Water and state governance: India, Kenya, Germany

Event Type

Location / Date
ZEF and Online, 19.07.2024


Bonn Water Network



10:00 am Welcome and opening


10:05 - 10:45 am (20 minutes presentation, 20 minutes discussion)

Adapting to water reforms: A case study of water regime transitions in Ludhiana, India
Speaker:  Dr Pranjal Deekshit, TISS Mumbai (Assistant Professor & Chairperson Center for Water Policy and Governance)

This paper studies the challenges in socio-technical transition of the urban water supply  regime of Ludhiana (India), using the 'multi-level actor network' frame by focusing on assemblages of practices that shape relationship between actors and (non-human) components of water systems.

Draft conference paper to be presented at the 4S-EASST conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on July 16, 2024


10:45 - 11:00 am Coffee break


11:00 - 11:40 am (20 minutes presentation, 20 minutes discussion)

The poverty of Sustainability: Behavioral choices of drinking water in Kenya and Germany
Speaker: Dr V. Subramanian Saravanan, IDOS Bonn (Senior Researcher)

The poverty of sustainability stems from the gap between macro instrumental measures and the inner human dimensions that determine the micro practices. This paper explores the poverty (of sustainability) amidst scarcity in the city of Nakuru in Kenya and amidst plenty in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. The challenge of overcoming the poverty of sustainability remains a topic of debate that can be ameliorated by complementing scientific approaches with non-scientific knowledge and practices.

Link to paper


11:40 am - 12:20 pm  (20 minutes presentation, 20 minutes discussion)

Performance, consumption and production: State governance and the uses and meanings of water in the Sardar Sarovar Project, Gujarat, India
Speaker: Prof. Peter P. Mollinga, ZEF Bonn (ZEF Senior Fellow) and SOAS London

The paper analyses the uses and meanings of  the water released from the Narmada dam/Sardar Sarovar Project since the early 2000s. The relatively limited amount of scholarship on the functioning and imagining of the Sardar Sarovar Project project since it became operational is reviewed. Theoretically, the paper explores how water infrastructure functions as ‘logistical power’ in state governance.

Forthcoming ZEF Working Paper


12:20-12:45 pm General discussion and closure


Further information and the Zoom Link you can find here.



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Event information

Date / Time

19.07.2024 / 10:00 - 12:45


ZEF Conference Room, ground floor
Genscherallee 3, 53113 Bonn and online

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