Others Publications

Conflict and cooperation in the Eastern Nile: the role of business

Tawfik, Rawia
External Publications (2020)

Brooklyn, NY: African Peacebuilding Network (APN) (Working Paper 26)

Volltext/Full text

The paper focuses on Egyptian investments in Ethiopia and Sudan addressing the extent to which tensions over the utilization of the Nile waters factor into risk assessment of these investments, the roles played by Egyptian public and private corporations in promoting economic cooperation and reducing the potential of conflict, or increasing tensions between the three countries, and the ways in which the business community can better contribute to reducing tensions over the utilization of water resources and promoting wider economic cooperation between Eastern Nile countries. The paper is based on primary data obtained from investment commissions in Ethiopia and Sudan, and interviews with representatives of corporations and business councils, among other sources. 

Further experts

Dombrowsky, Ines


Hornidge, Anna-Katharina

Development and Knowledge Sociology 

Schüpf, Dennis



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