Müngersdorff, Maximilian

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Dr. Maximilian Müngersdorff

Research programme
Transformation of Economic and Social Systems

Former Researcher

Social Science

Work areas

  • Sustainable public procurement
  • Value chain sustainability


since 1/2018German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Researcher, Research Programme "Transformation of Economic and Social Systems"
6/2016-12/2017German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Department "Sustainable Economic and Social Development"
1/2011–2/2016Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities
Dr. rer. pol., Dissertation „The Influence of Democratic Quality on European Climate Policy – A Process Analysis of the Renewable Energy Directive“
2/2010–12/2010Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities
Researcher and project coordinator of the „Global Young Faculty“
9/2007–8/2009University of Stockholm
Master of Social Science, MA-Programme „Globalisation, Environment and Social Change“
10/2003 – 12/2006TU Chemnitz
Bachelor of Arts European Studies

Refereed Publications

  • Hanusch, Frederic / Maximilian Müngersdorff (2012)
    Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation
    in: Claus Leggewie / Darius Zifonun / Anne Lang / Marcel Siepmann / Johanna Hoppen (Hrsg.), Schlüsselwerke der Kulturwissenschaften, Bielefeld: transcript, 274-276

Non-refereed Publications

Opinion Pieces
