The Current Column

Every Monday, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) comments on the latest issues and trends of international development policy by its Current Column. The column is intended for politically interested readers who want to get a brief overview on the state of German and international development policy.

Current and past issues can be downloaded for free from the IDOS website.

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  1. What does the EU recovery plan mean for the European Green Deal?
    What does the EU recovery plan mean for the European Green Deal?

    Sturm, Janina (2020)
    The Current Column, 17 June 2020

    The “Next Generation EU” recovery plan aims to mobilise 750 billion euros to help the EU emerge from the recession caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Negotiation on the project are starting this Friday at the meeting of the European Council.

  2. Why the Corona crisis is particularly difficult for right-wing populist governments
    Why the Corona crisis is particularly difficult for right-wing populist governments

    Högl, Maximilian / Christine Hackenesch / Daniel Stockemer (2020)
    The Current Column, 15 June 2020

    Whether it is US president Donald Trump, who initially talked down the risks of the Sars-CoV-2 virus for the US or Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro, who dismissed the virus as a media trick and temporarily prevented the publication of infection numbers – right-wing populist governments are currently not distinguishing themselves through effective crisis management.

  3. The ocean as a lifeline for the future of the planet
    The ocean as a lifeline for the future of the planet

    Hornidge, Anna-Katharina (2020)
    The Current Column, 08 June 2020

    The 11th UN World Oceans Day on 8 June serves as a reminder that sustainable management of the ocean and its resources is one of the biggest challenges facing us globally.

  4. How to respond inclusively to COVID-19 in the interests of the common good
    How to respond inclusively to COVID-19 in the interests of the common good

    Cordes, Andrea / Jacqueline Götze (2020)
    The Current Column, 02 June 2020

    Decisions on governing the pandemic must be inclusive and oriented to the global common good. However, it is questionable whether this criterion is always fulfilled.

  5. From COVID-19 to climate action
    From COVID-19 to climate action

    Hägele, Ramona / Okka Lou Mathis (2020)
    The Current Column, 25 May 2020

    Despite the brief dip in greenhouse gas emissions related to COVID-19, the pandemic’s consequences may seriously set back climate action around the globe.

  6. Nature cannot save us if we do not stop harming it
    Nature cannot save us if we do not stop harming it

    Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo / Ina Lehmann (2020)
    The Current Column, 18 May 2020

    May 22 is the International Day for Biological Diversity. Since biodiversity loss has major negative repercussions for the satisfaction of human needs, its motto for this year is “Our solutions are in nature”.

  7. Incentives and rules for fair supply chains
    Incentives and rules for fair supply chains

    Müngersdorff, Maximilian / Tim Stoffel (2020)
    The Current Column, 14 May 2020

    The corona crisis is intensifying social ills in many global supply chains. The negative consequences are hitting workers in the producer countries of the global South particularly hard.

  8. The marginalised as the weakest link in pandemics
    The marginalised as the weakest link in pandemics

    Broocks, Anne-Katrin / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2020)
    The Current Column, 11 May 2020

    How is the spread of the coronavirus related to marginalisation? An analysis of Guayaquil, the major Ecuadorian city bearing the brunt of Covid-19.

  9. Researchers must improve the working conditions for local collaborators
    Researchers must improve the working conditions for local collaborators

    Chakraborty, Ananya / Lennart Kaplan (2020)
    The Current Column, 06 May 2020

    There has been a spurt in research to design appropriate policy solutions for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Global South. Ironically, such research projects often build upon existing power hierarchies, which may result in unsafe and dangerous working conditions and undermine the Sustainable Development Goal for decent work (SDG 8).

  10. Asegurar el acceso equitativo a las vacunas y tratamientos de COVID-19
    Asegurar el acceso equitativo a las vacunas y tratamientos de COVID-19

    Stamm, Andreas / Jeffrey Orozco (2020)
    The Current Column, 04 May 2020

    El Gobierno de Costa Rica ha propuesto a la OMS que encabece un esfuerzo mundial para aunar los derechos intelectuales sobre las tecnologías para la detección, prevención, control y tratamiento del Covid-19.