Aufsätze und sonstige Publikationen

Die Wissenschaftler*innen des German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) veröffentlichen ihre Forschungsergebnisse regelmäßig in einschlägigen deutschen und internationalen (Fach-)Zeitschriften. Darüber hinaus publizieren die Expert*innen des IDOS bei weiteren renommierten Verlagen wie Springer, Routledge u. a.


Es wurden 6205 Ergebnisse gefunden. Zeige Ergebnisse 1491 bis 1500 von 6205.

  1. The relevance of environmental research for development studies
    The relevance of environmental research for development studies

    Scholz, Imme (2019)

  2. Book review: "Randomistas: how radical researchers are changing our world" by Andrew Leigh
    Book review: "Randomistas: how radical researchers are changing our world" by Andrew Leigh

    Fuhrmann, Hanna (2019)

  3. Method factors in democracy indicators

    Elff, Martin / Sebastian Ziaja (2018)

  4. Foreign aid
    Foreign aid

    Dreher, Axel / Valentin Lang / Sebastian Ziaja (2018)

  5. Promises and risks of nonstate action in climate and sustainability governance
    Promises and risks of nonstate action in climate and sustainability governance

    Chan, Sander / Idil Boran / Harro van Asselt / Gabriela Iacobuta / Navam Niles / Katharine Rietig / Michelle Scobie / Jennifer S. Bansard / Deborah Delgado Pugley / Laurence L. Delina / Friederike Eichhorn / Paula Ellinger / Okechukwu Enechi / Thomas Hale (2019)

  6. Wie ungelöste Probleme Entwicklungsländer in die Verschuldung treiben
    Wie ungelöste Probleme Entwicklungsländer in die Verschuldung treiben

    Berensmann, Kathrin (2018)

  7. Refugee Law, Agency and Credibility in Refugee Status Determination in Nairobi, Kenya
    Refugee Law, Agency and Credibility in Refugee Status Determination in Nairobi, Kenya

    Jaji, Rose (2018)

  8. Poverty and shared prosperity 2018: piecing together the poverty puzzle
    Poverty and shared prosperity 2018: piecing together the poverty puzzle

    Jolliffe, Dean / María Ana Lugo / Bénédicte Leroy de la Brière / Jed Friedman / Isis Gaddis / Roy Katayama / Daniel Gerszon Mahler / Mario Negre / David Newhouse / Minh Cong Nguyen / Espen Beer Prydz / Maika Schmidt / Dhiraj Sharma / Judy Yang (2018)

  9. Introduction: Characteristics of Asian financial systems in comparative perspective
    Introduction: Characteristics of Asian financial systems in comparative perspective

    Morgan, Peter J. / Ulrich Volz / Naoyuki Yoshino (2019)

  10. The development and transformation of the financial system of the People’s Republic of China
    The development and transformation of the financial system of the People’s Republic of China

    Tobin, Damien / Ulrich Volz (2019)