Briefing paper

Briefing Paper (in German: Analysen und Stellungnahmen) are always four pages long and discuss ongoing and controversial issues in international relations. By including recommendations, the series primarily aims at policy makers, practitioners, and representatives of the (professional) media industry. Besides, the series is also open to everyone interested in developmental issues.

All editions of the series can be downloaded in full text and for free on our website.

In 2022, “Briefing Papers” and „Analysen und Stellungnahmen“ were merged in the new publicatiojn series „IDOS Policy Brief“.

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  1. Addressing human mobility in national climate policy: insights from updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in South America
    Addressing human mobility in national climate policy: insights from updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in South America

    Serraglio, Diogo Andreola / Benjamin Schraven / Natalia Burgos Cuevas (2022)

    Given the urgent need to move forward from the recognition of the human mobility - climate change nexus to the establishment of effective measures to tackle the topic, the updating of NDCs entails an opportunity to incorporate strategies that can better address population movements in this context.

  2. Germany and the UK: perspectives for deepening the bilateral dialogue on development policy
    Germany and the UK: perspectives for deepening the bilateral dialogue on development policy

    Keijzer, Niels / Ina Friesen (2022)

    Germany and the United Kingdom are key international cooperation actors. Halfway through the period envisaged for the completion of the 2030 Agenda, both countries are adjusting their development policies, seeking to determine their future European roles and global development ambitions.

  3. Is foreign direct investment losing clout in development?
    Is foreign direct investment losing clout in development?

    Berger, Axel / Alexandros Ragoussis (2022)

    This Briefing Paper calls for rethinking of policies that help to improve the impact of FDI to development. We argue that four secular trends invite for a conversation on a renewed basis around the kind of foreign investment we want and expectations on this source of finance for development.

  4. Europe’s global gateway: a new geostrategic framework for development policy?
    Europe’s global gateway: a new geostrategic framework for development policy?

    Furness, Mark / Niels Keijzer (2022)

    The proposal to build a 'Global Gateway' to the world is potentially a major turning point in EU foreign relations. It will create a new paradigm for EU development policy defined by strategic interests, but is likely to weaken the EU’s commitment to core development policy principles.

  5. Addressing the challenges of digital lending for credit markets and the financial systems in low- and middle-income countries
    Addressing the challenges of digital lending for credit markets and the financial systems in low- and middle-income countries

    Sommer, Christoph (2021)

    Digital lending holds great potential for the availability of finance especially during recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. This brief outlines how to address associated risks to guarantee a well-functioning and stable credit market (and financial system) that foster sustainable economic development.

  6. Towards sustainable ocean governance: a call for blue climate action in international development
    Towards sustainable ocean governance: a call for blue climate action in international development

    Lehmann, Ina / Michael Siebert / Nicola Hanke / Maximilian Högl / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2021)

    Sustainable ocean governance is of vital importance for human development. And yet life in the ocean is strongly threatened by human economic activities. This Briefing Paper outlines the way forward for a sustainable blue economy that is inclusive of local stakeholders.

  7. Protecting democracy: the relevance of international democracy promotion for term limits
    Protecting democracy: the relevance of international democracy promotion for term limits

    Leininger Julia / Daniel Nowack (2021)

    International democracy support can assist pro-democracy actors to safeguard presidential term limits and thereby protect and promote democracy.

  8. Priorities for a development-friendly EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
    Priorities for a development-friendly EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

    Brandi, Clara (2021)

    Der CO2-Grenzausgleichsmechanismus (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, CBAM) der Europäischen Union sollt bei der weiteren Ausbuchstabierung entwicklungsfreundlicher ausgestaltet werden. Der Fokus sollte dabei auf Ausnahmen für Entwicklungsländer und die Verwendung der CBAM-Einnahmen liegen.

  9. Export curbs on essential goods in the wake of Covid-19 and the Least Developed Countries: permanent scarring from a temporary outburst
    Export curbs on essential goods in the wake of Covid-19 and the Least Developed Countries: permanent scarring from a temporary outburst

    Evenett, Simon (2021)

    This Briefing Paper outlines the key policy developments implicating the trade in essential goods during the first nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic and draws out the implications for development policy and trade policy cooperation.

  10. Focussing European cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa on social contracts
    Focussing European cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa on social contracts

    Furness, Mark / Markus Loewe (2021)

    The EU has long struggled with conflicting objectives in the MENA region, especially liberal-democratic political and economic reforms, and restrictive trade practices, migration management, and security cooperation. Focussing cooperation on the social contract offers a way out of these dilemmas.