Mission Statement

IDOS supports a global public welfare policy geared towards the concept of sustainable development through interdisciplinary research, impact-oriented policy advice and internationally oriented training. We contribute to improving human welfare in such a way as to reduce poverty and inequality, curb global system risks, mitigate environmental threats, guarantee political participation and ensure that future generations will be able to meet their needs. We are seeking to adopt an understanding of international policy-making and cooperation that is broader than the predominant binary understandings of the past (North-South, rich-poor) and to develop concepts for the future strategic orientation of this cooperation and these policy-making activities. Understanding the actors, forms, instruments and success factors of global cooperation is fundamental for achieving sustainable development. Collaborating with partners from developing countries, rising powers and Europe, we are working on creating and disseminating knowledge. In doing so, we are committed to the interface between theory and practice and follow internationally established criteria for scientific excellence. Our training programmes are aimed at German and European university graduates as well as at young leaders from Europe and the major rising powers. As a part of our structured doctoral programme we work and train the next generation of researchers and engage in university teaching. IDOS provides a working environment that values diversity, promotes gender equality, seeks to abolish all forms of workplace discrimination and helps to achieve a better reconciliation of work and family life.

Organisational Structure

About us - IDOS


opening hours:

from Monday to Thursday

from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.

on Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

further Information