Erforth, Benedikt

Dr. Benedikt Erforth
Inter- and Transnational Cooperation
Project Lead & Senior Researcher
Political Science
Work areas
- EU development policy
- Development finance
- EU-Africa relations
- EU security policy in the Sahel
Regional expertise
- Africa
- Sahel region
since 4/2019 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Senior Researcher, Research department "Inter- and Transnational Cooperation" |
5/2015 - 12/2018 | Sciences Po Paris, France Teaching Fellow in International Relations and European Politics |
9/2011 - 5/2015 | Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy PhD in International Studies |
9/2010 - 7/2011 | Assemblée nationale, Paris, France Parliamentary Assistant |
9/2009 - 7/2010 | The University of Edinburgh, UK MSc in International Relations and European Politics |
10/2006 - 7/2009 | Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen / Université Aix-Marseille III, Germany / France Dual BA in History and Political Science |
11/2005 - 7/2006 | European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium Parliamentary Assistant |
Refereed Publications
- Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2024)
African-European relations
in: Seidu M. Alidu / Benedikt Kamski / Andreas Mehler / David Sebudubudu (eds.), Africa Yearbook Volume 20: politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2023, Leiden: Brill, 29-39 - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2024)
Green and global? A policy frame analysis of the European Investment Bank’s re-branding from 2018–2023
in: Journal of Economic Policy Reform, first published 30.07.2024 - Erforth, Benedikt / Keijzer, Niels (2023)
African-European Relations
in: Seidu M. Alidu / Benedikt Kamski / Andreas Mehler / David Sebudubudu (eds.), Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2022 , Leiden: Brill, 25-35 - Erforth, Benedikt / Charles Martin-Shields (2022)
Where privacy meets politics: EU–Kenya cooperation in data protection
in: Daniels, Chux / Benedikt Erforth / Chloe Teevan (eds.), Africa–Europe cooperation and digital transformation, London: Routledge, 142-155 - Daniels, Chux / Benedikt Erforth / Chloe Teevan (eds.) (2022)
Africa–Europe cooperation and digital transformation
London: Routledge - Burni, Aline / Benedikt Erforth / Niels Keijzer (2021)
Global Europe? The new EU external action instrument and the European Parliament
in: Global Affairs , 1-15 - Burni, Aline / Benedikt Erforth / Ina Friesen / Christine Hackenesch / Maximilian Hoegl / Niels Keijzer (2021)
Who called Team Europe? The European Union’s development policy response during the first wave of COVID-19
in: The European Journal of Development Research 34, 524-539 - Erforth, Benedikt (2020)
Multilateralism as a tool: Exploring French military cooperation in the Sahel
in: Stefano Recchia / Thierry Tardy (eds.), French Interventions in Africa: Reluctant Multilateralism, London: Routledge - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2020)
African-European relations in 2019
in: Albert K. Awedoba / Benedikt Kamski / Andreas Mehler / David Sebudubudu (eds.), Africa Yearbook (Volume 16): Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2019, Leiden / Boston : Brill, 19-31 - Erforth, Benedikt (2020)
Multilateralism as a tool: exploring French military cooperation in the Sahel
in: Journal of Strategic Studies 43 (4), 560-582 - Erforth, Benedikt (2019)
Contemporary French security policy in Africa: on ideas and wars
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan - Erforth, Benedikt (2018)
When power meets perception: France’s fight against terrorism in the Sahara-Sahel
in: Roberto Belloni / Vincent Della Sala / Paul Viotti (eds.), Fear and uncertainty in Europe: the return to realism? Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 109-129 - Erforth, Benedikt (2016)
Mental maps and foreign policy decision-making: Eurafrique and the French military intervention in Mali
in: European Review of International Studies 3 (2), 38-57 - Erforth, Benedikt (2015)
Wenn Venusianer in den Krieg ziehen: Europa im französischen Interventionsdiskurs
in: Laure Ognois / Karl-Peter Sommermann / Fabrice Larat (Hrsg.), Theorie und Praxis der Deutsch-Französischen Zusammenarbeit in Verwaltung und Wissenschaft seit dem Élysée-Vertrag, Speyer: Deutsche Univ. für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer (Speyerer Arbeitshefte 217), 109-128 - Erforth, Benedikt (2014)
No sign of marginality: Africa’s international relations in the 21st century
in: Millennium – Journal of International Relations 42 (3), 927-935
Non-refereed Publications
- Desmidt, Sophie / Julian Bergmann / Benedikt Erforth / Sara Gianesello (2024)
Staying engaged as Team Europe in fragile settings
ETTG Collective Report (3/2024), Brüssel: European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) - Carbone, Giovanni / Lucia Ragazzi / Alain Antil / Benedikt Erforth / Alberto Magnani (2024)
Rebooting Italy's Africa policy: making the Mattei Plan work
ISPI Policy Paper, Milano: Italien Institute for International Political Studies - Berensmann, Kathrin / Benedikt Erforth / Niels Keijzer / Yabibal Walle (2024)
EU development banking: options to strengthen coherence, effectiveness and flexibility
in: Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (eds.), The European Union’s global role in a changing world: challenges and opportunities for the new leadership, Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 18-23 - Erforth, Benedikt (2024)
Data extraction, data governance and Africa–Europe Cooperation: a research agenda
in: Megatrends Working Paper 14 - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2024)
Die Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament: Was können wir für die Beziehungen zwischen Afrika und der EU erwarten?
