MGG Global Network
The Managing Global Governance (MGG) network brings together governmental institutions, think tanks and research institutions as well as civil society and business organizations from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa as well as Germany / Europe. It provides an innovative platform for learning and networking with partnerships working at eye-level.
The MGG programme is implemented by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its core elements are the dialogue- und training programme MGG Academy, the MGG knowledge cooperation within the context of research projects as well as the policy dialogue in the form of focused consultations on strategic political processes.
The activities aim at the joint development and implementation of contributions to address global challenges. MGG strengthens the institutional competencies of the partner organisations and creates innovative knowledge to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thereby, all MGG partners should be empowered to participate in international policy processes and achieve joint impact.
MGG/PRODIGEES Final Conference
Digitalisation Towards Sustainable Development
Mexico City, 8 March 2025 until 13 March 2025
T20 Summit Side Event
Global cooperation on sustainable development after the 2024 election year
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13 November 2024
Network Meeting
MGG Network – Brazil National Network Meeting 2024
Brasília, Brazil, 7 November 2024
MGG Conference
International Capacity Development for the Civil Service - The Sustainable Digitalisation Agenda
Cape Town, South Africa, 4 - 9 May 2024
Digitalisation Towards Sustainable Development
Stellenbosch & Cape Town, South Africa, 28 April – 3 May 2024
MGG Global Network Conference
Global Partnerships – Knowledge, Dialogue, and Action
Bonn, 25-28 September 2023
T20 Summit Side Event
Utopias of Global Cooperation: Towards joint Visions for Global Digital Commons
Mysuru, India, 31 July 2023
Network Meeting
MGG Network – India National Network Meeting 2023
New Delhi, India, 28 July 2023
MGG Conference
15 Years Managing Global Governance
Online, 23-25 November 2022
Council Annual Meeting
UNFSS Academic Advisory Council Annual Meeting 2022
KU Leuven + online, 27 until 28 October 2022
MGG-PRODIGEES Authors Workshop
Digitalisation Towards Sustainable Development
Nice, France, 21 September 2022 until 24 September 2022
MGG Conference
Building from Scratch
Jakarta, 2 September 2022
T20 Summit Side Event
Utopias of Global Cooperation
Kuta Selatan, 4 September 2022
PRODIGEES/MGG Hybrid Peer-Exchange
Sustainability and International Training for Civil Servants
Mexico City/Online, 10 May 2022
MGG Conference
The 2030 Agenda and International Training for the Public Sector
H.Congreso de la Unión, El Parque, Ciudad de México, 9 May 2022
MGG Conference
Ukraine Conflict: Global Implications for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Ciudad de México, 6 May 2022
PRODIGEES Roundtable Discussion
Enabling Narratives Towards a Green Digital Transformation
Instituto Mora, Mexico, 4 May 2022
Virtual MGG Conference
Global green transformation: The EU’s perspective and global expectations
Online, 29 November 2021
MGG Conference
The EU and global green transformation(s): Converging on the path to net zero?
Villa la Collina in Cadenabbia, Italy, 28 November until 1 December 2021
Conference / Annual Meeting
Research Frontiers on the Adoption, Impact and Effectiveness of VSS
European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 4 November 2021 until 5 November 2021
MGG Conference
Training for the 2030 Agenda and the future of the New York Programme of Action
Online, 2 November until 5 November 2021
Web seminar
Global Citizenship in a Digital World
Online, 15 March 2021
Online Roundtable
Innovation in training and learning for sustainability during (and after) the Corona crisis
Online, 19 November 2020
MGG Online Conference
The External Dimension of the European Green Deal – Prospects for Cooperation with (Re)Emerging Powers
Online, 16 - 17 November 2020
Policy Dialogue
MGG Policy Dialogue ‘Global Partners’
Online, 5 - 6 November 2020
Online Conference
Training towards sustainability for the public sector during (and after) the pandemic
Online, 27 - 29 October 2020
MGG Conference
The Power Of Cooperation: Shaping A Positive Narrative Of Global Governance In Indonesia
Jakarta, 4 February 2020
MGG Kick-off Meeting
PRODIGEES / MGG Kick-off meeting: Digitalisation and Sustainable Development
Online, 30 March 2020
MGG Network Meeting
MGG Network Days 2019
Bonn, 25-27 November 2019
Conference / Stakeholder Meeting
South African Initiative on Voluntary Sustainability Standards - Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Sustainable Development and Bio-economy
Pretoria, 6 until 7 November 2019
MGG Conference
The Power of Cooperation: Shaping a Positive narrative of Global Governance in South Africa
Pretoria, 4 until 5 November 2019
Parallel Panel Session
MGG & SDSN Germany Panel at the 2019 International Conference on Sustainable Development
New York, 24 September 2019
MGG Conference
The Power of Cooperation: Shaping a Positive narrative of Global Governance in Brazil
