The Current Column

Every Monday, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) comments on the latest issues and trends of international development policy by its Current Column. The column is intended for politically interested readers who want to get a brief overview on the state of German and international development policy.

Current and past issues can be downloaded for free from the IDOS website.

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  1. The UN Climate Summit 2014 in New York - The evolution continues
    The UN Climate Summit 2014 in New York - The evolution continues

    Messner, Dirk (2014)
    The Current Column, 25 September 2014

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon invited political leaders from around the world to New York City for the Climate Summit 2014 on 23 September 2014. The goal was to generate political momentum in order to improve the chances of success for a world climate treaty next year in Paris under the aegis of the United Nations Frame-work Convention on Climate Change. Was the summit a success?

  2. Ebola: more than a health challenge!
    Ebola: more than a health challenge!

    Julia Leininger (2014)
    The Current Column, 24 September 2014

    The Ebola crisis in West Africa has assumed catastrophic proportions. The international community of states has reacted too slowly to the Ebola outbreak, which has been known about since March 2013. This also applies to Germany.

  3. The post-2015 agenda – keep your eye on the global economy!
    The post-2015 agenda – keep your eye on the global economy!

    Berensmann, Kathrin / Clara Brandi / Matthias Schöneberger (2014)
    The Current Column, 22 September 2014

    Trade and the international financial architecture need to form forward-looking cornerstones of the post-2015 agenda. Insufficient thought has been paid to this thus far.

  4. The UN post-2015 agenda: How Europe and China can take the lead
    The UN post-2015 agenda: How Europe and China can take the lead

    Fues, Thomas / Jiang Ye (2014)
    The Current Column, 12 September 2014

    Starting this week, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will engage in negotiations over the post-2015 agenda for global development. The European Union and China are likely candidates for a pro-active stance at the United Nations.

  5. Over 60 years of German development policy: no sign of retiring yet
    Over 60 years of German development policy: no sign of retiring yet

    Guido Ashoff (2014)
    The Current Column, 03 September 2014

    German development policy has already marked its 60th birthday two years ago. As is the case in life, it took around 20 years to become fully grown.

  6. Small islands, grand challenges?
    Small islands, grand challenges?

    Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2014)
    The Current Column, 01 September 2014

    Climate change and disaster risk management will be high on the agenda as small island states are particularly at risk from the impacts of climate change, especially rising sea levels. How to deal responsibly with the prospect that these countries will become virtually uninhabitable remains one of the great unresolved questions of international climate policy and international law.

  7. A global economy that works for the good of all: responsible trade and financial policy coordination
    A global economy that works for the good of all: responsible trade and financial policy coordination

    Furness, Mark / Jodie Keane (2014)
    The Current Column, 22 August 2014

    After a long period of economic prosperity in advanced and developing countries, the 2008 financial market meltdown and subsequent global and Euro crises came as a shock.

  8. Ensure a climate agreement and support a transition towards a green economy
    Ensure a climate agreement and support a transition towards a green economy

    Imme Scholz, Niels Keijzer, Neil Bird, Alejandro Guarín (2014)
    The Current Column, 04 August 2014

    In 2015, the EU needs to achieve both a substantive climate agreement and an ambitious global development agenda with transformative potential. This is necessary not only for increasing global prosperity in a sustainable way, but also for securing its own future.

  9. Addressing Peace, Security and State Fragility – How can the EU do Better?

    ETTG Group (2014)
    The Current Column, 29 July 2014

    In 2014 countries such as Ukraine, Mali, Central African Republic, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Kosovo and Serbia have all been part of the top table of European Union (EU) decision-making, because of conflict, fragility or threat of conflict. The EU’s strategic environment is rapidly changing.

  10. Will the BRICS bank change the global financial architecture?
    Will the BRICS bank change the global financial architecture?

    Reisen, Helmut (2014)
    The Current Column, 28 July 2014

    The new BRICS bank has been launched at the sixth summit of the BRICS countries. Can this new institution influence the balance of power among the multilateral development banks, breaking the dominance of the industrialised western countries.