South-South and Triangular Cooperation

Actors in the Global South are increasingly interconnected. The MGG partner countries, in particular, actively engage in South-South and triangular cooperation. While South-South cooperation refers to collaboration between developing countries, triangular cooperation consists of support to South-South schemes provided by Northern donors, multilateral bodies or other development actors.

South-South and triangular cooperation is a central means of implementation for the 2030 Agenda, highlighting the need to invest in partnerships that go beyond traditional North-South assistance. This includes debates about financial flows and their importance for development, whether in the form of state or private funding. New national, regional and multilateral institutions – from development banks to club governance formats – have emerged that change and shape the environment in which discussions take place.

At the same time, narratives and approaches across South-South cooperation actors are diverse and constantly evolving; and a growing number of both state and non-state actors engage in triangular arrangements. By promoting collaboration across the North-South divide, these triangular arrangements often highlight their commitment to delivering both development and partnership results.

In close connection with partners at the United Nations (UN), the Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and other stakeholders, IDOS and MGG partner institutions actively participate in discussions about South-South and triangular cooperation. This engagement also creates strong linkages to the T20 Africa Standing Group.