in: Megatrends Spotlight 32 - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2024)
The European Parliament elections: what can we expect for Africa-EU relations?
in: Megatrends Spotlight 32 - Megatrends Afrika (ed.) (2024)
Joint Futures: ideas for Germany’s Africa Policy - Ideen für die deutsche Afrikapolitik
in: Megatrends Working Paper 12 - Bergmann, Julian / Benedikt Erforth / Niels Keijzer (2024)
The involvement of the private sector and other non-state actors in EU development policy: current ambitions and directions
in: Sven Grimm / Stephan Klingebiel (eds.), Transnational cooperation – an explorative collection, Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability, 17-23 - Caruso, Francesca / Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw / Kawsar Laanani / Marta Driessen / Carola García-Calvo / Rukia Mohamed Bakari / Latyr Tyne / Benedikt Erforth / Julian Bergmann (2024)
Conflict and unconstitutional change of government in Africa: is there still a role for the EU-AU Partnership?
ETTG Collective Report 1/2024, Brüssel: European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) - Erforth, Benedikt (2023)
Was macht eine gute Digitalpartnerschaft mit Afrika aus?
published on, 20.11.2023 - Erforth, Benedikt (2023)
Digitalisierung Afrikas: Europa - Modell für die digitale Transformation Afrikas?
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 9/10 (2023), 50-54 - Erforth, Benedikt / Brian King / Charles Martin-Shields / Dorcas Owino (2023)
Harnessing the potential and mitigating the risks of using digital innovation to build a more climate-resilient, prosperous, and democratic world
in: T7 Task Force Science and Digitalization for a Better Future Policy Brief (April 2023) - Erforth, Benedikt / Lena Gutheil (2023)
The new Africa Strategy of Germany’s Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development: more self-critical, credible and values-based?
in: Megatrends Spotlight 21 - Erforth, Benedikt / Lena Gutheil (2023)
Afrikastrategie des BMZs: selbstkritisch, glaubwürdig, wertegeleitet?
in: Megatrends Spotlight 21 - Erforth, Benedikt / Anna Hörter / Wolfram Lacher / Lisa Tschörner (2022)
Megatrends and conflict dynamics in Africa: multipolarity and delegation in foreign interventions
in: Megatrends Africa Working Paper 02 (December 2022) - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2022)
Donors, implementing agencies and DFI/PDB cooperation – The case of Germany: BMZ, GIZ, KfW and DEG
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (ETTG), October 2022 - Erforth, Benedikt / Denis M. Tull (2022)
The failure of French Sahel policy: an opportunity for European cooperation?
in: Megatrends Spotlight 13 - Erforth, Benedikt / Denis M. Tull (2022)
Frankreichs gescheiterte Sahel-Politik: eine Chance für europäische Kooperation
in: Megatrends Spotlight 13 - Keijzer, Niels / Benedikt Erforth / Aline Burni (2022)
La política europea de desarrollo quiere ser geopolítica
in: Politica Exterior (36) 209, 137-143 - Erforth, Benedikt / Lena Gutheil (2022)
Why we should talk about megatrends in Africa
in: Megatrends Spotlight 05 - Erforth, Benedikt / Wolfram Lacher (2022)
Warum es sich lohnt, über Megatrends in Afrika zu sprechen
in: Megatrends Spotlight 05 - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2022)
AU-EU-Gipfel: lang erwarteter Neustart einer zukunftsfähigen Partnerschaft?
in: Megatrends Sportlight 04 - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2022)
The AU-EU Summit: resetting the continent-to-continent partnership
in: Megatrends Spotlight 04 - Erforth, Benedikt / Kerstin Fritzsche (2022)
Towards a digital development partnership that meets African interests
Washington DC: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Erforth, Benedikt / Keijzer, Niels (2021)
African–European Relations in 2020
in: Victor Adetula / Benedikt Kamski / Andreas Mehler / Henning Melber (Hrsg.), Africa Yearbook (Vol. 17), Leiden / Boston : Brill, 19-33 - Riaño, Maria Alejandra / Samantha Attridge / San Bilal / Niels Keijzer / Benedikt Erforth / Danielle Fattibene / Elisabeth Hege / Martin Evans / Iliana Olivié / Damien Barchiche (2021)
Financing the 2030 Agenda: an SDG alignment framework for public development banks
ETTG Paper, October 2021 - Keijzer, Niels / Aline Burni / Benedikt Erforth / Ina Friesen (2021)
The rise of the Team Europe approach in EU development cooperation: assessing a moving target
(Discussion Paper 22/2021) - Daniels, Chux / Benedikt Erforth / Rob Floyd/ Chloe Teevan (2020)
Strengthening the digital partnership between Africa and Europe
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (October 2020) - Burni, Aline / Benedikt Erforth (2020)
The French response to the Corona Crisis: semi-presidentialism par excellence
published on Executives, Presidents and Cabinet Politics (PEX) Network, 07.05.2020 - Erforth, Benedikt (2020)
The future of European development banking: what role and place for the European Investment Bank?
