MGG Network – India National Network Meeting 2023

Network Meeting

Ort / Datum
New Delhi, India, 28.07.2023


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

The MGG Network (IDOS) was thrilled to organise the MGG India National Network Meeting 2023 with participation from Indian alumni of the MGG Academy. This meeting held special significance as it was being organised in the backdrop of the T20 Summit through July 31 – August 2 at Mysuru, India.

The conversations in this meeting focused on sharing of and learning from experiences of the Indian network with the several dialogues & events as part of G20 processes and tracks this year that have been organised under India’s presidency of the G20. Several MGG partner institutions from India commendably have been at the forefront of several G20 engagement groups and tracks as hosts and key contributors throughout India’s Presidency. It is a matter of great pride for the Network. This meeting therefore aimed at enabling a space for exchange of the network participants regarding the processes and their contribution. And of course, to create a space for catching up among the Indian alumni of the MGG Academy!

Potentially, as Brazil will hold the next G20 Presidency, the learnings from this meeting may be helpful in getting perspectives for our Brazilian MGG colleagues and an exchange on those lines can also be facilitated in 2024.

Format of discussion:

  • Group discussions based on poll


About T20 and IDOS/MGG:
T20 is a broad-based network of think tanks, which provides evidence-based policy advice to the G20. As co-host under the German presidency in 2017, IDOS in cooperation with MGG partners, played a key role in strengthening the network. An outstanding achievement of the IDOS has been the unprecedented degree of inclusion which has come about through broad participation of MGG partners from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and South Africa. Moreover, partners from Southern G20 countries have been actively engaged in the processes. MGG’s strong presence in the T20 process is crucial to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to create new opportunities for research on global cooperation.


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Datum / Uhrzeit

28.07.2023 / 10:00 - 12:00


Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi