Schraven, Benjamin

Dr. Benjamin Schraven
Environmental Governance
Associate Researcher
Social Science
Work areas
- Migration and development (policies)
- Environmental change and migration
- Migration governance
- Migration and rural development
- Adaptation to climate change
Responsibilities in education and training
- Person in charge of the training module „Study design“ of DIE’s Postgraduate Training Programme (since 2011)
- Leader of the Country Working Group Ghana in the 47th course of DIE’S Postgraduate Training Programme (2011/2012)
- Several courses on migration, quantitative research methodology and statistical data analysis (since 2007) for (i.a.): Ghanaian-German Center for Development Research/ DAAD –Center of Excellence in Ghana, University of Ghana (since 2009); Doctoral Programme of the Center for Development Studies, University of Bonn (2007-2012); „Training school on field research methods (qualitative and quantitative) in environmentally induced migration”, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (2013); „Summer School on Renewable Energy“, University of Bonn (2012)
since 1/2018 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, Research Programme "Environmental Governance and Transformation to Sustainability" |
3/2016-7/2016 | Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) Scientific Consulting |
3/2011-12/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, Department "Environmental Policy and Management of Natural Resources" |
6/2006-9/2010 | Doctoral studies in Development Studies at the Center for Development Research/ Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF), University of Bonn |
1/2006-2/2011 | Center for Development Research/ Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF), University of Bonn Researcher at the Department of Political and Cultural Change |
9/2005-12/2005 | Institute for Environment and Human Security, United Nations University (UNU-EHS), Bonn; Data analyst for the project “Strengthening Early Warning Capacities in Sri Lanka“ |
10/2003-12/2004 | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C. Research assistant for several studies |
5/2003-10/2005 | Center for Development Research/ Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF), University of Bonn research assistant at the Department of Economic and Technological Change |
10/2001-2/2002 | Sozialwissenschaftlichen Analysegruppe zur Leistung sozialer Systeme (SALSS), Bonn Student assistant/ intern |
10/1999-5/2005 | Master in Political Science (minors: sociology, history) at the University of Bonn |
Expertise work for
- World Bank/ Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD)
- United Nations University
- Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
- IPCC Working Group II AR 5
- Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
- Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Climatic change
- Climate and Development
- Population and environment
- Regional environmental change
- Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
- The Canadian Geographer
Member of
- World Bank’s Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) (Thematic Working Group “Environmental change and migration”)
- Center for Development Research, University of Bonn (Associated Researcher)
- Advisory boards of the research project “Building resilience through translocality. Climate change, migration and social resilience of rural communities in Thailand (TransRe)”, Department of Geography, University of Bonn
Refereed Publications
- Oakes, Robert / Kees Van der Geest / Benjamin Schraven et al. (2023)
A future agenda for research on climate change and human mobility
in: International Migration 61 (5), 116-125 - Schraven, Benjamin (2022)
The nexus between climate change and human mobility and its relevance for urban areas
in: Trialog (140/141), 10-12 - Schraven, Benjamin (2021)
"Die Klimaflüchtlinge kommen" – Über die Problematik einer Begrifflichkeit
in: Leviathan 49 (2), 244-257 - Serraglio, Diogo Andreola / Mariya Aleksandrova / Benjamin Schraven (2021)
Human mobility in the context of LFDD in Latin America and the Caribbean: a review of national climate and desertification policies
in: Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (50), 197-207 - Schraven, Benjamin / Robert Oakes / Kees van der Geest (2020)
Ansätze einer adäquaten Klimamigrationsforschung
in: Neue Gesellschaft / Frankfurter Hefte 1/2 (2020), 29-32 - Adaawen, Stephen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Benjamin Schraven / Nadine Segadlo (2019)
Drought, migration, and conflict in sub-Saharan Africa: what are the links and policy options?
