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Knowledge Cooperation

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Knowledge cooperation is becoming increasingly important, especially in the context of 2030 Agenda. The cluster has a particular interest in the role of transnational knowledge actors and knowledge communities in researching and shaping global change. For example, how can new platforms be used in teaching and knowledge diffusion to contribute to achieving the 2030 Agenda? This includes formulating practical recommendations for a global policy of the common good in transnational networks too, such as the Managing Global Governance (MGG) programme at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS). The conditions for successful transformative research are also examined. This involves conceptually addressing the role of think tanks in a German and international context, as well as sharing experiences of different platforms with partner institutions around the world.

The research programme as a whole and the knowledge cooperation cluster in particular benefit in a unique way from IDOS' training platforms. As a knowledge institution, IDOS is also an applied research institute and development policy actor for this topic.


Synergising digital public infrastructure and digital commons for sustainable development: the governance of digital resources in India and the EU
Dang, Vy / Aliasger Bootwalla / Eva Maria Lynders / Wulf Reiners (2024)

published on gatewayhouse, 28.03.2024

Los costos ambientales de la digitalización
Lucatello, Simone / Wulf Reiners (2024)

in: El Universal, 24.03.2024

Why the world needs global governance for science cooperation
Schwachula, Anna (2021)

The Current Column of 15 February 2021

Palgrave Handbook of development cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda: contested collaboration
Chaturvedi, Sachin / Heiner Janus / Stephan Klingebiel / Li Xiaoyun / André de Mello e Souza / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Dorothea Wehrmann (Eds.)  (2020)

Cham: Palgrave Macmillan

Transnational science cooperation for sustainable development
Schwachula, Anna (2020)

in: Sachin Chaturvedi / Heiner Janus / Stephan Klingebiel / Xiaoyun Li / André de Mello e Souza / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Dorothea Wehrmann (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of development cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 59-88, online

How can development cooperation be more sensitive to power relations?
Kornprobst, Tim / Anna Schwachula (2020)
The Current Column of 16 November 2020

Sustainable Development in Science Policy-Making: The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research's Policies for International Cooperation in Sustainability Research
Schwachula, Anna (2019)

Buchveröffentlichungen (2019), Bielefeld: transcript Verl.

How cooperating for the 2030 Agenda can succeed
Schwachula, Anna/ Johanna Vogel (2019)

The Current Column of 4 November 2019

Knowledge diplomacy in climate politics: global policy-making through regional lens
Hernandez, Ariel (2018)

published on Matthias Middell (ed.), The Routledge handbook of transregional studies, London: Routledge

South-South and triangular knowledge cooperation on sustainability standards
Fues, Thomas / Sven Grimm (2018)
in: Development Cooperation Review 1 (4), 5-9

The interface between research and policy-making in South Africa: exploring the institutional framework and practice of an uneasy relationship
Grimm, Sven / Mareike Magdalena Gensch / Johanna Hauf / Julia Prenzel / Nitja Rehani / Sarah Senz / Olivier Vogel (2018)

Discussion Paper 19/2018

International funding for research and innovation in Africa: the case of China
Grimm, Sven (2018)

in: ITB Infoservice (ed.), Science and innovation in Africa: international funding and cooperation (Special edition 12-03/18), 17-19

Why the civil service needs a 2030 Agenda update
Reiber, Tatjana / Wulf Reiners (2018)

The Current Column of 19 November 2018

Bridging science and development: lessons learnt from two decades of development research
Callo-Concha, Daniel / Manfred Denich / John P. A. Lamers / Anna Schwachula / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Asia Khamzina / Christian Borgemeister (2016)

published on Agroforestry Systems (online first 26 August 2016)

Science, technology and innovation in the context of development. An overview of concepts and corresponding policies recommended by international organisations
Schwachula, Anna / Maximiliano Vila Seoane / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2014)

Bonn: Center for Development Research (ZEF), (ZEF Working Paper 132)

Wissen schafft Entwicklung: Wissenschaftsförderung als Instrument der Entwicklungspolitik
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Hrsg.), unter Mitarbeit von Anna Schwachula (2008)

Bonn: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (AvH-Diskussionspapier 13/2008)


Knowledge diplomacy in climate politics: global policy-making through regional lens
Hernandez, Ariel (2018)

published on Matthias Middell (ed.), The Routledge handbook of transregional studies, London: Routledge


International funding for research and innovation in Africa: the case of China
Grimm, Sven (2018)

in: ITB Infoservice (ed.), Science and innovation in Africa: international funding and cooperation (Special edition 12-03/18), 17-19