
Das German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) gibt vier eigenständige Publikationsreihen heraus. In Discussion Papers, Policy Briefs und Studies veröffentlichen die Wissenschaftler*innen des IDOS ihre aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse. Auch Gastwissenschaftler*innen und Kooperationspartner haben die Möglichkeit, ihre Forschungsergebnisse in einer der IDOS-Reihen zu publizieren. Publikationen der 2022 eingestellten Reihen Analysen und Stellungnahmen, Briefing Paper sowie Two-Pager / Zweiseiter sind weiterhin online verfügbar. Die vierte Publikationsreihe ist für Meinungsbeiträge vorgesehen: Regelmäßig kommentiert die Aktuelle Kolumne die neuesten Entwicklungen und Themen der internationalen Entwicklungspolitik.

Wissenschaftler*innen des IDOS veröffentlichen ihre Forschungsergebnisse zudem regelmäßig in referierten und nicht referierten deutschen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften und Publikationsreihen anderer Forschungseinrichtungen und Institutionen sowie bei renommierten Buchverlagen. Zusätzlich nutzen sie Blogs und Online-Plattformen der Partnerinstitutionen, um die Forschungs- und Beratungstätigkeit des Instituts einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit zu vermitteln.

Cover: Die aktuelle Kolumne
Die aktuelle Kolumne
Cover: Policy Brief
Policy Brief
Discussion Paper
Discussion Paper
Cover: Studies

Es wurden 9409 Ergebnisse gefunden. Zeige Ergebnisse 1861 bis 1870 von 9409.

  1. Trends in African Migration to Europe: Drivers Beyond Economic Motivations
    Trends in African Migration to Europe: Drivers Beyond Economic Motivations

    Giménez-Gómez, José-Manuel / Yabibal M. Walle / Yitagesu Zewdu Zergawu (2021)

  2. Club governance and legitimacy: the perspective of old and rising powers on the G7 and the G20
    Club governance and legitimacy: the perspective of old and rising powers on the G7 and the G20

    Brandi, Clara (2019)

  3. Environmental provisions in trade agreements: defending regulatory space or pursuing offensive interests?
    Environmental provisions in trade agreements: defending regulatory space or pursuing offensive interests?

    Blümer, Dominique / Jean-Frédéric Morin / Clara Brandi / Axel Berger (2019)

  4. Global imbalances: a job for the G20?
    Global imbalances: a job for the G20?

    Fischer, Roger A. (2019)
    Discussion Paper, 18/2019

    Excessive current account imbalances accumulate because the global economy cannot effectively transform funds into consumption and productive investment. The G20 is well placed to foster international coordination to reduce global imbalances. To do so its current procedures need to be reformed.

  5. Not in my backyard? Welfare gains and social challenges: the impact of refugees on the host population in Uganda
    Not in my backyard? Welfare gains and social challenges: the impact of refugees on the host population in Uganda

    Kuhnt, Jana / Jana Lenze / Ramona Rischke (2019)
    Discussion Paper, 17/2019

    We exploit a natural experiment of three sudden Congolese refugee inflows to causally investigate the impact of an increased exposure to refugee presence on the Ugandan host population. We focus on the effects on female employment, household welfare and social cohesion among the host population.

  6. Do no harm? Field research in the Global South: ethical challenges faced by research staff
    Do no harm? Field research in the Global South: ethical challenges faced by research staff

    Kaplan, Lennart / Jana Kuhnt / Janina I. Steinert (2020)

  7. Poverty alleviation and local environmental degradation: an empirical analysis in Colombia
    Poverty alleviation and local environmental degradation: an empirical analysis in Colombia

    Malerba, Daniele (2020)

  8. The future of European development finance – institutional reforms for sustainable solutions
    The future of European development finance – institutional reforms for sustainable solutions

    Erforth, Benedikt / Lennart Kaplan (2019)

    This paper discusses how a reconfiguration of the European development finance system could increase efficiency and sustainability. In this regard, the focus should be shifted from institutional to substantial considerations, including partner countries’ needs.

  9. The development policy system: where do we stand? Where do we go? 发展政策体系:我们站在哪里?我们走向何方?
    The development policy system: where do we stand? Where do we go? 发展政策体系:我们站在哪里?我们走向何方?

    Gonsior, Victoria / Stephan Klingebiel (2019)

  10. Reflecting on the right to development from the perspective of global environmental change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
    Reflecting on the right to development from the perspective of global environmental change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

    Scholz, Imme (2020)