Social Cohesion In Situations Of Fragility, Conflict And Violence: Evidence And Emerging Approaches
Event Type
Online seminar
Location / Date
Online, 07.12.2021
World Bank, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
The Social Sustainability and Inclusion Global Practice will present its ongoing work to develop a framework connecting social cohesion to community resilience in contexts of fragility, conflict and violence (FCV).
In this second seminar, World Bank will present and welcome feedback on preliminary insights from a framing paper which draws out some of the key operational implications of recent research into the determinants and measurement of social cohesion in FCV contexts.
- provide strategies for social cohesion diagnostics and tracking differences across contexts or time,
- explore mechanisms through which social cohesion patterns may exacerbate or mitigate FCV risks, and
- Provide an overview of the current evidence base on what works to strengthen social cohesion.
- Nik Myint, Global Lead, Social Cohesion & Resilience, The World Bank
- Audrey Sacks, Senior Social Development Specialist, The World Bank
- Marine Gassier, Consultant, Social Cohesion & Resilience, The World Bank
- Francesco Burchi, Senior Researcher, Research Programme: Transformation of Economic and Social Systems, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
- Armin von Schiller, Researcher, Research Programme: Transformation of Political (Dis-)order, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Overall, the second session of the seminar series aims to connect the above insights to operational realities by featuring lessons learned from deploying a novel survey instrument to measure social cohesion across four development projects in Central Asia.
To keep you informed on the individual sessions we kindly ask you to respond to this email indicating your interest in this series. We also take this opportunity to point your attention to the SoCoHub as a complementary initiative to bring the people working on social cohesion in development cooperation closer together. In the SoCo Hub website you will also find information on the next events of the series.
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Event information
Date / Time07.12.2021 / 16:00 - 17:15
Video: Social Cohesion in Situations of Fragility, Conflict and Violence

Social Cohesion In Situations Of Fragility, Conflict And Violence: Evidence And Emerging Approaches
First Seminar
Please note
During the session photos and/or videos may be taken/ recorded, which may be published in various media for the purposes of documentation and PR activities by the World Bank and by DIE. You have the right to write back to us and tell us if you do not want to be photographed, recorded or filmed.