Brasília, 19 until 20 September 2019
Panel Discussion
MGG Panel at the 2nd International Convention on Sustainable Trade and Standards
Rio de Janeiro, 17 September 2019
MGG Alumni Conference
The Power of Cooperation: Shaping a Positive narrative of Global Governance
New Delhi, 28 until 29 April 2019
MGG Conference
Training and Dialogue for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda
Hyderabad, 24 until 26 April 2019
MGG Alumni Conference
MGG Alumni Conference Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, 6 until 7 December 2018
MGG Alumni Conference
MGG Alumni Conference China
Beijing, 3 December 2018
MGG Conference
MGG Conference on Voluntary Sustainability Standards
Jakarta, 28 until 29 November 2018
MGG Alumni Conference
MGG Alumni Conference Indonesia 2018
Jakarta, 26 until 27 November 2018
Joint Expert Workshop
Digital Transformation: Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development
Bonn, 8 until 9 November 2018
MGG Partner and Planning Conference
Global Cooperation for the Agenda 2030
Brussels, 3 until 5 October 2018
The G20 @ 10
Bonn, 23 unti 24 October 2018
T20 Summit Argentina 2018
Buenos Aires, 16 until 18 September 2018
MGG Alumni Conference
A Digital Agenda for Sustainable Development – Perspectives from Mexico
Mexico City, 24 until 25 July 2018
HLPF Side Event
Transformative Pathways to Implement the 2030 Agenda
New York, 17 July 2018
MGG Alumni Conference
A Digital Agenda for Sustainable Development – Perspectives from South Africa
Pretoria, 27 until 28 June 2018
MGG Alumni Conference
A Digital Agenda for Sustainable Development
New-Delhi, 12 until 13 April 2018
Capacity Building for the 2030 Agenda
Brasilia, 26 February until 1 March 2018
Launch Workshop
Mexican Platform on Voluntary Sustainability Standards
Mexico City, Mexico, 14 December until 15 December 2017
MGG Alumni Conference
Key challenges of the 2030 Agenda
Bonn, 19 November until 22 November 2017
ITC Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) Forums
Genf, 25 September until 27 September 2017
Launch Ceremony and Workshop
Chinese National Platform on Voluntary Sustainability Standards
Qingdao, 27 June 2017
Launch Workshop
Brazilian Platform on Voluntary Sustainability Standards
Brasília & São Paulo, 31 May until 2 June 2017
Think 20 Summit
Global Solutions
Berlin, 29 May until 31 May 2017
Drivers and Constraints for Adopting Sustainability Standards in SMEs and the Demand for Finance
Berlin, 25 April 2017
T20 Afrika-Konferenz
Africa and the G20: Building alliances for sustainable development
Johannesburg, 1 February until 3 February 2017
T20 Kick-Off
Berlin, 1 December until 2 December 2016
Stakeholder Launch
Voluntary Sustainability Standards and the Role of the Government
Berlin, 21 Ocotber 2016
Implementation of the 2030 Agenda and pathways to sustainable development: The contribution of international cooperation Consequences for China’s and Germany’s G20 presidencies
Berlin, 12 May 2016 until 13 May 2016
MGG authors' workshop and dialogue
Sustainability Standards in Global Value Chains: Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Economies
New Delhi, 05 April until 07 April 2016
Think 20-Prozess im Rahmen der deutschen G20-Präsidentschaft
Berlin, 30 March 2016
Current Topics
Implementation of the 2030 Agenda with the public sector
Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS)
Knowledge and Learning
Digitalisation: Transformative effects for Sustainable Development (Video)
Perspectives On: Digital Transformation and Higher Education for Sustainable Development (Video)
Sustainable Development needs everybody's action: Perspectives from various sectors (Video)
Can we bring digitalisation and the environment together?
Lucatello, Simone / Wulf Reiners (2024)
The Current Column of 13 February 2024
Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) and the “greening” of high-emitting industry sectors in Brazil: mapping the sustainability efforts of the private sector
Thorstensen, Vera / Ariel Macaspac Hernandez / Rogerio de Oliveira Corrêa / Dolores Teixeira de Brito / Mauro Kiithi Arima Junior / Catherine Rebouças Mota / Tiago Matsuoka Megale / Amanda Mitsue Zuchieri / Fabio Jorge Thomazella (2024)
Discussion Paper 1/2024
Germany and the EU woo rising powers
Lynders, Eva / Wulf Reiners / Johanna Vogel (2023)
The Current Column of 25 September 2023
The BRICS bang! Signals from BRICS enlargement to South, West and North
Grimm, Sven (2023)
published on blogs.idos-research.de, 25.08.2023
Are Southern voices and the SDGs the way to success for India’s G20 presidency?
Dang, Vy / Eva Lynders / Wulf Reiners (2023)
The Current Column of 21 August 2023
A case for open science in Indonesia: advancing digital literacy, scientific infrastructure, and leadership
Stewart, Benjamin (2023)
CSIS Policy Brief, Jakarta: Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
The European Union’s governance approach to tackling disinformation – protection of democracy, foreign influence, and the quest for digital sovereignty
Kachelmann, Matthias / Wulf Reiners (2023)
in: L'Europe en Formation 396, 11-36
Open Science: A role for the G20 to materialise its global potential?