in: Everisto Mapedza / Daniel Tsegai / Michael Bruntrup / Robert McLeman (eds.), Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries (Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research 2), Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 15-32 - Schraven, Benjamin / Antonia Heinrich (2019)
Flucht und Migration als Aktionsfelder der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik seit 1990
in: Agnes Bresselau von Bressensdorf (Hrsg.), Über Grenzen: Migration und Flucht in globaler Perspektive seit 1945, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 367-380 - Schraven, Benjamin (2019)
A development research perspective on addressing irregular migration from Sub-Saharan Africa: implications for defence institution building and beyond
in: Sonia Lucarelli / Alessandro Marrone / Francesco N. Moro (eds.), Approaches to regional stability and the outlook for NATO, Brussels/Rome: NATO / Istituto Affarri Internazionali (IAI), 62-74 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Regional cooperation on migration and mobility: experiences from two African regions
in: Andrew Geddes / Marcia Vera Espinoza / Leila Hadj Abdou / Leiza Brumat (eds.), The dynamics of regional migration governance, Cheltenham: Elgar, 109-127 - Cattaneo, Cristina / Michel Beine / Christiane J. Fröhlich / Dominic Kniveton / Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso / Marina Mastrorillo / Katrin Millock / Etienne Piguet / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Human migration in the era of climate change
in: Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 13 (2), 189-206 - Schraven, Benjamin (2019)
Lutter contre les causes migratoires : le discours allemand
Paris: Institut français des relations internationales (Notes du Cerfa 146) - Schraven, Benjamin (2019)
Tackling the root causes of displacement: the German discourse
Paris: Institut français des relations internationales (Notes du Cerfa 146) - Milan, Andrea / Benjamin Schraven / Koko Warner / Noemi Cascone (eds.) (2016)
Migration, risk management and climate change: evidence and policy responses (Global Migration Issues)
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer - Schraven, Benjamin / Christina Rademacher-Schulz (2015)
Shifting rainfalls, shifting livelihoods: seasonal migration, food security and social inequality in Northern Ghana
in: Robert McLeman / Jeanette Schade / Thomas Faist (Hrsg), Environmental migration and social inequality (Advances in Global Change Research 61), Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 43-56 - Schraven, Benjamin / Christina Rademacher-Schulz (2015)
Beyond adaptation? The changing nature of seasonal migration in Northern Ghana in the context of climate change, agricultural decline and food insecurity
in: Felicitas Hillmann / Marie Pahl / Birte Rafflenbeul / Harald Sterly (eds.), Environmental change, adaptation and migration: bringing in the region, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 267-282 - Afifi, Tamer / Andrea Milan / Benjamin Etzold / Benjamin Schraven / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Patrick Sakdapolrak / Alexander Reif / Kees van der Geest / Koko Warner (2015)
Human mobility in response to rainfall variability: opportunities for migration as a successful adaptation strategy in eight case studies
published on Migration and Development - Saravanan, V.S. / Mehmood Ul-Hassan / Benjamin Schraven (2015)
Irrigation water management in Uzbekistan: analyzing the capacity of households to improve water use profitability
in: John P. A. Lamers / Asia Khamzina / Inna Rudenko / Paul L. G. Vlek (eds.), Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains, Bonn: Univ. Pr., 255-278 - Cortina, Jeronimo / Benjamin Schraven
Methodological considerations for survey research on children, adolescents and youth in the context of environmental change and migration
New York: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) - Schraven, Benjamin
Environmental degradation, climate change, migration and youth
in: Jeronimo Cortina, Patrick Taran, Alison Raphael (eds.), Migration and youth: challenges and opportunities, Global Migration Group by the United Nations Children’s Fund, 1-9 - Rademacher-Schulz, Christina / Benjamin Schraven / Edward Salifu Mahama (2014)
Time matters: shifting seasonal migration in Northern Ghana in response to rainfall variability and food insecurity
in: Climate and Development 6 (1), 46-52 - Schraven, Benjamin / Amelie Hinz / Pascal Renaud / Christina Rumke / Amrei Schommers / Axel Sikorski (2013)
Youth poverty in Accra: urban livelihoods in informal apprenticeships
Geneva: International Labour Organization (Employment Report 21) - Schraven, Benjamin / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Mohammed Asaah / John Amegashits (2013)
Trends and policies concerning environmental change and migration: insights from Ghana
in: Trialog, Journal for Planning and Building in the Third World 109 (2), 20-23 - Laube, Wolfram / Benjamin Schraven / Martha Awo (2013)
