The Current Column

Every Monday, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) comments on the latest issues and trends of international development policy by its Current Column. The column is intended for politically interested readers who want to get a brief overview on the state of German and international development policy.

Current and past issues can be downloaded for free from the IDOS website.

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  1. With which H2 can a global hydrogen economy be constructed?
    With which H2 can a global hydrogen economy be constructed?

    Stamm, Andreas / Rita Strohmaier / Ece Oyan (2023)
    The Current Column, 16 October 2023

    Germany should develop strategies at an early stage to pursue the goal of a green, not blue, hydrogen economy. Future hydrogen partnerships with third countries should prioritise electrolytically produced hydrogen throughout.

  2. Should humanitarian aid for the Palestinians nonetheless be continued?
    Should humanitarian aid for the Palestinians nonetheless be continued?

    Loewe, Markus (2023)
    The Current Column, 12 October 2023

    Stopping support for the Palestinians altogether and permanently would not be right; at least humanitarian aid should continue.

  3. The Ongoing Reform of the World Bank
    The Ongoing Reform of the World Bank

    Walle, Yabibal M. / Clara Brandi (2023)
    The Current Column, 02 October 2023

    Shareholders must make a substantial commitment to increase the lending capacity of the World Bank far beyond the $50 billion over the next ten years that was committed during the Spring Meetings.

  4. Paving the way for the SDG Summit?
    Paving the way for the SDG Summit?

    Wisskirchen, Alma / Axel Berger (2023)
    The Current Column, 04 September 2023

    “It is vital that the summits in New Delhi and New York generate political momentum and also result in concrete initiatives, as the progress made halfway through the 2030 Agenda timeline is disastrously slow.“

  5. Intentional shopping habits help to conserve biodiversity
    Intentional shopping habits help to conserve biodiversity

    Stamm, Andreas (2023)
    The Current Column, 15 May 2023

    Why are migratory bird researchers interested in how coffee is grown?

  6. Germany and the EU woo rising powers
    Germany and the EU woo rising powers

    Lynders, Eva / Wulf Reiners / Johanna Vogel (2023)
    The Current Column, 25 September 2023

    Global cooperation must serve more than a narrow understanding of self-interest. Transnational knowledge networks are indispensable for shaping a fair and functional partnership of mutual benefit.

  7. Embedding spillover effects in the German Sustainable Development Strategy
    Embedding spillover effects in the German Sustainable Development Strategy

    Droste, Leonie / Linda Lütkes / Tabea Waltenberg (2023)
    The Current Column, 22 May 2023

    Germany’s goal has to be to avoid negative spillover effects in order to work together with other countries to implement the 2030 Agenda at global level rather than hindering these countries’ own efforts. Such spillover effects and the establishment of binding structures must therefore be clearly addressed in the German Sustainable Development Strategy.

  8. Are Southern voices and the SDGs the way to success for India’s G20 presidency?
    Are Southern voices and the SDGs the way to success for India’s G20 presidency?

    Dang, Vy / Eva Lynders / Wulf Reiners (2023)
    The Current Column, 21 August 2023

    To secure that success, India sees a solution in re-orienting its G20 narrative towards the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as an existing common point of reference and framework for cooperation.

  9. A decade of China-Pakistan development partnership: achievements and expectations
    A decade of China-Pakistan development partnership: achievements and expectations

    Ali, Murad (2023)
    The Current Column, 19 September 2023

    Since its launch in 2013, no other initiative has gained such global limelight as President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). There is hardly a policy think tank or academic institute across the globe that has not addressed the enterprise.

  10. No Sellout of Democracy
    No Sellout of Democracy

    Leininger, Julia (2023)
    The Current Column, 12 September 2023

    The G20 summit showcased that democracies and autocracies need to cooperate with each other. "Standing up for democracy and cooperating with autocrats - is that possible?" asks Julia Leininger in the Current Column.