Briefing paper

Briefing Paper (in German: Analysen und Stellungnahmen) are always four pages long and discuss ongoing and controversial issues in international relations. By including recommendations, the series primarily aims at policy makers, practitioners, and representatives of the (professional) media industry. Besides, the series is also open to everyone interested in developmental issues.

All editions of the series can be downloaded in full text and for free on our website.

In 2022, “Briefing Papers” and „Analysen und Stellungnahmen“ were merged in the new publicatiojn series „IDOS Policy Brief“.


Es wurden 347 Ergebnisse gefunden. Zeige Ergebnisse 181 bis 190 von 347.

  1. How to shape development cooperation? The global partnership and the development cooperation forum
    How to shape development cooperation? The global partnership and the development cooperation forum

    Janus, Heiner / Stephan Klingebiel / Timo Casjen Mahn (2014)

    The future shape of development cooperation as a policy field is under debate. In the context of the post-2015 agenda, the Busan "Global Partnership" and the UN's Development Cooperation Forum exhibit significant overlap.What platform will be seen as legitimate, effective and relevant?

  2. A strong voice for global sustainable development: how China can play a leading role in the Post-2015 Agenda
    A strong voice for global sustainable development: how China can play a leading role in the Post-2015 Agenda

    Ye, Jiang / Thomas Fues (2014)

    The paper analyses the position of China in the UN process for a post-2015 global development agenda and formulates policy recommendations for the Chinese leadership which would enhance the country’s contributions to the developing world and the provision of global public goods.

  3. The availability of trade finance: a challenge for global economic governance
    The availability of trade finance: a challenge for global economic governance

    Brandi, Clara / Birgit Schmitz / Caroline Hambloch (2014)

    Trade finance is the backbone of international trade. There is currently intense debate regarding the extent to which international banking regulation, and especially the reform package Basel III, could inhibit trade finance and therefore undermine international trade flows.

  4. Is the Earth flat or is it a cube? European foreign aid, political conditionality and democracy
    Is the Earth flat or is it a cube? European foreign aid, political conditionality and democracy

    Faust, Jörg (2013)

    For normative and empirical reasons, political conditionality in European foreign aid will remain high on the agenda. To make conditionality effective, however, donors need to overcome several challenges. Particularly, they need to advance the process towards a common foreign and development policy.

  5. Post-2015: how to design goals for (inter)national action?
    Post-2015: how to design goals for (inter)national action?

    Janus, Heiner / Niels Keijzer (2013)

    In September 2013 UN Member States called for a single post-2015 framework that would be universal in nature and apply to all countries. This paper compares the pros and cons of a top-down, bottom-up or hybrid approach to negotiating and formulating this new agenda.

  6. Post 2015: why the development finance debate needs to make the move from quantity to quality
    Post 2015: why the development finance debate needs to make the move from quantity to quality

    Dafe, Florence / Renate Hartwig / Heiner Janus (2013)

    The implementation of a future global development agenda replacing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) after 2015 will require greater and more efficient financing. The failure to establish a sound financial foundation risks jeopardizing the success of any new development agenda.

  7. Post 2015: making migration work for sustainable development
    Post 2015: making migration work for sustainable development

    Schraven, Benjamin / Niels Keijzer / Anna Knoll (2013)

    Discussions on a post-2015 framework pay increasing attention to the issue of migration, albeit with a main emphasis on its functionalist and non-contentious dimensions. Real progress necessitates a more holistic treatment of migration that covers all components of sustainable development.

  8. International technology cooperation: lessons for the upcoming technology mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
    International technology cooperation: lessons for the upcoming technology mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

    Bhasin, Shikha (2013)

  9. Post 2015: special event on Post-2015 – stuck in the process?
    Post 2015: special event on Post-2015 – stuck in the process?

    Rippin, Nicole (2013)

  10. EU joint programming: lessons from South Sudan for EU aid coordination
    EU joint programming: lessons from South Sudan for EU aid coordination

    Furness, Mark / Frank Vollmer (2013)