Peasant adaptation to environmental change and economic globalization in Northern Ghana
in: Joseph Yaro (ed.), Rural development in Northern Ghana, New York: Nova Publ., 63-82 - Eguavoen, Irit / Benjamin Schraven (2013)
The ambiguous representation of the savanna landscape and its new political relevance in Ghana
in: Joseph Yaro (ed.), Rural development in Northern Ghana, New York: Nova Publ. 207-224 - Laube, Wolfram / Benjamin Schraven / Martha Awo (2012)
Smallholder adaptation to climate change: dynamics and limits in Northern Ghana
in: Climatic Change 111 (3-4), 753-777
Non-refereed Publications
- Serraglio, Diogo Andreola / Benjamin Schraven / Natalia Burgos Cuevas (2022)
Addressing human mobility in national climate policy: insights from updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in South America
(Briefing Paper 4/2022) - Dick, Eva / Einhard Schmidt-Kallert / Benjamin Schraven (2022)
Cities and Displacement (Themenheft)
in: Trialog - a journal for planning and building in a global context 140-141 (Januar 2022) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2021)
Rural-urban migration in West Africa: contexts, trends and recommendations
in: Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), Policy Brief (February 2021) - Leininger, Julia / Christoph Strupat / Yonas Adeto / Abebe Shimeles / Wilson Wasike (2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: evidence for action
(Discussion Paper 11/2021) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2020)
Wie afrikanische Regionen Migration regeln: Personenfreizügigkeit in West- und Nordost-Afrika
published on Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 10.11.2020 - Stange, Gunnar / Harald Sterly / Patrick Sakdapolrak / Marion Borderon / Benjamin Schraven / Diogo Andreola Serraglio / Mariya Aleksandrova (2020)
Impeded migration as adaptation: COVID-19 and its implications for translocal strategies of environmental risk management
published on Environmental Migration Portal, 22.10.2020 - Schraven, Benjamin / Stephen Adaawen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Nadine Segadlo (2020)
Climate change impacts on human (im-)mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa: recent trends and options for policy responses
Bonn/Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - Schraven, Benjamin (2020)
Migration, Umweltwandel und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
in: Ökologisches Wirtschaften Nr. 3 (2020), 10-11 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2020)
Migration innerhalb Afrikas als Herausforderung für die afrikanischen Regionalorganisationen: die Beispiele IGAD und ECOWAS
Expertise im Auftrag des Sachverständigenrats deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration für das SVR-Jahresgutachten 2020, Berlin: Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration - Castillejo, Clare / Eva Dick / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Stützen oder stürzen? Der Einfluss der Europäischen Union auf die afrikanischen Freizügigkeitsagenden in West- und Nordostafrika
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 16/2019) - Castillejo, Clare / Eva Dick / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Supporting or thwarting? The influence of EU migration policies on African free movement regimes in West and North-eastern Africa
(Briefing Paper 18/2019) - Bauer, Steffen / Julian Bergmann / Clara Brandi / Mark Furness / Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer / Gabriela Iacobuta / Julia Leininger / Benjamin Schraven et al. (2019)
An agenda for Europe in the world
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group - Schraven, Benjamin / Stephen Adaawen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Nadine Segadlo (2019)
„Klimamigration“ in Subsahara-Afrika: Trends und grundlegende Empfehlungen für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 10/2019) - Schraven, Benjamin (2019)
Le migrazioni climatiche in Africa
published on Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale (ISPI), 15.07.2019 - Schraven, Benjamin / Stephen Adaawen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Nadine Segadlo (2019)
Human mobility in the context of climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: trends and basic recommendations for development cooperation
(Briefing Paper 12/2019) - Cattaneo, Cristina / Michel Beine / Christiane J. Fröhlich / Dominic Kniveton / Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso / Marina Mastrorillo / Katrin Millock / Etienne Piguet / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Human migration in the era of climate change
Washington DC: Resources for the Future (Resources for the Future Working Paper Series 13/2019) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Global but not regional? The role of African regional migration regimes in the international governance architecture
Fiesole: European University Institute (EUI), (EUI Working Paper 33) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Afrika auf dem Weg nach Schengen?
