Our offer for media representatives
Are you looking for information on global development and international cooperation for your reporting? We are happy to provide you with our experts for interviews, statements or background discussions.

On request, we gladly offer you professionally produced sound bites or audio statements. We can also put you in touch with scientific experts for your own productions.
Contact: Sabrina Heuwinkel

Upon request, we provide you with professionally produced video statements or footage material. We can also put you in touch with our experts for your own productions.
On our YouTube channel, our researchers give insights into their current research and policy advice work in short statements.
In our monthly video series #99SecondsWith, our director, Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, talks about research approaches to meet current global challenges.
Contact: Sabrina Heuwinkel
Press releases

Sign up for our press updates here.
In our press releases and press mailings we regularly inform about current research results and provide background knowledge of our researchers on current events. We also send out invitations for press conferences.
Here you can find current and past press releases.

In our newsletter we inform once a month about events, new projects, awards and news.
Sign up for our newsletter here.

We offer infographics, e.g. on climate issues, that explain, complex interrelations regarding the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, the potential of non-state actors in emission reduction, and damages and losses caused by climate change. Other graphics deal with social cohesion, knowledge cooperation, the reform of the UN development system, global sustainable supply chains, integrated water resource management, amongst other topics.
The infographics can be used for reporting. The licensing terms of each Creative Commons license are noted in the files.
Online data visualisations

We offer five different online tools that illustrate complex political contexts with the help of maps, diagrams and overviews. Use the tools for your research and take screenshots of the data visualisations for your reporting under the terms of the respective license.
Do you have any questions about using the tools? Contact:
- GTED: the first global database that aggregates and compares official and publicly available data on tax subsidies
- Constellation of State Fragility: six empirical constellations of state fragility in the dimensions of authority, capacity and legitimacy (Open Data)
- TREND analytics: environmental clauses in bilateral and regional trade agreements since 1945
- NDC-SDG Connections: synergies between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement
- NDC Explorer: analysis of NDCs in 60 categories from mitigation, adaptation, finance and more (Open Data)
Portrait photos
Upon request, we provide you with high-resolution portrait photos of the directors and academic staff for your print and online publications.
Upon request, we will be glad to provide you with our logo in high resolution for your print and online publications.
Tanja Vogel
Head of Communications
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-264
Sabrina Heuwinkel
Press Relations Radio & TV
Phone +49 228 94927-150
Wendpanga Eric Segueda
Communications Officer
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-344