
A Hand Up
Subsidies have long served as a safety net for needy Egyptians, but they are also inefficient, wasteful and expensive. Now the government is working to come up with a better social welfare system, one that encourages the poor to participate in Egypt’s economic future. Markus Loewe, senior economist at German Development Institute/ Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), advocates campaigning for subsidy reform by emphasizing the overall benefit to society. “People who feel the state cares for them are more likely to care for a mutual feeling of responsibility to community,” he says.
Business Monthly Magazine
December 2012

Are we succeeding in the fight against poverty?
In the last 15 years more than a billion people worldwide have overcome poverty. Especially in China and India, but also in newly industrializing countries such as Brazil, Vietnam, South Africa, Russia and Lebanon, a middle class has emerged with modest but steadily increasing wealth. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Alejandro Guarín from the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) talks about the political, environmental and social challenges brought about by the rise of this global middle class.
Deutsche Welle
25 December.2012


Migrants' money supports developing economies
The world's poorest countries are struggling with the financial crisis, partly because of cuts in development aid. But migrants from those countries are remitting more money than ever back home. According to Benjamin Schraven, an expert for migration and climate change at the German Development Institute /Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), migrants' money is sent directly to their families but it still has significance for the economy as a whole.
Deutsche Welle
26 November.2012
EU Asked to Increase Emissions Cutback Target
Experts of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) claim that the 27-nation European Union should target 30 percent, instead of the agreed 20 percent, lower emissions by 2020, in order to send an important signal to the global climate change conference in Doha. According to Dirk Messner, WBGU vice-chair and Director of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), "it is also important that the nations in Doha agree on a master plan for the coming negotiations on a new climate treaty, which from 2020 will then oblige all states – not only the industrialised countries – to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions."
IDN – InDepthNews
24 November 2012
Inclusive green growth mediated sustainable development
Speaking at a workshop on inclusive greeen economy the Director of the Germen Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Dirk Messner emphasised that low carbon development transformation would be the next great transformation after Neolithic Revolution and the Industrial Revolution.
The Economic Times
19 November 2012
The Importance of Strengthening PFM at the Sub-National Level in Sub-Saharan Africa
The ongoing trend of decentralizing governance responsibilities to the sub-national level in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is likely to continue in the near future. DIE-experts Stephan Klingebiel and Timo Mahn believe that in order to achieve its objectives, it will be crucial that this transfer of responsibilities will be matched by equal efforts to increase sub-national Public Financial Management (PFM) capacity.
Public Finance Manangement Blog
5 November 2012


How Much Development Through Aid?
Sub-Saharan Africa’s economic situation has developed positively in the past twenty years, much due to better policies. What is behind the recent progress? Was international aid possibly more successful than many have conjectured? And: what does that mean for the future role of aid in Africa? An article by DIE head of department Stephan Klingebiel
NAI Forum
1 October 2012



FDIs ‘should drive global partnerships’
A strong private sector in post 2015 global partnerships will be instrumental in raising resources to fund budgets in developing countries as opposed to aid from rich nations. “The private sector foreign direct investments (FDIs), not aid flows, should be key for the post 2015 partnerships,” Stephan Klingebiel, the Head of Department, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), said during the presentation of preliminary findings of the European Development Report 2012.
Central New York
28 August 2012
East Africa: Resource Mobilization May Over Take MDGs in LDCs - Report
Domestic resource mobilization unlike aid dependence would be a priority focus in the post 2015 development partnership that is likely to replace Millennium Development goals-MDGs. During the launch of Preliminary findings of the 2012 case study report Stephan Klingebiel, head of Department at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), said: "For post 2015 agenda I think there is strong interest to go beyond aid, that's about domestic resources, even in poor countries”.
25 August 2012
Promoting local investments crucial to achieving MDGs
Although Rwanda has been praised for doing well in achieving most of the MDGs, especially universal education and gender equality, it remains one of the poorest countries in the world. A joint report by the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR) and German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), recommends Rwanda and other donor recipient countries the mobilisation of internal resources by promoting the private sector. “The MDGs were driven to a large extent by the idea of aid as the means of achieving the agenda, while post 2015 the focus is mobilisation of domestic resources for even poor countries,” said  Stephan Klingebiel, head of research department at DIE.
The East African
17 August 2012
Five lessons for East Asia from euro crisis
Mechanisms need to be in place for crisis prevention and resolution before the next economic crash, and therefore the East Asian regional financial architecture needs to be reformed, warns Ulrich Volz, senior economist at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).
7 August 2012
Multilateral politics: At a crossroads
The final declaration of the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) in Busan marked a historic turning point in late 2011. For the first time, all participants – including the leading emerging powers – agreed to a common framework for action. Next, decisions need to be taken on how to fill the global agreement with life. The expert oft he German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Thomas Fues assesses the chances of success.
Development and Cooperation
No. 7 + 8 / 2012


