Revenga, Anna

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Anna Revenga

Transformation of Economic and Social Systems

Former Associate Fellow



since 11/2016 World Bank Group
Deputy Chief Economist
6/2014 - 11/2016 World Bank Group
Senior Director for the Poverty & Equity Global Practice
2003 University of Geneva, Switzerland
Certificate on Human Rights, Faculty of law
10/2011 - 6/2014 World Bank Group
Director of Human Development in the Europe and Central Asia Region
(Acting) Vice President for the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (starting 11/2013)
5/1994 - 9/2011 World Bank Group
Assorted technical (Lead Economist) and Managerial (Sector Manger)
1993 - 1994 Centro de Estudios Monetarios and Financieros
Professor of International Economics
1992 - 1994 Central Bank of Spain
Economist, Oficina de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros
1986 - 1990 National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Ma.
Researcher, Labor Studies Program
1990 Harvard University
PhD in Economics, Thesis title: Labor Market Adjustment in an Open Economy
1987 Harvard University
M.A. Economics
1985 Wellesley Colege
B.A. Economics and Mathematics, magna cum laude

