Discussion Paper

Consolidation or cooperation: the future of EU development cooperation

Gavas, Mikaela / Deborah Johnson / Simon Maxwell
Discussion Paper (6/2010)

Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

ISBN: 978-3-88985-512-1
Preis: 6 €

Two future paths are available for European development cooperation: either “cooperation”, in which the European Commission takes on the role of network coordinator and Member States take the lead in delivering aid; or “consolidation”, in which the EC plays a progressively larger role in shaping policy and delivering aid. The development agenda is evolving in a consolidationist direction, with a greater focus on collective solutions to global problems. However, the EU will find it difficult to move in this direction: the core conditions favouring greater consolidation, including the interests of Member States, do not appear to be met. A survey of development policy-makers confirms this view. There is enthusiasm for greater cooperation, but not for greater consolidation. The ‘quick wins’ seem to be in the area
of standard-setting and measures to improve aid effectiveness, rather than rebalancing between bilateral programmes and the EC.

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