Hein, Jonas

Dr. Jonas Hein
Environmental Governance
Senior Researcher
Human Geography
Work areas
- Environmental and Resource Conflicts
- Environmental governance
- biodiversity governance
- climate politics
- political ecology of conservation
- coastal transformation
Regional expertise
- East Asia
Responsibilities in education and training
- Supervision of bachelor and master theses and doctoral dissertations at the Universities of Kiel and Göttingen.
- 2017-2022: Teaching courses at the University of Kiel, especially in the course Sustainability, Society and the Environment.
- 2019-2021: Co-Leader of the working group Social and Political Dimensions of Environmental Justice, funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
since 3/2022 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Senior Researcher, Research Department "Environmental Governance" |
9/2017-2/2022 | University of Kiel, Institute of Geography Post-doctoral researcher, Working group "Social Dynamics in Coastal and Marine Areas" |
8/2019-9/2019 | IPB University (former Agricultural University of Bogor), Bogor, Indonesia Guest Lecturer at the Center for Agrarian Studies (PSA) and at the Department of Communication Science and Community Development |
3/2012-9/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher |
2016 | Georg-August University Göttingen Dr. rer. nat. (Geography), Thesis on: “Rescaling conflictive access and property relations in the context of REDD+ in Jambi, Indonesia” |
7/2011-2/2012 | Research Center for Sustainability Studies (artec) University of Bremen and Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (Joint appointment) Research Fellow |
09/2010-05/2011 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Participant of 46th Postgraduate Training Programme for Development Cooperation Country working group: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) in Peru – A Challenge to Social Inclusion and Multi-level Governance |
5/2010-7/2010 | AGEG International Consulting Services Department: Natural Resource Management and Health Intern |
1/2010-4/2010 | GIGA Institute for Asian Studies Intern |
10/2008-6/2009 | Georg-August-University, Göttingen Collaborative Research Center „ Stability of Rainforest Margins in Indonesia“, sub project A5: “Welfare economic assessments of forest encroachment and ENSO effects in the face of personal capital and social capital dynamics”. Student Research Assistent |
10/2004-12/2009 | Georg-August-University, Göttingen and Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble Studies of Geography, Cultural Anthropology and Political Science |
Member of
- DenkRaum Urban Design (2021-2023)
- Associated Scientists at Collaborative Research Center 990, C02 - Social transformation processes and sustainable resource use in rural Jambi
- Associated Member of “Social Dynamics in Coastal and Marine Areas” working group, Department of Geography, CAU Kiel
- Member of the Strategy Group Social Sciences of the German Marine Research Conssortium
- POLLEN (node)
- Founding member of Enjust – Network for environmental justice
- Association of Pacific Studies
- Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW)
- Working Group on rural areas DGfG [AK "Ländliche Räume"]
- Working Group on Southeast Asia DGfG [AK "Südostasien"]
- Association for Geography at German-speaking universities and research institutions (VGDH)
- DenkRaum Fellowship at the CAU Kiel (2021-2022)
Refereed Publications
- Lehmann, Ina / Julia Grosinger / Steffen Bauer / Jean Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco / Katarzyna Negacz / Jonas Hein (2025)