(Discussion Paper 11/2020) - Erforth, Benedikt / Lennart Kaplan (2019)
The future of European development finance – institutional reforms for sustainable solutions
(Briefing Paper 20/2019) - Erforth, Benedikt / Lennart Kaplan (2019)
Die Zukunft der europäischen Entwicklungsfinanzierung – institutionelle Reformen für nachhaltige Lösungen
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 14/2019) - Erforth, Benedikt (2017)
The rocky road to stability: Mali 4 years after the French intervention
published on Foreign Policy Blogs January 12th, 2017 - Erforth, Benedikt (2017)
The EU at 60: between globalism and nationalism
published on Foreign Policy Blogs May 6th, 2017 - Erforth, Benedikt (2016)
Military power Europe: a contradiction in terms?
published on Foreign Policy Blogs October 14th, 2016 - Erforth, Benedikt (2016)
Sovereignty strikes back: Turkey’s purge and international silence
published on Foreign Policy Blogs August 31st, 2016 - Erforth, Benedikt (2014)
Peace and security for Africa, made in France
published on Think Africa Press January 22th, 2014 - Erforth, Benedikt / George Deffner (2013)
Old wine in new bottles? Justifying France’s military intervention in Mali
published on Think Africa Press March 18th, 2013
Opinion Pieces
- Erforth, Benedikt / Wolfram Lacher (2024)
Great expectations, new ideas, and many unanswered questions: on the conclusion of Joint Futures
published on, 15.02.2024 - Erforth, Benedikt / Wolfram Lacher (2024)
Große Erwartungen, Impulse, und viele offene Fragen: zum Abschluss von Joint Futures
published on, 15.02.2024 - Erforth, Benedikt / Lena Gutheil (2023)
Global structural policy 2.0 – more self-critical, credible and values-based?
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 30 January 2023 - Tull, Denis M. / Benedikt Erforth (2022)
Megatrends Afrika: Afrika als geopolitisches Spielfeld der Weltmächte
published on, 10.11.2022 - Erforth, Benedikt / Bergmann, Julian (2022)
Après le retrait de la France, trois changements probables au Mali - et deux options pour la junte
published on, 17.03.2022 - Erforth, Benedikt / Julian Bergmann (2022)
Three likely changes in Mali after France withdraws - and two options for the junta
published on, 13.03.2022 - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2022)
The AU-EU Summit: resetting the continent-to-continent partnership
published on, 24.02.2022 - Bergmann, Julian / Benedikt Erforth (2022)
Four proposals to strengthen Franco-German cooperation on Africa
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 7 February 2022 - Erforth, Benedikt (2021)
A pledge for a European digital strategy in Africa
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 8 February 2021 - Burni, Aline / Niels Keijzer / Benedikt Erforth (2020)
What does a more assertive European Parliament mean for EU development policy?
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 26 October 2020 - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2020)
EU-Afrika-Beziehungen nach Corona: Handeln vor dem Schleier des Ungewissen
published on, 21.04.2020 - Keijzer, Niels/ Benedikt Erforth (2020)
Is the EU risking another “no deal”?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 17 February 2020 - Erforth, Benedikt / Niels Keijzer (2020)
EU budget negotiations: the ‘frugal five’ and development policy
published on January 21, 2020 - Kaplan, Lennart / Benedikt Erforth (2019)
The wise Persons group’s verdict: opportunities and challenges to restructuring the European financial architecture
published on October 10, 2019 - Högl, Maximilian / Benedikt Erforth / Niels Keijzer (2019)
What the European elections mean for development policy
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 4 June 2019)
- Megatrends Africa: Structural transformation and international Zeitenwende
- Between Crisis Management and Global Sustainability Transformation: The Role of the European Union
- PGP Research Team: Mauritius’ Digital Cooperation and Engagement with External Partners
- Shaping European policy for global sustainable development - ETTG
- Europe’s role in the world: From development policy towards a policy for global sustainable development?
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In the Media
Coups in Gabon and Niger: "It is important to look at the countries individually"
tagesschau (only German)

Africa–Europe cooperation and digital transformation
Daniels, Chux / Benedikt Erforth / Chloe Teevan (Eds.) (2022)
London: Routledge
Contemporary french security policy in Africa: on ideas and wars
Erforth, Benedikt (2019)
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan