
The German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publishes four independent publication series. IDOS researchers publish their current research results in Discussion Papers, Policy Briefs and Studies. Visiting scholars and cooperation partners also have the opportunity to publish their research results in one of the IDOS series. Publications from the series Analysen und Stellungnahmen, Briefing Paper and Two-Pager / Zweiseiter, which will be discontinued in 2022, will continue to be available online. The fourth publication series is for opinion pieces: The Current Column regularly comments on the latest developments and issues in international development policy.

IDOS researchers also regularly publish their research results in peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed German and international journals and publication series of other research institutes and institutions as well as with renowned book publishers. In addition, they use blogs and online platforms of partner institutions to communicate the Institute's research and advisory activities to an interested public.

Cover: The Current Column
The Current Column
Policy Brief
Policy Brief
Discussion Paper
Discussion Paper
Cover: Studies

Found 9409 results in 10 milliseconds. Displaying results 7581 to 7590 of 9409.

  1. Kernarbeitsnormen verankern: Menschenrechte schützen, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung fördern

    Liebig, Klaus (2004)

  2. Keimzelle der Demokratie. Historische und aktuelle Betrachtungen zum Thema "Zivilgesellschaft und Entwicklung"

    Messner, Dirk (2004)

  3. Jordan: between regime survival and economic reform
    Jordan: between regime survival and economic reform

    Schlumberger, Oliver / André Bank (2004)

  4. Im Kampf um die Reisschüssel? Veränderungen im chinesischen Arbeitsmarkt und ihre gesellschaftlichen Folgen

    Fischer, Doris (2004)

  5. Ukreplenie potenciala, polnomočij i otvetstvennosti: neotložnaja zadača reformy organov mestnogo samoupravlenija Kyrgyzstana [Stärkung des Potenzials, der Kompetenzen und der Verantwortlichkeit ist dringende Aufgabe einer Reform der lokalen Selbstverwaltungsorgane in Kirgistan]

    Abylova, Gulasel / Jörn Grävingholt (2004)

  6. Systemische Politikfähigkeit: Leitbilder der Staatsreform in Lateinamerika

    von Haldenwang, Christian (2004)

  7. Keine Sicherheit ohne pro-aktive Entwicklungspolitik

    Faust, Jörg / Dirk Messner (2004)

  8. Außenwirtschaftspolitik VR China

    Fischer, Doris (2004)

  9. Eine neue Allianz? Das Verhältnis der Entwicklungspolitik zum Militär wird enger

    Klingebiel, Stephan / Katja Roehder (2004)

  10. Herausforderung Nation Building (Interview)

    Klingebiel, Stephan (2004)