Externe Publikationen

From ‘plausible promises’ to transdisciplinary innovation research in Uzbekistan: process outline and lessons learnt

Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Mehmood Ul-Hassan
Externe Publikationen (2010)

in: Rural Development News 2/2010, 1-11


In 2008, the ZEF-UNESCO project ‘Sustainable Land and Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan’ intro-duced the ‘Follow the Innovation’ (FTI) work package into the third phase of the project, with the aim to fos-ter a participatory approach of testing, adapting and finalizing institutional and technical innovations. The so called ‘plausible promises’ in sustainable land and water resource management had been developed in the first two phases of the project largely in isolation from the real-life situation of local stakeholders and were now to be adapted to the local needs jointly with the local stakeholders. Additionally, this participatory process of innovation research was thought to em-pirically test and thus contribute to the development of a concept for innovation diffusion in Uzbekistan

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