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 4/2019, 34 - 37 - Schraven, Benjamin (2019)
Lutter contre les causes migratoires : le discours allemand
Paris: Institut français des relations internationales (Notes du Cerfa 146) - Schraven, Benjamin (2019)
Tackling the root causes of displacement: the German discourse
Paris: Institut français des relations internationales (Notes du Cerfa 146) - Schraven, Benjamin (2019)
Fluchtursachenbekämpfung: die deutsche Debatte
Paris: Institut français des relations internationales (Notes du Cerfa 146) - Schraven, Benjamin (2019)
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Klimawandel und Migration
Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - Kurzdossier Migration 1/2019 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Africa on the pathway to Schengen?
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 4/2019, 34-37 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Towards a borderless Africa? Regional organisations and free movement of persons in West and North-East Africa
(Briefing Paper 1/2019) - Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
Geht die Rechnung auf? "Fluchtursachenbekämpfung" mit Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
in: Positionen 2/2018, 16-17 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
Afrika ohne Grenzen? Regionalorganisationen und Personenfreizügigkeit in West- und Nordostafrika
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 13/2018) - Schneiderheinze, Claas / Eva Dick / Matthias Lücke / Afaf Rahim / Benjamin Schraven / Matteo Villa (2018)
Regional integration and migration between low-and-middle-income countries: regional initiatives need to be strengthened
published on - Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
Climate migration: a strategy of adaptation or a refugee catastrophe?
in: NG/FH International Quarterly - Journal of Social Democracy 3/2018, 5-8 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
Regional migration governance in Africa and beyond: a framework of analysis
(Discussion Paper 9/2018) - Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
Zwischen Anpassungsstrategie und Flüchtlingskatastrophe: die Debatte um die »Klimamigration«
in: Neue Gesellschaft Frankfurter Hefte 4/2018, 21-23 - Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
Fostering migration as an adaptation strategy for climate change
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 2 (2), 34-37 - Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
Migration als Anpassungssstrategie an den Klimawandel fördern
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 2 (2), 34-37 - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven / Anne Koch / Benjamin Etzold (2018)
Regional migration governance: contributions to a sustainable international migration architecture
Bonn: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), (Policy Brief 1/2018) - Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Klimawandel und Migration in West-Afrika: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze
in: Argumente und Materialien zum Zeitgeschehen 2017/107, 55-60 - Dick, Eva / Anne Koch / Benjamin Schraven / Benjamin Etzold (2018)
Regional migration governance: contributions to a sustainable international migration architecture
(Briefing Paper 1/2018) - Schraven, Benjamin (2017)
La migrazione stagionale cambia
in: Equilibri 1/2017, 50-53 - Dick, Eva / Anne Koch / Benjamin Schraven / Benjamin Etzold (2017)
Regionale Migrationsgovernance: Impulse für eine nachhaltige internationale Migrationsarchitektur
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 18/2017) - Angenendt, Steffen / Charles Martin-Shields / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
More development - more migration? The “migration hump“ and its significance for development policy co-operation with sub-Saharan Africa
Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP Comments 40) - Angenendt, Steffen / Charles Martin-Shields / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
Mehr Entwicklung - mehr Migration? Der »migration hump« und seine Bedeutung für die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit mit Subsahara-Afrika
Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP-Aktuell 2017/A 69) - Martin-Shields, Charles / Benjamin Schraven / Steffen Angenendt (2017)
More development - more migration? The "migration hump" and its significance for development policy co-operation with sub-Saharan Africa
(Briefing Paper 20/2017) - Schraven, Benjamin / Steffen Angenendt / Charles Martin-Shields (2017)
Mehr Entwicklung – mehr Migration? Der „migration hump“ und seine Bedeutung für die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit mit Subsahara-Afrika
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 15/2017) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
Urban governance of forced displacement: premises, requirements and challenges in the light of new humanitarian trends
in: RaumPlanung 5/2017, 22-29 - Leininger, Julia / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
Migration: weg mit diesem Afrikabild!
published on Zeit Online 27. März 2017 - Bornhorst, Bernd / Anke Kurat / Benjamin Schraven (Hrsg.) (2017)
Einwanderung entwicklungspolitisch denken!
