Externe Publikationen

Rural-urban migration in West Africa: contexts, trends and recommendations

Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven
Externe Publikationen (2021)

in: Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), Policy Brief (February 2021)

Volltext/Full text

Rural-urban migration constitutes the principal pattern of internal and cross-border migration in West Africa. In alignment with environmental and health agendas, its drivers and effects need to be explicitly accounted for in migration and urbanization policies. For example, that households use rural-urban migration as a risk-diversification and livelihood strategy is a key consideration. Highly vulnerable migrant populations such as children, women, the elderly, or the forcibly displaced should receive particular attention.

Weitere Expert*innen zu diesem Thema

Asimeng, Emmanuel Theodore

Stadtplanung, Nachhaltigkeit 

Christ, Simone


Ekoh, Susan S.


Flaig, Merlin


Gutheil, Lena


Jaji, Rose


Jauregui Fung, Franco

Architektur, Urbane Ballungsräume 

Kuhnt, Jana


Löpelt, Sarah

Internationale Beziehungen und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik 

Martin-Shields, Charles


Zumegen, Lisa

Urbane Transformation 


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