Discussion Paper
Discussion Paper are short research papers which are directed at different research target groups. These papers deal in general with concrete and stringently collected topics. They often discuss interim findings on research projects, theses, evaluation and political reports. Discussion Paper can be downloaded for free on the website of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) or ordered at a price of € 6.00. Please contact our publication department by mail or e-mail.
Current Discussion Paper

Transparenz für mehr Wirksamkeit und öffentliches Vertrauen? Das deutsche Transparenzportal im internationalen Vergleich
Janus, Heiner / Tim Röthel (1/2025)

Digital transformation for a sustainable future: insights from Brazil's civil service
Grimm, Sven / Wulf Reiners / Mara Braun / Laura Donath / Sophia Hörbelt / Sophie Lampert / Marcel Wich (17/2024)

Economic development and barriers to (decent) work for women in SSA and MENA
Stöcker, Alexander / Tina Zintl (16/2024)

Impact du crédit agricole direct de la Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole du Mali: rapport d’étude
Sagbo, N. Sheila / Lacina Traoré / Youssouf Fofana / Michael Brüntrup (15/2024)