Berlin: Verband Entwicklungspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen e.V. (VENRO) (Stand.Punkt 3/2017) - Axworthy, Lloyd / R. Andreas Kraemer / Cristina Cattaneo / Romy Chevallier / Shiloh Fetzek / Rajat Kathuria / Syed Munir Khasru / Katriona McGlade / Shingirirai S Mutanga / Nedson Pophiwa / Aarsi Sagar / Benjamin Schraven / Patrick Toussaint / Scott Vaug (2017)
Building global governance for 'Climate Refugees'
published on G20 Insights March 24, 2017 - Schraven, Benjamin / Bernhard Trautner (2016)
Flucht und Vertreibung als entwicklungspolitische Herausforderung: die MENA-Region im Brennpunkt
in: Jahresbericht 2015-2016: Brücken bauen zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 22-25 - Schraven, Benjamin (2016)
Migration dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa – myths, facts and challenges
in: Rural 21 50 (2), 27-29 - Schmitz, Birgit / Benjamin Schraven (2016)
Sonderwirtschaftszonen als »Migrationsbremse« für Europa? Allzu große Hoffnungen sollten nicht darauf gesetzt werden
in: Ifo Schnelldienst 69 (2), 3-6 - Schraven, Benjamin / Bernhard Trautner / Julia Leininger / Markus Loewe / Jörn Grävingholt (2016)
How can development policy help to tackle the causes of flight?
(Briefing Paper 2/2016) - Schraven, Benjamin / Bernhard Trautner / Julia Leininger / Markus Loewe / Jörn Grävingholt (2015)
Was kann Entwicklungspolitik zur Bekämpfung von Fluchtursachen beitragen?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 14/2015) - Rippin, Nicole / Niels Keijzer / Markus Loewe / Benjamin Schraven
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
in: Loewe, Markus / Nicole Rippin (eds.), Translating an ambitious vision into global transformation: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (Discussion Paper 7/2015), 63-68 - Schmitz, Birgit / Benjamin Schraven
Finanzmarktregulierung könnte auch Flüchtlingshilfe sein – mehr Verantwortung bitte!
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 4/2015, 38-39 - Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2014)
Konflikte, Krisen, Klimawandel: Deutschlands globale Verantwortung für eine zukunftsfähige Migrationspolitik
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2014, 40-43 - Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2014)
Conflicts, crises, climate change: Germany’s global responsibility for a sustainable migration policy
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2014, 40-43 - Schraven, Benjamin / Niels Keijzer (2014)
Conceptualising migration in the context of sustainable development in a post-2015 framework
in: Thomas Fues / Jiang Ye (eds.), United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development: perspectives from China and Europe, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 311-322 - Schraven, Benjamin / Niels Keijzer / Anna Knoll (2014)
Post 2015: Migration im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung gestalten
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 1/2014) - Schraven, Benjamin / Niels Keijzer / Anna Knoll (2013)
Post 2015: making migration work for sustainable development
(Briefing Paper 21/2013) - Schraven, Benjamin (2013)
Umweltbedingte Migration: welche Implikationen ergeben sich für die EZ?
