Sustainability in Global Value Chains

Event Type

Location / Date
Online, 06.12.2021 until 07.12.2021


Research Network on Sustainable Supply Chains will host a research conference in collaboration with UNIDO

The COVID-19 pandemic has strongly impacted global production networks, commonly known as global value chains (GVCs). It impressed a sense of urgency on governments and internationally operating enterprises to re-evaluate their approaches towards ensuring resilience and sustainability in their supply chains. This seismic event offers an opportunity to rethink established practices, embrace resilience and sustainability as a core value creator, and link long-term recovery strategies to the guiding principles and objectives of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In view of the above, the Research Network on Sustainable Supply Chains will host a research conference in collaboration with UNIDO, aiming to bring together state of the art empirical research to further shed light on the subject of sustainability in global value chains.

The research conference is an official part of UNIDO’s annual Forum on Globalization and Industrialization (FGI 2021), organized as a back-to-back event on 6 and 7 December 2021.


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Event information


06.12.2021 until 07.12.2021




Gideon Ndubuisi


Telefon +49 (0)228 94927-335

Call for papers

Interested applicants wishing to present original research should send an extended abstract (600-1000 words) in PDF format stating “Conference abstract” in the subject line to: by 31 May 2021. Before submission please read the detailed call for papers.