Zelli, Fariborz
Prof. Dr. Fariborz Zelli
Research programme
Environmental Governance
Political Scientist
Refereed Publications
- Zelli, Fariborz / Aarti Gupta / Harro van Asselt (2012)
Horizontal institutional interlinkages
in: Frank Biermann / Philipp Pattberg (eds.), Global environmental governance reconsidered: new actors, mechanisms and interlinkages, Cambridge, MA: MIT Pr., 175-198 - Reiber, Tatjana / Fariborz Zelli (2011)
Klimawandel in der Perspektive verschiedener Sicherheitsdiskurse: drei Interpretationen und ihre Folgen für die Politik
in: Suzanne S. Schüttemeyer (Hrsg.), Politik im Klimawandel: keine Macht für gerechte Lösungen?, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 215-237 - Zelli, Fariborz (2011)
The fragmentation of the global climate governance architecture
in: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 2 (2), 255-270 - Zelli, Fariborz et al. (2010)
Options for long-term effective climate governance: conclusions and policy recommendations
in: Frank Biermann / Philipp Pattberg / Fariborz Zelli (eds.), Global climate governance post 2012: architecture, agency and adaptation, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 306-323 - Zelli, Fariborz (2010)
Regime conflict and their management in global environmental governance (forthcoming)
in: Sebastian Oberthür / Olav S. Stokke (eds.), Institutional interplay and global environmental change: state of the art and perspectives, Cambridge, MA: MIT Pr. - Biermann, Frank / Philipp Pattberg / Fariborz Zelli (eds.) (2010)
Global climate governance post 2012: architecture, agency and adaptation
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Pr. - Biermann, Frank / Philipp Pattberg / Fariborz Zelli (2010)
Global climate governance beyond 2012: an introduction
in: Frank Biermann / Philipp Pattberg / Fariborz Zelli (eds.), Global climate governance post 2012: architectures, agency and adaptation, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1-12 - Biermann, Frank / Philipp Pattberg / Fariborz Zelli (2010)
Global climate governance beyond 2012: architecture, agency and adaptation
in: Mike Hulme / Henry Neufeldt (eds.), Making climate change work for us: European perspectives on adaptation and mitigation strategies, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 263-290 - Zelli, Fariborz et al. (2010)
The architecture of global climate governance: setting the stage
in: Frank Biermann / Philipp Pattberg / Fariborz Zelli (eds.), Global climate governance post 2012: architectures, agency and adaptation, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 15-24 - Zelli, Fariborz et al. (2010)
The consequences of a fragmented climate governance architecture: a policy appraisal
in: Frank Biermann et al. (eds.), Global climate governance post 2012: architectures, agency and adaptation, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 25-34 - Zelli, Fariborz (2010)
The overlap between the UN climate regime and the World Trade Organization: lessons for climate governance beyond 2012
in: Frank Biermann et al. (eds.), Global climate governance post 2012: architectures, agency and adaptation, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 79-96 - Zelli, Fariborz et al. (2008)
The fragmentation of the global climate governance architecture
in: Fariborz Zelli (ed.), Integrated analysis of different possible portfolios of policy options for a post-2012 architecture, 14-30 (ADAM Project Report D-P3a.2b) - Stephan, Hannes / Fariborz Zelli (2007)
International organisations and the global environment
in: Chukwumerije Okereke (ed.), The politics of the environment: a survey, London: Routledge, 52-70 - Zelli, Fariborz (2007)
The World Trade Organization: free trade and its environmental impacts
in: Khi V. Thai / Dianne Rahm / Jerrell D. Coggburn (eds.), Handbook of globalization and the environment, London: Taylor & Francis, 177-216. - Rittberger, Volker / Fariborz Zelli (2004)
Die Internationalisierung der Lehre an deutschen Universitäten: Anforderungen an die politikwissenschaftliche Teildisziplin der Internationalen Beziehungen
in: Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen 11 (2), 309-332 - Rittberger, Volker / Fariborz Zelli (2004)
Europa in der Weltpolitik: Juniorpartner der USA oder antihegemoniale Alternative
in: Die Friedens-Warte: Journal of International Peace and Organization 78 (2/3), 195-233 - Mayer, Peter / Volker Rittberger / Fariborz Zelli (2003)
Risse im Westen: Betrachtungen zum transatlantischen Verhältnis heute
in: Leviathan 31 (1), 32-52
Non-refereed Publications
- Zelli, Fariborz / Daniela Erler / Sina Frank / Jonas Hein / Hannes Hotz / Anna-Maria Santa Cruz Melgarejo (2014)
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Peru: a challenge to social inclusion and multi-level governance
(Studies 85) - Zelli, Fariborz (2011)
Die institutionellen Strukturen der globalen Klimapolitik: Patchwork als Lösung?
