Mitarbeiter sonstige

Introduction to "United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development"

Fues, Thomas / Jiang Ye
Mitarbeiter sonstige (2014)

in: Thomas Fues / Jiang Ye (eds.), United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development: perspectives from China and Europe, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 5-8

ISBN: 978-3-88985-649-4

The introduction points to the surprising degree of convergence in German and Chinese analytical approaches but also identifies areas of substantive disagreement. The co-editors find that scholars from both institutions emphasise the historic significance of the post-2015 agenda which aims at defining a universal paradigm of sustainable development, and they also maintain that poverty eradication and the unfinished business of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) must stand at the centre of the new framework. Differences between the scholars relate to the meaning of national sovereignty and the relevance of political factors such as good governance, rule of law and human rights. Differing nuances on certain aspects notwithstanding, the co-editors underline that the contributions to the volume offer a wide range of valuable insights and policy recommendations in support of a closer cooperation between China and Europe in the post-2015 process.

Über den Autor

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