Articles and other Publications

Researchers of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publish their research findings regularly in relevant German and international journals. Besides, the IDOS experts release their findings with other well-known external publishers such as Springer and Routlegde.

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Found 6206 results in 5 milliseconds. Displaying results 1 to 10 of 6206.

  1. Imagining global development policy after 2030: what is the EU’s role and how will it sit with competing geo-political paradigms?
    Imagining global development policy after 2030: what is the EU’s role and how will it sit with competing geo-political paradigms?

    Sumner, Andy / Stephan Klingebiel (2024)

  2. Give qualitative research the recognition it deserves
    Give qualitative research the recognition it deserves

    Bercht, Anna Lena / Verena Sandner Le Gall / Jürgen Straubb / [...]/ Jonas Hein et al. (2024)

  3. Biodiversität:Jetzt dringend handeln für Natur und Mensch
    Biodiversität:Jetzt dringend handeln für Natur und Mensch

    Bassen, Alexander / Jörg E. Drewes / Markus Fischer / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Karen Pittel / Hans-Otto Pörtner / Sabine Schlacke / Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann / Anke Weidenkaff (2024)

  4. Mutual legitimation attempts: the United Nations and China's Belt and Road Initiative
    Mutual legitimation attempts: the United Nations and China's Belt and Road Initiative

    Haug, Sebastian (2024)

  5. Gender and migration: trends, gaps and urgent action
    Gender and migration: trends, gaps and urgent action

    Bauloz, Celine / Margaret Walton-Roberts / Rose Jaji / Taehoon Lee (2024)

  6. Defaulting on development and climate: debt sustainability and the race for the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement
    Defaulting on development and climate: debt sustainability and the race for the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement

    Zucker-Marques, Marina / Ulrich Volz / Kevin P. Gallagher (2024)

  7. Aid for trade and export performance of recipient countries: the moderating role of institutions
    Aid for trade and export performance of recipient countries: the moderating role of institutions

    Aboushady, Nora / Georges Harb / Chahir Zaki (2024)

  8. German development policy – between global needs and national debates
    German development policy – between global needs and national debates

    Grimm, Sven (2024)

  9. Why Zimbabweans choose to migrate or stay
    Why Zimbabweans choose to migrate or stay

    Jaji, Rose (2024)

    The sharp focus on emigration obscures the fact that the majority of Zimbabweans remain in the country not necessarily due to lack of means and opportunity to migrate. They make a conscious decision to stay because, in their view, the benefits of non-migration outweigh those of migration. These benefits include a sense of belonging through family and patriotism, the trappings of citizenship, and, perhaps more surprisingly, security, peace, and economic opportunities.

  10. Supporting the Paris Agreement through international cooperation: potential contributions, institutional robustness, and progress of Glasgow climate initiatives
    Supporting the Paris Agreement through international cooperation: potential contributions, institutional robustness, and progress of Glasgow climate initiatives

    Kuramochi, Takeshi / Andrew Deneault / Sander Chan / Sybrig Smit / Natalie Pelekh (2024)