Aufsätze und sonstige Publikationen

Die Wissenschaftler*innen des German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) veröffentlichen ihre Forschungsergebnisse regelmäßig in einschlägigen deutschen und internationalen (Fach-)Zeitschriften. Darüber hinaus publizieren die Expert*innen des IDOS bei weiteren renommierten Verlagen wie Springer, Routledge u. a.


Es wurden 6205 Ergebnisse gefunden. Zeige Ergebnisse 2101 bis 2110 von 6205.

  1. Normativer Kompass
    Normativer Kompass

    Messner, Dirk (2016)

  2. Assessing the costs and benefits of reducing fragmentation: coordination in European aid
    Assessing the costs and benefits of reducing fragmentation: coordination in European aid

    Negre, Mario / Stephan Klingebiel (2016)

  3. EU engagement in fragile and conflict-affected countries: comprehensive policy, fragmented operations
    EU engagement in fragile and conflict-affected countries: comprehensive policy, fragmented operations

    Furness, Mark (2016)

  4. Fragmentation: a key concept for development cooperation
    Fragmentation: a key concept for development cooperation

    Klingebiel, Stephan / Timo Casjen Mahn / Mario Negre (2016)

  5. South-South cooperation and fragmentation: a non-issue?
    South-South cooperation and fragmentation: a non-issue?

    Bracho, Gerado / Sven Grimm (2016)

  6. The United Nations in development: confronting fragmentation?
    The United Nations in development: confronting fragmentation?

    Mahn, Timo Casjen (2016)

  7. Are Armington elasticities different across countries and sectors? A European study
    Are Armington elasticities different across countries and sectors? A European study

    Olekseyuka, Zoryana / Hannah Schürenberg-Frosch (2016)

  8. Modeling of FDI in business services: additional effects in case of Ukraine’s European integration
    Modeling of FDI in business services: additional effects in case of Ukraine’s European integration

    Olekseyuk, Zoryana (2016)

  9. Female wages in the Egyptian textiles and clothing industry: low pay and discrimination
    Female wages in the Egyptian textiles and clothing industry: low pay and discrimination

    El-Haddad, Amirah (2011)

  10. رؤية لاتجاهات السياسة الصناعية المصرية فى ضوء بعض الدراسات المقارنة (Government intervention with no structural transformation: the challenges of Egyptian industrial policy in comparative perspective)
    رؤية لاتجاهات السياسة الصناعية المصرية فى ضوء بعض الدراسات المقارنة (Government intervention with no structural transformation: the challenges of Egyptian industrial policy in comparative perspective)

    El-Haddad, Amirah (2016)