Aktuelle Publikationen
Policy mixes for sustainable development pathways: representation in integrated assessment models
Ines Dombrowsky / Gabriela Ileana Iacobuţă / Vassilis Daioglou / Dorothee Keppler / Bjoern Soergel / Isabelle Weindl / Elmar Kriegler (2024)
Cumbersome but essential: the United Nations Financing for Development process ahead of its 4th Conference
Hilbrich, Sören (2025)
Trump 2.0 and the United Nations: implications for multilateral funding and leadership
Baumann, Max-Otto / Sebastian Haug / Marianne Beisheim (2025)
German parties’ vision for development policy: 2025 federal elections
Klingebiel, Stephan / Anita Käppeli (2025)