Time in and for nature-based solutions: no quick fix solutions for complex ecological and social processes
in: Nature-Based Solutions, first published 26.01.2025 - Hein, Jonas / Silja Klepp / Anna Lena Bercht (2024)
Bringing a justice lens to ocean access
in: Maritime Studies (23), article 45 - Bercht, Anna Lena / Verena Sandner Le Gall / Jürgen Straub / [...]/ Jonas Hein et al. (2024)
Give qualitative research the recognition it deserves
in: Journal of Environmental Psychology 96, article 102320 - Flemmer, Riccarda / Verena Gresz / Jonas Hein (2024)
What is at stake: the ontological dimension of environmental conflicts
in: Society and Natural Resources, 37 (5), 608-622 - Kunz, Yvonne / Jonas Hein / Mokh Sobirin (2023)
Beyond protection, toward respect: struggle for environmental justice in the Kendeng Mountains
in: Society and Natural Resources 37 (5), 826-844 - Hein, Jonas / Nils Hilder (2023)
Estuarine territorialization and the port of Hamburg
in: Maritime Studies 22, article 39 - Brad, Alina / Jonas Hein (2022)
Towards transnational agrarian conflicts? Global NGOs, transnational agrobusiness and local struggles for land on Sumatra
in: New Political Economy 28 (3), 452-467 - Dünckmann, Florian / Jonas Hein / Silja Klepp (2022)
Challenging the imperial mode of living by challenging ELSEWHERE: Spatial narratives and justice
in: DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin 153 (2), 109-115 - Hein, Jonas / Jannes Thomsen (2022)
Contested estuary ontologies: The conflict over the fairway adaptation of the Elbe River, Germany
in: Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 6 (1), 153–177 - Schlund, Micheal / Martyna Kotowski / Fabian Brambach / Jonas Hein / Birgit Wessel / Nicole Camarretta / Mangarah Silalahi / Jayah Surati / Surati Nengah / Stefan Erasmi / Christoph Leuschner / Holger Kreft (2021)
Spaceborne height models reveal above ground biomass changes in tropical landscapes
in: Forest Ecology and Management (497), article 119497 - Bercht, Lena / Jonas Hein / Silja Klepp (2021)
Introduction to the special issue “Climate and marine justice – debates and critical perspectives”
in: Geographica Helvetica 76, 305–314 - Rodríguez-de-Francisco, Jean Carlo / Carlos del Cairo / Daniel Ortiz-Gallego / Juan Sebastian Velez-Triana / Tomás Vergara-Gutiérrez / Jonas Hein (2021)
Post-conflict transition and REDD+ in Colombia: Challenges to reducing deforestation in the Amazon
in: Forest Policy and Economics 127, article 102450 - Grass, Ingo / Christoph Kubitza / [...] / Jonas Hein / Nina Hennings et al. (2020)
Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapes
in: Nature Communications (11), article 1186 - Franke, Andrea / Thorsten Blenckner / [...] / Jonas Hein et al. (2020)
Operationalizing ocean health: toward integrated research on ocean health and recovery to achieve ocean sustainability
in: One Earth 2 (6), 557-565 - Otten, Fenna / Jonas Hein / Hannah Bondy / Heiko Faust (2020)
Deconstructing sustainable rubber production: contesting narratives in rural Sumatra
in: Journal of Land Use Science 15 (2-3), 306-326 - Hein, Jonas / Florian Dünckmann (2020)
Narratives and practices of environmental justice
in: DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin 151 (2-3), 59-66 - Hein, Jonas / Carlos Del Cairo / Daniel Ortiz Gallego / Tomás Vergara Gutiérrez / Juan Sebastian Velez / Jean Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco (2020)
A political ecology of green territorialization: frontier expansion and conservation in the Colombian Amazon
