NDC-SDG Connections

NDC-SDG Connections

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement (NDCs) have some important things in common. Both are universal – in the sense that they demand action in all countries of the world, and that they seek to benefit everyone, including the most vulnerable and marginalised. They are both designed to be implemented from the bottom up, as countries set their own priorities and ambitions based on their needs and capacities. At the same time, partnership – between sectors and between countries – is central to implementation of both.

NDC-SDG Connections is a joint initiative of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

With NDC-SDG Connections we aim at illuminating synergies between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, and at identifying entry points for coherent policies that promote just, sustainable and climate-smart development.


Adams, Kevin
Banerjee, Apparita
Beck, Tanja
Brandi, Clara
Dzebo, Adis
Iacobuta, Gabriela
Savvidou, Georgia


NDC-SDG Connections: Data on updated NDC submissions (V2)
Dzebo, Adis / Aparajita Banerjee / Gabriela Iacobuţă / Raphaelle Beaussart (2024)

Research Data

Global stocktake and the SDG mid-term review as opportunities for integration
Hermwille, Lukas / Adis Dzebo / Gabriela Iacobuţă / Wolfgang Obergassel (2023)

in: Nature Climate Change 13, 1002-1004

Aligning climate and sustainable development finance through an SDG lens: the role of development assistance in implementing the Paris Agreement
Iacobuta, Gabriela / Clara Brandi / Adis Dzebo / Sofia Durón (2022)

in: Global Environmental Change 74, article 102509

The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: voluntary contributions towards thematic policy coherence
Janetschek, Hanna / Clara Brandi / Adis Dzebo / Bernd Hackmann (2019)
in: Climate Policy, 5 December 2019 (Online)

Connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda: the case for policy coherence
Dzebo, Adis / Hannah Janetschek / Clara Brandi / Gabriela Iacobuta (2019)
Stockholm.: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI Working Papers)

The Sustainable Development Goals viewed through a climate lens
Dzebo, Adis / Hannah Janetschek / Clara Brandi / Gabriela Iacobuta (2018)
Stockholm: Environment Institute Stockholm (SEI Policy Brief December 2018)

Strengthening integrated approach for promoting the SDGs: what role for the high-level political forum?
Janetschek, Hannah / Imme Scholz / Niels Keijzer (2018)
in: OECD (ed.), Policy coherence for sustainable development 2018: towards sustainable and resilient societies, Paris: OECD Publ., 213-215

Thematic connections of the Paris climate agreement and the 2030 Agenda
Janetschek, Hannah / Clara Brandi / Niels Keijzer / Imme Scholz (2018)
in: OECD (ed.), Policy coherence for sustainable development 2018: towards sustainable and resilient societies, Paris: OECD Publ., 217-220

The case for connecting the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Brandi, Clara / Adis Dzebo / Hannah Janetschek (2017)
Briefing Paper 21/2017

Exploring connections between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Dzebo, Adis / Clara Brandi / Hannah Janetschek / Georgia Savvido / Kevin Adams / Stefanie Chan / Claire Lambert (2017)
Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute (Policy Paper)

Together we are strong: The Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Brandi, Clara / Hannah Janetschek / Adis Dzebo (2017)
The Current Column of 6 November 2017


ClimEQ: Implementing sustainable development goals in an incoherent world: Aligning climate action and reduced inequalities

Implementing the Agenda 2030: Integrating Growth, Environment, Equality and Governance

Klimalog: Dialogue for a climate-smart and just transformation

Klimalog: Research for a climate-smart and just transformation


Aparajita Banerjee
E-Mail aparajita.banerjee@idos-research.de


Tanja Beck
Telefon +49 (0)228 94927-227
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130

Link to the tool


Video: NDC-SDG Connections 2.0

Updated climate contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals


In the media

Online Tool and Database Analyze NDC-SDG Links
SDG Knowledge Hub, 9 November 2018