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Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) City Profile: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Guerra, Flávia / Gabriela Merlinsky / Jorgelina Hardoy / Daniel Kozak / Michael Roll / Tobías Melina / Pablo Pereira
Externe Publikationen (2022)

Bonn: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)

Volltext/Full text

To fight the climate crisis, cities have to become more sustainable now. Transformations towards sustainability must be based on the specific urban characteristics of each city. An analysis of the current factors that may or may not enable urban sustainability transformations is a first step for developing locally suited strategies. TUC City Profiles is a series of short reports developed as part of the Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) project to share insights into the existing challenges and opportunities in order to address cross-cutting urban sustainability transformation and development issues through inclusive climate action in the five Latin American TUC cities. The following short report summarizes the main findings from a political economy and ecology analysis of Buenos Aires, Argentina, describing its main geographic, socioeconomic and environmental characteristics, as well as climate governance set-up. It concludes with suggested entry points for transformative change towards sustainability.

Über den IDOS-Autor

Weitere IDOS-Expert*innen zu diesem Thema

Aleksandrova, Mariya

Climate risk governance 

Asimeng, Emmanuel Theodore

Stadtplanung, Nachhaltigkeit 

Brandi, Clara

Ökonomie und Politikwissenschaft 

Dippel, Beatrice


Donnelly, Aiveen


Ekoh, Susan S.


Goedeking, Nicholas

Vergleichende politische Ökonomie 

Gutheil, Lena


Jauregui Fung, Franco

Architektur, Urbane Ballungsräume 

Lehmann, Ina


Löpelt, Sarah

Internationale Beziehungen und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik 

Malerba, Daniele


Mathis, Okka Lou


Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo

Ökologische Ökonomie 

Zumegen, Lisa

Urbane Transformation 


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