Thinking and coping with the transformation of human togetherness

Academic Symposium

Ort / Datum
Glasgow, Scotland, 12.07.2017 bis 14.07.2017


Council for European Studies (CES), German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

With the era of the anthropocene, transformation on a planetary scale has reached unparalleled dimensions. Humanity now faces the task to find ways of understanding, adapting to, and living with a whole range of consequences of its evolution. In this day and age, politics has as its mission nothing less than to facilitate and to mange ever more complex forms of co-existence at a global scale. For Europe a paradigm shift in its domestic and external policies towards sustainable development, in its several dimensions, has become a crucial policy area, decisive for its common future. 

Planetary challenges, however, need more than a European response and require global partnerships. Change of societal, ecological, and economic patterns call for cooperative, inclusive and comprehensive approaches. The four panels of this symposium look for connections between the different fields, and ask how they influence and complement each other and which coherent policies can help transformation towards more sustainable societies at national, regional and global levels. 

The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Council for European Studies (CES) jointly hosted an academic symposium on topics of sustainable development and the transformation of international cooperation. The Symposium, hold at the 24th Conference of Europeanists, 12-14 July 2017 in Glasgow welcomed contributions, individual papers or panels, from the fields of international relations, security and development studies, and research looking at the EU as a global actor. 


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12.07.2017 bis 14.07.2017


Glasgow, Scotland


Im Fokus

Transforming for Survival: Europe in the Face of Change
Henökl, Thomas (2016)
Critcom, 08.07.2016