Klimalog: Dialogue for a climate-smart and just transformation

Ambitious international climate policy and its consistent application are decisive for the sustainable development of all countries. With international efforts underway to achieve a new, binding UN climate treaty, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)'s Klimalog brings together pertinent actors from politics, science and academia, civil society and business and from various regions to debate key issues for future climate policy in international co-operation.

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Time frame:
2015 - 2016 / completed

Project description

DIE's Klimalog promotes science-based and action-oriented exchange between decision makers and opinion leaders in politics, science and academia, civil society and business from various regions regarding the key issues of global climate policy. To this end, the Klimalog is open to various dialogue channels and event formats that reach out to a broad development and environmental policy-oriented audience. It thus aims to raise awareness for the interlinkages between climate and development policy. It also aims to developed specific approaches with regard to the implementation of the prospective UN climate agreement that is to be adopted in Paris in December 2015. The Klimalog-process builds on scientific recommendations, derived in part from DIE's ongoing research on a climate-smart and just transformation.

Key focal points at the interface of international climate and development policy are:

  • the reinterpretation of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) with a view to minimising greenhouse gas emissions and to adapting to climate change
  • dealing adequately with loss and damage that has already occurred or that will be unavoidable as a result of climate change
  • lessons learned from political and economic experience gained thus far regarding the expansion of renewable energies (decarbonisation)
  • the mobilisation of local and non-state actors for climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate change.


Climate Action and Human Wellbeing at a Crossroads


Interconnections Zone During Cop23



Theme Website Klimalog: www.klimalog.info

Download: Klimalog-Flyer