MGG Academy application

MGG Academy application and requirements

The MGG Academy is geared towards highly-qualified young professionals who work in a partner institution of the MGG network or in an institution that is interested in future cooperation. Prospective participants should

  • be a national or permanent resident of one of the MGG partner countries (MGG partner country (Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa),
  • be 25 – 40 years old (older applicants who have taken longer periods of parental or care leave may be considered),
  • work on issues relevant for sustainable development and global governance,
  • have at least three years work experience (non-remunerated experience is also recognised),
  • have a university degree (at least Bachelor)
  • have the support of their employer (written support required as part of application),
  • be ready to participate in an intensive fulltime programme (40 weekly working hours),
  • have a very good command of the English language (equivalent to B2 level of the CEFR),
  • be respectful of other cultures,
  • be willing to reflect on collective and individual experiences and competencies,
  • be open to a broad variety of working methods.


The MGG Academy takes place between mid-August and mid-November each year. The application round for the next MGG Academy usually opens between January and March.

Further information on the structure and contents of the MGG Academy as well as on the application process is available here.


Tatjana Reiber
Head of the MGG Academy
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-235


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Find out more about the MGG Academy and the MGG Network here