Recetas contra la crisis
In an interview with Deutschen Welle, DIE expert Ulrich Volz weighs in on the European crisis and the austerity debate.
Deutsche Welle
23 July 2012


Living With Global Liquidity
The financial expert of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Ulrich Volz says that emerging countries need to brace themselves for a world of high global liquidity and volatile capital. Each country will have to find the right policy mix that will minimise the adverse effects of excessive global liquidity and volatile capital flows on its economy.
Fair Observer
28 June 2012
Empowering SMEs
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in coordination with the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES) conducted research to identify why micro and small enterprises fail to upgrade to medium-sized businesses and presented their finding at a roundtable discussion held at the ECES.
Business Today Egypt
14 June 2012
Bulgaria's FinMin to Join World Bank Knowledge Council
Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Simeon Djankov has been invited to join the World Bank Knowledge Advisory Council. The Knowledge Advisory Council is supposed to advise the President and the Managing Directors of the financial institutions on matters related to the knowledge agenda. The Bulgarian Finance Ministry points out that the people invited to join the WB Knowledge Advisory Council include the recipient of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences - the American Michael Spence, the Director of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Dirk Messner, the former World Bank Chief Economist and Senior Vice President Justin Yifu Lin.
11 June 2012


Double insolvency threatens world economy
Dirk Messner, director of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and acting chairman of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), sees a danger in letting the economic crisis eclipse sustainability issues.
Deutsche Welle
29 May 2012
Dirk Messner at the Africa Summit - Government of Botswana & Conservation International (CI)
In an interview during the Summit for Sustainability in Africa (24-25 May 2012) DIE Director Dirk Messner points out why this summit is of great significance for Africa.
24 May 2012
Inversión agraria extranjera: ¿oportunidad o abuso?
Deutsche Welle habló con dos expertos alemanes, Michael Brüntrup del Instituto Aleman de Desarollo y Jann Lay del GIGA, sobre los beneficios y riesgos implícitos en los proyectos agrarios impulsados en países no industrializados por inversionistas extranjeros, un modelo de negocios en auge.
Deutsche Welle
24 Mayo 2012

Water policy needs 'radical' change to protect people and environment

The international community needs to "radically transform" the way it manages water, energy and land to ensure the needs of the poorest people are met and the environment is protected, according to the European Report on Development, compiled by the Overseas Development Institute, the European Centre for Development Policy Management and the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), and published on 16 May 2012.
The Guardian
16 May 2012


New research identifies factors for upgrading small and medium enterprises
A study, conducted by a country working group of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, looks at what factors determine whether a company can grow from micro and small to medium-sized, in order to help fill the gap between micro and small enterprises and large companies.
Egypt Independent
25 April 2012
'Low-carbon economy' presents early escape from darker future
A future of water scarcity, flooding, and desertification, especially in the already vulnerable Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, could be avoided with a switch to low carbon economy, economist Dirk Messner argued. “[This] is not an environmental challenge, but a development one,” said Messner, also the director of the German Development Institute (DIE), one of the leading think-tanks for development policy worldwide.
2 April 2012
Results Based Aid – a New Aid Label or Potential for More Impact
Results based aid aims to identify development outputs or outcomes that can be measured and quantified. Proponents of the concept can point out the potential benefits; although there are a number limitations and disadvantages.
by Stephan Klingebiel
norrag news online
NN47, April 2012


New map overlays conflict, climate change and aid in Africa
A pilot version of an online mapping tool has been launched in Africa which enables researchers and policymakers to identify how climate change vulnerability, conflict, and aid intersect. Annabelle Houdret, a scientist with the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Bonn, said linking climate change, aid and conflict was complex, partly because "aid can also trigger conflicts if some people are empowered while others are marginalised".

