Making the most out of it: Impact assessments of governance programmes
Event Type
Location / Date
Berlin, 18.09.2019
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
The question of whether international programmes to support governance in developing countries work is of great importance. The purpose of the workshop was to respond to this question by discussing approaches of (rigorous) impact assessments in the area of governance programmes based on examples from different countries and organisations. We further wanted to open up room for an exchange between organisations in the fields of governance support and impact assessment on their experiences on current topics and measurement approaches that they had implemented when supporting governance.
The workshop focused on three topics related to the impact assessment of governance programmes: First, it addressed results of impact measurements and asked what they tell us about the effectiveness of governance programmes. Second, it discussed approaches and methods to measure the impact of governance programmes rigorously; and how qualitative and quantitative methods could be effectively combined (mixed methods). Third, organisational and institutional structures, incentives and instruments fostering or impeding the application and use of impact results for future governance strategies and programmes were addressed.
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Event information
Date / Time18.09.2019 / 09:00 - 18:00
LocationGIZ Berlin
--by invitation only--