Lehmann, Ina

Dr. Ina Lehmann

Research programme
Environmental Governance

Associate Researcher

Political Science

Work areas

  • Climate and biodiversity policy
  • Sustainable development


since 3/2020German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Researcher , Research Programme "Environmental Governance and Transformation to Sustainability"
2/2019-2/2020artec Sustainability Research Center, University of Bremen
Freelance contract
2/2017-6/2018artec Sustainability Research Center, University of Bremen
Research associate
4/2016-11/2016School of International Development, University of East Anglia
Research associate
1-2015-2/2015School of International Development, University of East Anglia
PhD visiting student
8/2014-9/2015School of Economics and Political Science, University of St. Gallen
Research associate
1/2012-3/2012Centre for the Study of Social Justice, University of Oxford
PhD visiting student
10/2010-8/2014Institute for Intercultural and International Studies, University of Bremen
Research associate
10/2007-9/2010Institute for Political Science and Communication Studies, University of Greifswald
Research associate  
10/2006-8/2007University of Hamburg
Master of Peace and Security Studies
9/2004-1/2005University of Salford
Exchange student (Erasmus)
10/2002-6/2006University of  Magdeburg
Bachelor in European Studies

Refereed Publications

Non-refereed Publications

Opinion Pieces



    E-mail  i.m.lehmann@vu.nl