Migration and Security Policy: African and EU Perspectives. Plenary session of the 17th Annual HiCN Workshop: Conflict, Migration, and Displacement
Plenary session of the 17th Annual HiCN Workshop
Ort / Datum
Online, 12.10.2021
University of Göttingen, Centre for Global Migration Studies (CeMig). German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
As governments worldwide associate the uncontrolled movement of refugees, migrants and displaced people as a threat to their nation’s sovereignty and security, migration and refugee politics are becoming increasingly securitized, emphasizing the need to protect the nation’s borders and to curb migration flows.
More inclusive refugee policies that foster refugee integration and freedom of movement seem to conflict with greater control. Security actors worry about the limits to oversee refugees’ activities in a setting without encampment policies and with further integration into national systems. However, refugees, migrants, and internally displaced people can also improve state stability by strengthening the economy, military, diplomatic standing, and civic values.
This plenary session aims at critically discussing the complex interplay between migration and security in various African countries. Taking differential perspectives on this matter, the four speakers will shed light on how Afro-European relations in migration control, national security governance and international refugee policies interact.
- Ruben Andersson, Oxford University
- Camille le Coz, Migration Policy Institute
- Mercy Fekadu, Institute for Peace and Security Studies, University of Addis Abeba
- Michael Owiso, Maseno University
- Jana Kuhnt, DIE
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Datum / Uhrzeit12.10.2021 / 15:00 - 16:15

Senior Researcher
Research programme “Transformation of Political (Dis-)order”
E-mail Jana.Kuhnt@idos-research.de