Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Innovating One Health Governance for Global and Local Action

Science-Policy Interface Session

Ort / Datum
8th World One Health Congress, Cape Town, 20.09.2024


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), GIZ

The failure of cross-sectoral coordination represents the greatest risk for the sustainable implementation of the One Health approach. It is therefore important to understand existing governance mechanisms for collaboration of relevant sectors, identify potential barriers of cross-sectoral coordination and explore potential solutions of how to overcome such barriers.

This session illustrated how innovative One Health policy and governance could be implemented thereby addressing barriers of cross-sectoral coordination, cooperation and trust at the local and national, and international levels. We involved a variety of stakeholders, from practitioners and researchers to policy makers from different continents. They highlighted learnings on how collaboration, policy frameworks and initiatives at international and national level can enhance operationalization and implementation of cross-sectoral coordination with a One Health approach.


Dr Chadia Wannous, Regional One Health Officer for Africa, World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)

Dr. Mariana Ramirez (tbc), Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health and Sports of Bolivia

Dr Yewande Alimi, One Health Unit Lead, Africa CDC  

Dr. Christoph Strupat, IDOS

Moderation: Ruth Schumacher, Head of Global Programme One Health, GIZ



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Datum / Uhrzeit

20.09.2024 / 16:30 - 17:30


8th World One Health Congress

Cape Town

20 Sept. 2024, 04.30pm – 05.30pm