Decolonising Discourse Studies: Qualitative research on (non)discursive and postcolonial construction of realities
Ort / Datum
Hybrid (Online and Augsburg University), 21.04.2022
Network partners of the COST Action Decolonising Development
Discourse Studies have an important record of analysing all types of open and subtle discrimination in and through discourses. Racism in all its varieties is one of the most researched topics in discourse studies. However, the influence of postcolonialism and eurocentrism in discourse studies itself has seldom been object of deeper inquiries.
To discuss these and related topics we invite students and researchers at all career stages to contribute to a three-day workshop. In the workshop we want to bring together participants from the Global North and the Global South. We will work in small groups to discuss specific problems and bring together different perspectives around questions of decolonising discourse studies and global development in plenary sessions.
The overall aims of the workshop are to
- jointly reflect upon the socio-ontological, epistemological and methodological foundations of discourse studies and to ask how the colonial past continues to be engrained in current ways of doing discourse analysis;
- explore the potential and limitations of discourse analysis to critically reflect on postcolonialism and decoloniality as discourse in different contexts;
- propose radical epistemological, methodological and ontological shifts for decolonial discourse studies of the 21st century that can help populations marginalised by coloniality in their struggle for social justice and material redistribution.
We propose the following working groups and encourage proposals for participation on the topics of the working groups and on related topics:
- Methodological challenges of The Sociological of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD) in postcolonial and decolonial research
- Decolonising development research
- Southern Theories
- Unsettling ethnicity, gender, sexuality in discourses
- Colonial (in)visibilities in discourse studies
The common workshop language will be English. In order to accommodate participants with different levels of English skills, we will try to assist with peer-to-peer translations into Spanish and German. The event will be held in a hybrid form (Zoom and in person). Local COVID-regulations at the time of the event will apply. We encourage participants to take part in the workshop in person. Participation is free of charge. We aim to cover travel and accommodation expenses for active participants who are not able to cover these through other sources of funding.
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Datum21.04.2022 bis 23.04.2022
OrtHybrid (Online and Augsburg University)

International Workshop