in: Die Erde - Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin 151 (1), 37-57 - Hein, Jonas (2019)
Political ecology of REDD+ in Indonesia agrarian conflicts and forest carbon
Abingdon, New York: Routledge - Hein, Jonas / Yvonne Kunz (2018)
Adapting in a carbon pool? Politicising climate change at Sumatra's palm oil frontier
in: Silja Klepp / Libertad Chavez Rodriguez (eds.), A critical approach to climate change adaptation: discourses, policies, and practices, London, New York: Routledge, 151-167 - Hein, Jonas / Heiko Faust / Yvonne Kunz (2018)
Sozialökologische Folgen von Ölpalmboom und Naturschutzpolitik in Indonesien: die doppelte Exklusion lokaler Bevölkerungsgruppen in Jambi, Sumatra
in: Geographische Rundschau 70 (4), 26-31 - Hein, Jonas / Heiko Faust / Yvonne Kunz / Rina Mardiana (2018)
The transnationalisation of competing state projects: carbon offsetting and development in Sumatra’s coastal peat swamps
in: Antipode 50(4), 953-975 - Hein, Jonas / Alejandro Guarin / Ezra Frommé / Pieter Pauw (2018)
Deforestation and the Paris climate agreement: an assessment of REDD+ in the national climate action plans
in: Forest Policy and Economics 90 (May), 7-11 - Kunz, Yvonne / Jonas Hein / Rina Mardiana / Heiko Faust (2016)
Mimicry of the legal: translating de jure land formalization processes into de facto local action in Jambi province, Sumatra
in: Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS), 9 (1), 127-146 - Hein, Jonas (2016)
Rescaling conflictive access and property relations in the context of REDD+ in Jambi, Indonesia
Göttingen, Georg-August-Univ., eDiss. - Jennifer Merten / Alexander Röll / Thomas Guillaume / Ana Meijide / Suria Tarigan / Herdhata Agusta / Claudia Dislich / Christoph Dittrich / Heiko Faust / Dodo Gunawan / Jonas Hein / Hendrayanto / Alexander Knohl / Yakov Kuzyakov / Kerstin Wiegand / Dirk (2016)
Water scarcity and oil palm expansion: social views and environmental processes
published on Ecology and Society 21 (2), Art. 5 - Hein, Jonas / Soeryo Adiwibowo / Christoph Dittrich / Rosyani / Endriatmo Soetarto / Heiko Faust (2015)
Rescaling of access and property relations in a frontier landscape: insights from Jambi, Indonesia
in: The Professional Geographer 68 (3), 380-389 - Hein, Jonas (2014)
Peripherie-Stichwort Politiken zur Reduktion von Emissionen aus Entwaldung und Schädigung von Wäldern (REDD+)
in: Peripherie: Zeitschrift für Politik und Ökonomie in der Dritten Welt, 136/2014, 508-511 - Hein, Jonas / Heiko Faust (2014)
Conservation, REDD+ and the struggle for land in Jambi, Indonesia
in: Pacific Geograhies 41/2014, 20-25
Non-refereed Publications
- Sander, Hendrik / Jonas Hein (2024)
Urbane Umweltgerechtigkeit
in: Frank Eckardt (Hrsg.), Handbuch Stadtsoziologie, Wiesbaden: Springer VS - Klepp, Silja / Jonas Hein (eds.) (2023)
Umweltgerechtigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation: Konflikte um Nachhaltigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum
Bielefeld: Transcript - Bauriedl, Sybille / Jonas Hein / Silja Klepp (2023)
Gerechte Wege zur sozialökologischen Transformation?! Ein Trialog zwischen Sybille Bauriedl, Jonas Hein und Silja Klepp
in: Silja Klepp / Jonas Hein (Hrsg.), Umweltgerechtigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation - Konflikte um Nachhaltigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum, Bielefeld: Transkript, 307 - 329 - Hilder, Nils / Jonas Hein (2023)
Der Hamburger Hafen im Wachstumszwang: das Hafenerweiterungsgebiet als Territorium der (Un)Gerechtigkeit?
in: Silja Klepp / Jonas Hein (Hrsg.), Umweltgerechtigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation - Konflikte um Nachhaltigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum, Bielefeld: Transkript, 207 - 233 - Klepp, Silja / Jonas Hein (2023)
Umkämpfte Wege zur sozialökologischen Transformation: eine Einführung
in: Silja Klepp / Jonas Hein (Hrsg.), Umweltgerechtigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation - Konflikte um Nachhaltigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum, Bielefeld: Transkript, 7 - 43 - Hein, Jonas (2023)
Book Review: Franz Krause / Nora Horisberger / Benoit Ivars / Sandro Simon: Delta Welten / Delta Worlds, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag
in: Anthropos 118 (1), 251-252 - Iacobuţă, Gabriela Ileana / Alexia Faus Onbargi et al. (2022)
The European Green Deal and the war in Ukraine: addressing crises in the short and long term
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (July 2022) - Brad, Alina / Riccarda Flemmer / Jonas Hein (2022)
Raum und Ressourcen – Die politics of scale von Landrechtskonflikten
published on www.dvpw.de, 01.02.2021 - Hein, Jonas (2021)
Conservation conflicts in coastal areas – a planning game
in: Schwindenhammer, Sandra / Katrin Strobehn/ Helmut Breitmeier/ Thomas Hickmann/ Markus Lederer/ Jens Marquardt/ Sabine Weiland (Hrsg.), Digital sustainability education — Potential, Development Trends and Good Practices, Giessen: SDG Nexus Network, University of Giessen, 19-21 - Hein, Jonas (2020)
Book review: Biodiversity conservation and livelihood needs in protected area management in Asia
in: DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin 151 (2-3), 191-193 - Brad, Alina / Jonas Hein (2019)
Die Transnationalisierung von Agrarkonflikten? Globale NGOs, transnationales Kapital und lokaler Widerstand in Sumatra
in: Miessner, Michael/ Matthias Naumann (Hrsg.), Kritische Geographien ländlicher Entwicklung. Globale Transformationen und lokale Herausforderungen, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 116-130 - Pauw, Pieter / Davide Cassanmagnano / Kennedy Mbeva / Jonas Hein / Alejandro Guarín / et al (2017)
NDC Explorer (V 2.0)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - Hein, Jonas (2017)
Klimaschutz durch Waldschutz? Eine kritische Bilanz nach zehn Jahren REDD+
in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 49/50, 33-38 - Horstmann, Britta / Jonas Hein (2017)
Aligning climate change mitigation and sustainable development under the UNFCCC: a critical assessment of the Clean Development Mechanism, the Green Climate Fund and REDD+
(Studies 96) - Hein, Wolfgang / Joachim Betz / Dennis Eucker / Jonas Hein / Lars Holstenkamp / Babette Never (2017)
Klimapolitik und Entwicklung
in: Georg Simonis (Hrsg.), Handbuch Globale Klimapolitik, Paderborn: Schöningh, 397-441 - Merten, Jennifer / Alexander Röll / Surya Tarigan / Dirk Hölscher / Jonas Hein (2017)
Ölpalmenanbau in Indonesien verändert Wasserkreisläufe: mehr Dürren und Überflutungen
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 1/2017) - Merten, Jennifer / Alexander Röll / Surya Tarigan / Dirk Hölscher / Jonas Hein (2017)
Expanding oil palm cultivation in Indonesia: changing local water cycles raises risks of droughts and floods
(Briefing Paper 1/2017) - Hoch, Stephan / Britta Horstmann / Axel Michaelowa / Jonas Hein (2015)
New climate investments must strengthen sustainable development and minimize trade-offs
(Briefing Paper 22/2015) - Schwarze, Stefan / Michael Euler / Marcel Gatto / Jonas Hein / Elisabeth Hettig / Anna Maria Holtkamp / Lufti Izhar / Yvonne Kunz / Jan Lay / Jenny Merten / Stefan Moser / Oliver Mußhoff / Fenna Otten / Martin Qaim / Endriatmo Soetarto / Stefanie Steinebach (2015)
Rubber vs. oil palm: an analysis of factors influencing smallholders’ crop choice in Jambi, Indonesia
Göttingen: Georg-August-Univ., (EFForTS Discussion Paper Series 11) - Hein, Jonas / Karen Meijer / Jean Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco (2015)
What is the potential for a climate, forest and community friendly REDD+ in Paris?
(Briefing Paper 3/2015) - Zelli, Fariborz / Daniela Erler / Sina Frank / Jonas Hein / Hannes Hotz / Anna-Maria Santa Cruz Melgarejo (2014)
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in Peru: a challenge to social inclusion and multi-level governance
(Studies 85) - Hein, Jonas / Heiko Garrelts (2014)
Ambiguous involvement: civil-society actors in forest carbon offsets: the case of the climate community and biodiversity standards (CCB)
in: Matthias Dietz / Heiko Garrelts (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Climate Change Movement, London: Routledge, 319-333 - Hein, Jonas (2013)
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), transnational conservation and access to land in Jambi, Indonesia
published on Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (EFForTS Discussion Paper Series 2) - Hein, Jonas / Heiko Garrelts (2013)
Verstrickung und Korrektiv: zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure und marktbasierte Klimaschutzinstrumente - das Beispiel der Forest Carbon Offsets
in: Matthias Dietz / Heiko Garrelts (Hrsg.), Die internationale Klimabewegung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 429-448 - Hein, Jonas (2013)
Minderungspolitik in Schwellenländern, Indonesien als klimapolitischer Vorreiter?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 9/2013) - Hein, Jonas (2013)
Climate change mitigation in emerging economies: the case of Indonesia: hot air or leadership?
(Briefing Paper 8/2013) - Erler, Daniela / Sina Frank / Jonas Hein / Hannes Hotz / Anna-Maria Santacruz Melgarejo / Fariborz Zelli (2011)
Inclusión social en el proceso REDD en el Perú: una perspectiva de gobernanza en múltiples niveles
Lima: Deutsches Institut fur Entwicklungspolitik / German Development (DIE) ; Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) ; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - Hein, Jonas / Heiko Faust (2010)
Frontier migration as response to environmental change: a case study from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
STORMA Discussion Paper Series 31 - Eucker, Dennis / Jonas Hein (2010)
Klimawandel in Südostasien: die ASEAN als Wegbereiter einer regionalen Klimapolitik?
GIGA Focus Asien 4/2010
Opinion Pieces
- Hein, Jonas / Marcelo Inacio da Cunha / Jean Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco (2024)
Schutzgebiete allein können Artensterben nicht verhindern
published on www.klimareporter.de, 22.05.2024 - Hein, Jonas / Marcelo Inacio Da Cunha / Jean Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco (2024)
Why protected areas alone are not enough to prevent the loss of biodiversity
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 21 May 2024 - Hein, Jonas / Jean Carlo Rodriguez-de-Francisco / Chiara Gärtner (2023)
Die Rechte indigener Gruppen und lokaler Gemeinschaften stärken und den Verlust der Artenvielfalt stoppen
published on 17ziele.de, 26.01.2023 - Hein, Jonas / Jean Carlo Rodriguez (2022)
(Green) capitalism will not save biodiversity!
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 5 December 2022 - Hein, Jonas / Jean Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco (2016)
Carbon and biodiversity offsetting: A way towards sustainable development?
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 21 March 2016)
- RethinkBlue (Rethinking the Blue Economy: Socio-Ecological Impacts and Opportunities)
- Terra Potentia: The World-making Force of Dredging
- Interlinking sustainability science in a Global North-South dialogue
- Research Team Sustainable Island Futures in Germany and Indonesia
- Alternative Sustainabilities
- Climate change and development - natural resources management in the context of adaptation and mitigation
Neue Publikationsreihe
Special Issue: What is at stake? The ontological dimension of environmental conflicts
Flemmer, Riccarda / Verena Gresz / Jonas Hein (2024)
in: Society and Natural Resources, Volume 37, Issue 5 (2024)

Contested estuary ontologies: The conflict over the fairway adaptation of the Elbe River, Germany
Hein, Jonas / Jannes Thomsen (2022)
in: Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, first published 17.05.2022

Post-conflict transition and REDD+ in Colombia: Challenges to reducing deforestation in the Amazon
Rodríguez-de-Francisco, Jean Carlo / Carlos del Cairo / Daniel Ortiz-Gallego / Juan Sebastian Velez-Triana / Tomás Vergara-Gutiérrez / Jonas Hein (2021)
in: Forest Policy and Economics 127, article 102450