published on Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Entwicklungspolitik Kompakt 7) - Schraven, Benjamin (2013)
Youths between urbanisation and poverty: livelihood opportunities and challenges of informal apprenticeships in Ghana
in: Akoojee, Salim / Philipp Gonon / Ursel Hauschildt / Christine Hofmann (eds), Apprenticeship in a globalised world: premises, promises and pitfalls. Berlin: Lit, 40-44 - Schraven, Benjamin (2012)
Environmental change and migration: perspectives for future action
(Briefing Paper 15/2012) - Schraven, Benjamin (2012)
Umweltwandel und Migration: welche Handlungsperspektiven gibt es?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 11/2012) - Schraven, Benjamin (2012)
Policy perspectives for environmentally induced migration
Migration Citizenship Education (Policy Paper) - Pauw, Pieter / Chinwe Ifejika Speranza / Isabel van de Sand / Marcus Kaplan / Benjamin Schraven (2011)
Anpassung an den Klimawandel: institutionelle und finanzielle Herausforderungen
Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (Policy Paper 35) - Pauw, Pieter / Chinwe Ifejika Speranza / Isabel van de Sand / Marcus Kaplan / Benjamin Schraven (2011)
Climate change adaptation: challenges in institutionalization and financing
Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (Policy Paper 35) - Evers, Hans-Dieter / Pamela Nienkemper / Benjamin Schraven (2011)
Measuring spatial density: knowledge clusters in Malaysia
in: Thomas Menkhoff et al. (eds.), Beyond the knowledge trap: developing Asia's knowledge-based economies, New Jersey: World Scientific, 129-154 - Schraven, Benjamin / Irit Eguavoen / Günther Manske (2011)
Capacity development durch Bildungsmigration: Ergebnisse einer Befragung von afrikanischen Entwicklungsforschern
in: Tatjana Baraulina / Axel Kreienbrink / Andrea Riester (Hrsg.), Potenziale der Migration zwischen Afrika und Deutschland, Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, 293-313 - Evers, Hans-Dieter / Sven Genschick / Benjamin Schraven (2010)
Constructing epistemic landscapes: methods of GIS-based mapping
in: The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management 8 (3), 7-23 - Schraven, Benjamin (2010)
Irrigate or migrate? Livelihood adaptation in Northern Ghana in response to ecological changes and economic challenges
Bonn, Univ., Diss. - Grote, Ulrike / Stefanie Engel / Benjamin Schraven (2010)
Migration due to the tsunami in Sri Lanka: analyzing vulnerability und migration at the household level
Zentrum für Entwicklungsfoschung (ZEF) (Discussion Papers on Development Policy 106) - Schraven, Benjamin / Irit Eguavoen / Günther Manske (2009)
Doctoral degrees for capacity development: results from a survey among African BIGS-DR Alumni
Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF) (Working Paper Series 51) - Laube, Wolfram / Martha Awo / Benjamin Schraven (2008)
Erratic rains and erratic markets: environmental change, economic globalisation and the expansion of shallow groundwater irrigation in West Africa
Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF) (Working Paper Series 30) - Looman, Marijke / Benjamin Schraven (2006)
"Bei der Europawahl wird doch der Bundespräsident gewählt, oder?" Über das Politikverständnis deutscher Jugendlicher
in: Doris Lucke (Hrsg.), Jugend in Szenen - Lebenszeichen aus flüchtigen Welten, Münster: Verl. Westfälisches Dampfboot, 91-114
Opinion Pieces
- Schraven, Benjamin / Jamie Slater (2024)
“Climate migration” as a political challenge: time to take stock of the actors and activities
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 16 December 2024 - Schraven, Benjamin (2021)
Tackling forced displacement also means to bust myths
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 21 June 2021 - Schraven, Benjamin (2020)
Migration und Klimawandel: "Wer vor Klimafolgen fliehen muss, kommt meist nicht weit"
published on Zeit Online, 16.09.2020 - Schraven, Benjamin (2020)
How we will need to tackle climate migration post-coronavirus
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Colum of 30 March 2020 - Aleksandrova, Mariya / Benjamin Schraven / Diogo Serraglio (2020)
The implications of the UN’s ruling on 'climate refugees'
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 24 February 2020 - Serraglio, Diogo / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Why we need to talk more about “climate migration” in Latin America
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 9 September 2019) - Adaawen, Stephen / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
The challenges of “drought migration”
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 17 June 2019) - Schraven, Benjamin / Eva Dick (2018)
What still needs to be said about the migration pact
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 10 December 2018) - Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
Migration ist nicht die Mutter aller Probleme
published on Huffington Post 22.09.2018 - Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
Transitzentren verschleiern die wirklichen Probleme bei Flucht und Migration
published on Huffington Post 07.08.2018 - Schraven, Benjamin / Eva Dick (2018)
What the Global Compact for Migration really means
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 23 July 2018 - Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
IOM on the brink?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 25 June 2018 - Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
Is migration the better form of development aid?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 11 June 2018 - Schraven, Benjamin / Charles Martin-Shields (2018)
Dare to be more complex!
