„A Digital Agenda for Sustainable Development – Perspectives from South Africa”

MGG Alumni Conference

Ort / Datum
Pretoria, 27.06.2018 bis 28.06.2018


German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD), South Africa

Addressing global challenges by joint knowledge production are at the core of the dialogue, research and training programme Managing Global Governance (MGG) that is implemented by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) with partners from emerging economies.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations provide an opportunity to achieve equitable growth, protect the environment and improve the quality of life of people around the world. Although not a sustainable development goal in itself, digitalisation has great potential to accelerate progress towards achieving the SDGs, by creating new opportunities and solutions through technological innovation. At the same time, technological advances bear risks or cause effects contrary to the goals of the 2030 agenda. With various ongoing discussions and processes on the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) underway, it is imperative that South Africa and the African continent are actively contributing to a digital agenda for sustainable development based on their own particular contexts and conditions, thereby ensuring an endogenous development path.
Therefore, the MGG alumni meeting in Pretoria, South Africa, explored African perspectives on digitalisation and sustainable development as well as ideas for MGG activities in the future. In this context, South Africa’s Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Ms Regina Mhaule, gave a lecture titled "BRICS in Africa: Working towards the realisation of the African Aspirations". DIE and the MGG partner Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD) jointly organized the conference.

MGG is implemented on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


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27.06.2018 bis 28.06.2018



Event Photos

MGG Alumni Conference June 2018