
Die Wissenschaftler*innen des German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) veröffentlichen ihre Forschungsergebnisse bei renommierten externen Verlagen wie Springer, Routledge, Nomos, Frank Cass  & Co. u.a.

Alle deutschsprachigen Bände bis 1993 (Nummer 106) wurden vom IDOS selbst verlegt und können (soweit nicht vergriffen) gegen Rechnung beim IDOS bestellt werden.

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Es wurden 670 Ergebnisse gefunden. Zeige Ergebnisse 51 bis 60 von 670.

  1. Promoting tax compliance with behavioral insights
    Promoting tax compliance with behavioral insights

    Hernandez, Marco / Jonathan Karver / Mario Negre / Julie Perng (2019)

  2. Chinese pastoralism in rapid transformation: an institutional analysis of grassland management in Northern China
    Chinese pastoralism in rapid transformation: an institutional analysis of grassland management in Northern China

    Yu, Lu (2018)

  3. The politics of US aid to Pakistan: aid allocation and delivery from Truman to Trump
    The politics of US aid to Pakistan: aid allocation and delivery from Truman to Trump

    Ali, Murad (2019)

  4. Meta-evaluation of project and programme evaluations in 2015-2017: evaluation on Finland’s development policy and cooperation
    Meta-evaluation of project and programme evaluations in 2015-2017: evaluation on Finland’s development policy and cooperation

    Silvestrini, Stefan / Susanne Johanna Väth / Cornelia Römling / Michael Lieckefett / Petra Mikkolainen (2018)

  5. The sociology of knowledge approach to discourse: investigating the politics of knowledge and meaning-making
    The sociology of knowledge approach to discourse: investigating the politics of knowledge and meaning-making

    Keller, Reiner / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Wolf Schünemann (eds.) (2018)

  6. Climate change and the cost of capital in developing countries: assessing the impact of climate risks on sovereign borrowing costs
    Climate change and the cost of capital in developing countries: assessing the impact of climate risks on sovereign borrowing costs

    Buhr, Bob / Ulrich Volz / Charles Donovan / Gerhard Kling / Yuen Lo / Victor Murinde / Natalie Pullin (2018)

  7. Impacts du crédit agricole de la Faîtière des Caisses d'Epargne et de Crédit Agricole Mutuel du Bénin (FECECAM-BENIN)
    Impacts du crédit agricole de la Faîtière des Caisses d'Epargne et de Crédit Agricole Mutuel du Bénin (FECECAM-BENIN)

    Floquet, Anne / Nicaise Sheila Sagbo / Michael Brüntrup (2018)

  8. Environmental policy and the pursuit of sustainability
    Environmental policy and the pursuit of sustainability

    Schelly, Chelsea / Aprajita Banerjee (eds.) (2018)

  9. Access to resources and markets for sustainable and inclusive value chains: towards locally adapted institutions for strengthening the chain position of Brazil nut gatherers in the Brazilian Amazon
    Access to resources and markets for sustainable and inclusive value chains: towards locally adapted institutions for strengthening the chain position of Brazil nut gatherers in the Brazilian Amazon

    Inacio da Cunha, Marcelo (2018)

  10. Political ecology of REDD+ in Indonesia agrarian conflicts and forest carbon
    Political ecology of REDD+ in Indonesia agrarian conflicts and forest carbon

    Hein, Jonas (2019)