Accountability and the Effectiveness of Development Cooperation
Accountability is of considerable interest in the context of the debate on more effective development cooperation. In general terms, accountability is an obligation on a person, group or institution to justify decisions or actions taken. It is associated with sanctions in the event of compliance / non-compliance and is therefore based on incentives.
posted by Stephan Klingebiel
Public Financial Management Blog

De nieuwe vliegtaks, toonbeeld van eerlijkheid (The new flight tax, the epitome of honesty)
The European flight tax is justified, says Peter Pauw, researcher at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). Airlines are heavy polluters, and the tax revenues can help developing countries to combat climate change impacts.
14 March 2012
G20 nations to face painful decisions
In a meeting with Think 20, an international think tank working with the Group of 20 (G20), Thomas Fues, head of department at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) said “If we want the world to move forward on the path to prosperity, and to grow while protecting our natural resources, the G20 leaders need to make some painful decisions.”
The News
1 March 2012


Prevén analistas sacrificios de varios países en negociación del G20
Si queremos que el mundo avance por un camino de prosperidad generalizado y con un crecimiento respetuoso de los recursos naturales es necesario que los líderes del G20 tomen algunas decisiones dolorosas, opinó Thomas Fues, Jefe de departamentodel Instituto Alemán de Desarrollo / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).
La Crónica
29 Febrero 2012
An eye on the middle class
For the last 15 years the world has seen a quiet revolution: more than one billion people have joined a rising global middle class. But why is this revolutionary, asks Alejandro Guarín in his Current Column.
Europe’s World
28 February 2012
The Current Column: International Year of Sustainable Energy for All – who pays the bill?
The United Nations has proclaimed 2012 as the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. But what does this mean in practice, and how can this goal be achieved, ask Matthias Ruchser and Rebekka Hilz in their “Current Column”.
Europe’s World
13 February 2012
Mexico presents in Germany its priorities for the G20 Presidency in 2012
Mexico's Special Representative for the G20 Presidency participated as keynote speaker in the workshop "From Cannes to Los Cabos - Which Way Forward for the G20 Development Agenda?,” organized by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), where he presented Mexico's G20 Agenda.
Mexican Presidency of the G20
9 February 2012
Greece - A Crisis of Governance
While Greece is edging closer to a haircut on its sovereign debt, calls for Greece leaving the eurozone are getting louder. But an exit from the eurozone would fail to address any of the three fundamental problems that bedevil the Greek economy. These are a completely dysfunctional fiscal system; a massively overblown, non-transparent and inefficient public sector; and endemic corruption, state DIE-experts Jörg Faust and Ulrich Volz.
Europe’s World
6 February 2012


The renaissance of coal vs climate policy necessities
The first decade of the 21st century saw a renaissance of coal. The driving forces behind the additional demand for coal and the growing greenhouse gas emissions are the non-OECD countries, analyses Matthias Ruchser in his “Current Column”.
Europe’s World
17 January 2012
Reconfiguring the World – Looking Back
Last year was characterised by an escalation of global development trends, indicating, as they interacted, that the whole playing field of global development is on the move. A look back at 2011 opens up a view of the future. The second decade of the 21st century will be a period of profound global change, says DIE-Director Dirk Messner.
IDN InDepthNews
17 January 2012
Taxes for the future
Humankind still needs mineral and fossil fuels, and the production of raw materials offers economic opportunities in many developing countries. Their governments should draft smart tax policies, providing the incentives needed to create broad-based prosperity that will not end once the finite exploitation of natural resources does. Appropriate tax policies are similarly needed for producing agricultural commodities. By Christian von Haldenwang.
Development and Cooperation
No. 1/2012

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