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 19 February 2018 - Martin-Shields, Charles / Steffen Angenendt / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
When and how can foreign aid slow migration?
published on The Washington Post 02.11.2017 - Schraven, Benjamin (2017)
Brauchen wir auch eine Obergrenze für Klimaflüchtlinge?
published on HuffPost Post 02.12.2017 - Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
Die Mär von den 200.000.000 Klimaflüchtlingen
published on Zeit online 05.12.2017 - Schraven, Benjamin (2017)
"Grauenhafte Zustände": Lager in Libyen sind keine Lösung für die Flüchtlingskrise
published on HuffPost 02.08.2017 - Schraven, Benjamin (2017)
Climate change is not everything – The causes of flight and migration are manifold
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 6 June 2017) - Schraven, Benjamin / Niels Keijzer (2016)
Die EU-Migrationspolitik kann nicht nur aus „Fluchtursachenbekämpfung“ bestehen
Published on: International Development Blog, 13.12.2016 - Grävingholt, Jörn / Benjamin Schraven (2016)
The UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants: more than just heart-warming words?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 26 September 2016) - Schraven, Benjamin / Jörn Grävingholt (2016)
A long-term, painstaking undertaking with no guarantee of success – and yet necessary: the development policy "tackling" of causes of flight
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne, 20 June 2016) - Grävingholt, Jörn / Benjamin Schraven (2016)
Wars, refugees and a 'systemic crisis': international emergency assistance requires reform
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 23 May 2016) - Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2016)
The global refugee crisis: The key role of cities
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 2 May 2016) - Mathis, Okka Lou / Benjamin Schraven (2015)
“Climate refugees” in Europe? Climate-related migration affects developing countries in particular
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 10 December 2015) - Keijzer, Niels / Benjamin Schraven (2015)
Europa sollte sich nicht beschweren
published on Zeit Online 3 November 2015 - Schraven, Benjamin (2015)
Mehr globale Verantwortung: Zuwanderung nützt auch den Herkunftsländern
in: Frankfurter Rundschau 24. Juli 2015, 16 - Schraven, Benjamin / Birgit Schmitz (2015)
Financial market regulation must also help refugees and migrants
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 13 April 2014) - Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2014)
Small islands, grand challenges?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 1 September 2014) - Schraven, Benjamin / Niels Keijzer (2014)
Die globale Flüchtlingskrise erfordert mehr als nur humanitäre Hilfe
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne, 23.06.2014) - Schraven, Benjamin / Steffen Bauer (2013)
Klimawandel: die neuen Flüchtlinge
published on Zeit online 10.04.2013 - Afifi, Tamer / Benjamin Schraven (2011)
Den Kleinbauern helfen
published on Zeit online 22.06.2011 - Laube, Wolfram / Benjamin Schraven / Christian Sebaly (2007)
Climate and environmental change: local adaptation processes in Northern Ghana
Presented on the eighths conferene of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Madrid, 3.-14. September - Birkmann, Jörn et al. (2007)
Rapid vulnerability assessment in Sri Lanka: post-tsunami study of two cities: Galle and Batticaloa
Bonn: United Nations Univ., Institute for Environment und Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Birkmann, Jörn et al. (2006)
Rapid and multidimensional vulnerability assessment in Sri Lanka at the local level
Bonn: United Nations Univ., Institute for Environment und Human Security (UNU-EHS) - Schraven, Benjamin / Peter Wobst (2005)
Kenya: social accounting matrix 2001
Washington D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Policy coherence at the nexus of environment, development and migration governance
- Reducing root causes of forced displacement and managing migration
- Promoting food security in rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of agricultural intensification, social security and results-oriented approaches
- Climate change and development - natural resources management in the context of adaptation and mitigation
- Zukunftsfragen nach 2015
- Youth poverty in Accra: livelihood challenges and perspectives in the context of urbanisation
Migration, risk management and climate change: evidence and policy responses (Global Migration Issues)
Milan, Andrea / Benjamin Schraven / Koko Warner / Noemi Cascone (eds.) (2016)
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer
In the Media
Fokus Afrika: Fluchtursachen bekämpft man nicht nur mit Jobs
Huffingtion Post, Blog
05 May 2018
In the media

When and how can foreign aid slow migration?
by Charles Martin-Shields, Steffen Angenendt and Benjamin Schraven (2017)
02 November 2017
In the media
Geld kann Migration nicht verhindern
Benjamin Schraven (2017)
ZEIT ONLINE, 17 October 2017