in: Ökologisches Wirtschaften 17 (2), 18-19 - Zelli, Fariborz u.a. (2011)
Mit Engagement zur Nachhaltigkeit: die Zivilgesellschaft als Treiber einer neuen Nachhaltigkeitsagenda
Berlin: Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (Policy Brief 09/10) - Zelli, Fariborz (2011)
Regime conflicts and their management in global environmental governance
in: Sebastian Oberthür / Olav S. Stokke (eds.), Institutional interplay and global environmental change: state of the art and perspectives, Cambridge, MA: MIT Pr., 199-226 - Erler, Daniela / Sina Frank / Jonas Hein / Hannes Hotz / Anna-Maria Santacruz Melgarejo / Fariborz Zelli (2011)
Inclusión social en el proceso REDD en el Perú: una perspectiva de gobernanza en múltiples niveles
Lima: Deutsches Institut fur Entwicklungspolitik / German Development (DIE) ; Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) ; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - Zelli, Fariborz (2010)
Conflicts among international regimes on environmental issues: a theory-driven analysis
Tübingen, Univ., Diss. - Asselt, Harro van / Fariborz Zelli (2010)
Interplay between climate and trade policies
in: Seminar 606, 40-44 - Stephan, Hannes / Fariborz Zelli (2010)
The role of international organisations in global environmental governance
in: The Routledge environment encyclopedia and directory 2010, 5th ed., London: Routledge, 3-13 - Simmons, Benjamin / Harro van Asselt / Fariborz Zelli (eds.) (2009)
Climate and trade policies in a post-2012 world
Geneva: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) und ADAM Project - Weischer, Lutz et al. (2009)
Introduction: climate and trade policies in a post-2012 world
in: Benjamin Simmons / Harro van Asselt / Fariborz Zelli (eds.), Climate and trade policies in a Post-2012 World, Geneva: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) und ADAM Project, 1-10 - Zelli, Fariborz (2009)
Searching for docking points: prospects for issue-linking between the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Climate Regime
in: Benjamin Simmons / Harro van Asselt / Fariborz Zelli (eds.), Climate and trade policies in a Post-2012 World, Geneva: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) und ADAM Project, 51-56 - Zelli, Fariborz (2004)
Kein Grund zur Beruhigung
in: Zeitschrift Entwicklungspolitik 25 (4), 59-60 - Zelli, Fariborz (2003)
Vom Risiko einer Risikodefinition
in: Sowi 32 (2), 36-38
Opinion Pieces
- Bauer, Steffen / Fariborz Zelli (2016)
Out of Africa: The 2016 Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance leads by example
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 12 December 2016) - Zelli, Fariborz / Britta Horstmann (2010)
Mehr demokratisches Klima wagen: die ärmsten Länder sind die moralischen Gewinner eines enttäuschenden Kopenhagener Klima-Gipfels
GTZ Newsletter Adapt to Climate Change 1 - Zelli, Fariborz / Harro van Asselt (2008)
Addressing the fragmentation of global adaptation governance: the benefits of regional agreements and package deals
in: Fariborz Zelli (ed.), Integrated analysis of different possible portfolios of policy options for apost-2012 architecture, 154-173 (ADAM Project Report D-P3a.2b) - Zelli, Fariborz (ed.) (2008)
Integrated analysis of different possible portfolios of policy options for a post-2012 architecture
ADAM Project Report D-P3a.2b - Zelli, Fariborz (2008)
Regime conflicts in global environmental governance: a framework for analysis
Amsterdam: The Global Governance Project (Global Governance Working Paper 36) - Zelli, Fariborz / Frank Biermann (2007)
A first iteration of completed policy appraisal exercises of post-2012 policy options
ADAM Project Report D-P3a.4a - Zelli, Fariborz / Philipp Pattberg (eds.) (2007)
A preliminary set of innovative options for post-2012 climate politics
ADAM Project Report D-P3a.3a - Zelli, Fariborz et al. (2007)
Fragmentation of global governance architecture: the case of climate policy
Amsterdam: The Global Governance Project (Global Governance Working Paper 34) - Zelli, Fariborz (2007)
Post-2012 options beyond climate change: using inter-linkages with trade issues to break deadlocks
in: A preliminary set of innovative options for post-2012 climate politics, 78-107 (ADAM Project Report D-P3a.3a) - Zelli, Fariborz / Philipp Pattberg (2007)
Preliminary integrated analysis of different possible portfolios of policy options for a post-2012 architecture
ADAM Project Report D-P3a.2a - Zelli, Fariborz et al. (2007)
The ADAM Policy Appraisal Framework (PAF)
ADAM Project Report D-P1.2. (Print version of web resource) - Zelli, Fariborz (2007)
The provision of conflicting public goods: incompatibilities among trade regimes and environmental regimes
Tübingen: Center for International Relations (Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung 49) - Zelli, Fariborz et al. (2006)
A first prototype of the ADAM Policy Appraisal Framework
ADAM Project Report No. D-P1.1. - Rittberger, Volker / Fariborz Zelli (2004)
Die Internationalisierung der Universität im Lichte ihrer Lehre
Tübingen: Center for International Relations (Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung 42) - Rittberger, Volker / Fariborz Zelli (2004)
Europa in der Weltpolitik: Juniorpartner der USA oder antihegemoniale Alternative?
Tübingen: Center for International Relations (Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung 41) - Mayer, Peter / Volker Rittberger / Fariborz Zelli (2003)
Cracks in the west? Reflections on the transatlantic relationship today
Tübingen: Center for International Relations (Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung 40a) - Mayer, Peter / Volker Rittberger / Fariborz Zelli (2003)
Risse im Westen: Betrachtungen zum transatlantischen Verhältnis heute
Tübingen: Center for International Relations (Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung 40)
E-mail Fariborz.Zelli@svet.lu.se
Phone +46 (0)46 222 47 64
Fax +46 (0)46 222 40 06
Department of Political Science / Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Lund University / Lunds universitet
Box 52
SE-221 00 Lund