (2015)
The Current Column of 9 March 2015
World climate treaty approaches final straight: everything still to play for!
Bauer, Steffen / Clara Brandi (2015)
The Current Column of 17 February 2015
Die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels bewältigen: Ein kurzfristig umsetzbares Aktionsprogramm zum Übergang in eine klimaverträgliche Weltwirtschaft.
Watson, Robert, Nebosja Nakicenovic, Dirk Messner, Erika Rosenthal, José Goldemberg, Leena Srivastava & Kejun Jiang (2015)
published on Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 8 (1)
Die Klimakrise als wirtschaftliche Chance: Anmerkungen zum Bericht "The new climate economy"
Messner, Dirk (2015)
in: E + Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 56 (1), 37-40
From combustion engines to electric vehicles: a study of technological path creation and disruption in Germany
Altenburg, Tilman (2014)
Discussion Paper 29/2014
Innovation paths in wind power: insights from Denmark and Germany
Lema, Rasmus / Johan Nordensvärd / Frauke Urban / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2014)
Discussion Paper 17/2014
The formation of a new technological trajectory of electric propulsion in the French automobile industry
Schamp, Eike W. (2014)
Discussion Paper 12/2014
Electromobility in India: attempts at leadership by businesses in a scant policy space
Chaudhary, Ankur (2014)
Discussion Paper 15/2014
Renewable energy development in Egypt: the need for a new social contract
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
in: Rabia Ferroukhi / Giacomo Luciani (eds), The political economy of energy reform: the clean energy – fossil fuel balance in the Gulf, Gerlach Pr. (forthcoming)
Indo-German expert group on green and inclusive economy
Messner, Dirk / Tilman Altenburg / Ambuj Sagar (2014)
Background paper: exploring pathways towards a green and inclusive transformation
Challenges and opportunities for capturing local benefits
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
Published on: Ökologisches Wirtschaften 29 (4), 19-24
The emergence of an innovation system for the solar energy sector in Morocco
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
in: Innovation and Development (forthcoming)
Governing the energy transition: the reform of fossil-fuel subsidy regimes in developing countries
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
Conference proceedings: „The dynamics of transformational environmental policies“
Reforming fossil-fuel subsidy regimes in the Middle East and North African countries
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
in: Anna Pegels, Green industrial policy in emerging countries, London: Routledge, 148-178
Rent management and policy learning in green technology development: the case of solar energy in India
Altenburg, Tilman / Oliver Johnson / Tobias Engelmeier (2014)
in: Anna Pegels, Green industrial policy in emerging countries, London: Routledge, 104-125
Rent management capabilities for the green transformation
Johnson, Oliver / Tilman Altenburg / Hubert Schmitz (2014)
in: Anna Pegels, Green industrial policy in emerging countries, London: Routledge, 9-37
Green industrial policy in emerging countries
Pegels, Anna (2014)
London: Routldege
Why we need a green industrial policy
Pegels, Anna (2014)
in: Green industrial policy in emerging countries, London: Routldege, 1-8
Implementing green industrial policy
Pegels, Anna / Bastian Becker (2014)
in: Anna Pegels, Green industrial policy in emerging countries, London: Routledge, 38-68
The politics of South African renewable energy support
Pegels, Anna (2014)
in: Anna Pegels, Green industrial policy in emerging countries, London: Routledge, 126-147
Lessons for successful green industrial policy
Pegels, Anna (2014)
in: Anna Pegels, Green industrial policy in emerging countries, London: Routledge, 179-186
Stable policies, turbulent markets - Germany’s green industrial policy: the costs and benefits of promoting solar PV and wind energy
Lütkenhorst, Wilfried / Anna Pegels (2014)
IISD (Research Report)
Is Germany’s energy transition a case of successful green industrial policy? Contrasting wind and solar PV
Pegels, Anna / Wilfried Lütkenhorst (2014)
in: Energy Policy 74 (11), 522–534
NAZCA portal: capturing and catalysing climate action at all levels
Chan, Sander / Pieter Pauw / Harro van Asselt / Thomas Hale / Todd Edwards (2014)
in: Outreach: A multi-stakeholder magazine on climate change and sustainable development
From Lima to Paris, and beyond: options for ex ante assessment of intended nationally determined contributions under the UNFCCC
van Asselt, Harro / Håkon Sælen / Pieter Pauw (2014)
Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers (Nordic Working Papers)
Proposal for a global framework for climate action to engage non-state and subnational stakeholders in the future climate regime
Chan, Sander / Pieter Pauw (2014)
Briefing Paper 15/2014
A global framework for climate action: orchestrating non-state and subnational initiatives for more effective global climate governance
Chan, Sander / Pieter Pauw (2014)
Discussion Paper 34/2014
Conservation, REDD+ and the struggle for land in Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas / Heiko Faust (2014)
in: Pacific Geograhies 41/2014, 20-25
Science-practice interactions for effective climate change adaptation: identifying new approaches for collaboration between Europe and low-income countries
Horstmann, Britta et al. (2014)
Bonn: CIRCLE-2, German Aerospace Centre – Project Management Agency
Not a panacea: private sector engagement in adaptation and adaptation finance in developing countries
Pauw, Pieter (2014)
Different perspectives on differentiated responsibilities: A state-of-the-art review of the notion of CBDR in international negotiations
Pauw, Pieter/ Steffen Bauer / Carmen Richerzhagen / Clara Brandi / Hanna Schmole (2014)
Discussion Paper 6/2014
Tackling the challenge of climate change: a near-term actionable mitigation agenda
Watson, Robert / Nebojsa Nakicenovic / Erika Rosenthal / José Goldemberg / Leena Srivastava / Kejun Jiang / Dirk Messner
Comissioned by the Republic of Nauru, chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)
Green Industrial Policy: Managing transformation under uncertainty
Lütkenhorst, Wilfried / Tilman Altenburg / Anna Pegels / Georgeta Vidican (2014)
Discussion Paper 28/2014
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Peru: a challenge to social inclusion and multi-level governance
Zelli, Fariborz / Daniela Erler / Sina Frank / Jonas Hein / Hannes Hotz / Anna-Maria Santa Cruz Melgarejo (2014)
Studies 85
Providing international adaptation finance for vulnerable communities: a study on potentials and limits of social investment funds
Horstmann, Britta / Günther Schulz-Heiss (2014)
Studies 83
The UN Climate Summit 2014 in New York - The evolution continues
Messner, Dirk (2014)
The Current Column of 25 September 2014
Klimaschutz als Weltbürgerbewegung
Schellnhuber, Joachim / Dirk Messner / Frauke Kraas / Claus Leggewie / Peter Lemke / Ellen Matthies / Nakisa Nakicenovic / Sabine Schlacke / Uwe Schneidewind (2014)
Sondergutachten 2014 des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU)
Achieving inclusive competitiveness in the emerging solar energy sector in Morocco
Vidican, Georgeta / Matthias Böhning / Gina Burger / Elisa de Siqueira Regueira / Sandra Müller / Susanne Wendt (2013)
Studies 79
Boosting solar investment with limited subsidies: rent management and policy learning in India
Altenburg, Tilman / Tobias Engelmeier (2013)
in: Energy Policy 59 (8), 866–874
RE-value policies: policy instruments to support RE industrial value chain development
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Rent management: the heart of green industrial policy
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