Stewart, Benjamin / Wulf Reiners (2023)
published on blogs.idos-research.de, 08.03.2023
Digitalisation for Inclusive Development: An Overview of Digital Strategies and Public Policies in the Europe and India
Amit Kumar (2023)
RIS Discussion Paper 280
Training civil services on the 2030 Agenda: skills development for working towards the common good
Grimm, Sven / Adriana Plasencia / Pedro Alves (2022)
Brasilia: Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (ENAP)
Tying the knot: questions on voluntary sustainability standards and corporate due diligence laws
Hernandez, Ariel (2022)
in: United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS) (Hrsg.), Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS), Sustainability Agenda and Developing Countries: Opportunities and Challenges, Geneva: UNFSS, 49-50
Transnational networks as relational governance infrastructure
Hernandez, Ariel Macaspac / Johanna Vogel (2022)
published on blogs.die-gdi.de, Future of Globalisation, 09.02.2022
Shared understanding and beyond: toward a framework for data protection and cross-border data flows
Srinivas, Krishna Ravi / Ingrid Schneider / Wulf Reiners (2022)
in: T20 Indonesia, Task Force Meaningful Digital Connectivity, Cyber Security, Empowerment, Policy Brief
How do transnational knowledge networks create impact?
Vogel, Johanna / Wulf Reiners (2022)
The Current Column of 28 November 2022
Zeitenwende – Investing in competencies for transnational cooperation
Grimm, Sven / Tatjana Reiber (2022)
published on blogs.idos-research.de, 16.11.2022
How Open Science can revolutionize global knowledge cooperation
Stewart, Benjamin / Wulf Reiners (2022)
The Current Column of 4 November 2022
Mexico’s “catch-22”: the implications of being a trade and climate partner of the United States and the European Union
Lucatello, Simone (2022)
Discussion Paper 11/2022
A new era for the G20? Insights from the T20 Summit 2022 in Indonesia
Lynders, Eva-Maria / Wulf Reiners (2022)
published on blogs.idos-research.de, 14.09.2022
Shared understanding and beyond: toward a framework for data protection and cross-border data flows
Srinivas, Krishna Ravi / Ingrid Schneider / Wulf Reiners (2022)
in: T20 Indonesia, Task Force Meaningful Digital Connectivity, Cyber Security, Empowerment, Policy Brief
Wie entfalten transnationale Wissensnetzwerke Wirkung?
Vogel, Johanna / Wulf Reiners (2022)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 28.11.2022
Zeitenwende – Investing in competencies for transnational cooperation
Grimm, Sven / Tatjana Reiber (2022)
published on blogs.idos-research.de, 16.11.2022
Wie Open Science die globale Wissenskooperation revolutionieren kann
Stewart, Benjamin / Wulf Reiners (2022)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 04.11.2022
Mexico’s “catch-22”: the implications of being a trade and climate partner of the United States and the European Union
Lucatello, Simone (2022)
Discussion Paper 11/2022
Leadership and partnerships for the European Green Deal: EU relations with (re)emerging economies
Grimm, Sven / Niklas Helwig / Wulf Reiners / Marco Siddi (2022)
in: L’Europe en formation n° 393 (2021/2), Green Priorities and EU Governance: The European Green Deal and the COVID-19 Pandemic, pp. 40-63
The phases model of the transformation to sustainability (T2S): structuring through the negotiation perspective
Hernandez, Ariel Macaspac (2022)
in: Sustainability (14/9), 5024
When cooperation meets negotiations: an approach to address the complexity of transformation to sustainability
Hernandez, Ariel (2022)
in: Imme Scholz / Lilian Busse / Thomas Fues (eds.), Transboundary Cooperation and Global Governance for Inclusive Sustainable Development (Festschrift Dirk Messner), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, pp. 199-205
UN General Assembly voting on Ukraine – What does it tell us about African states’ relations with external partners?
Keijzer, Niels / Silke Weinlich / Sven Grimm (2022)
published on blogs.die-gdi.de, 04.03.2022
Localising the SDGs in India: the role of government and private training institutes
Sengupta, Sreerupa / Avik Sinha (2022)
Discussion Paper 1/2022
Warum Regierungen in Vertrauen investieren müssen, um COVID-19 zu beenden
Vogel, Johanna / Aline Burni (2022)
in: Die aktuelle Kolumne. German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 24.01.2022
Die Digitalisierungsstrategie der Europäischen Union – Meilensteine und Handlungsfelder zwischen digitaler Souveränität und grüner Transformation
Reiners, Wulf (2021)
in: integration 44 (4), 266-286
Promoting a green and just recovery - leveraging the potential of G20 and G7 cooperation
Berger, Axel / Sven Grimm (2021)
published on blogs.die-gdi.de, 27.10.2021
The EU "Green Deal": An opportunity to strengthen EU-India relationship
Bhattacharjya, Souvik (2021)
in: DIE-FIIA-KAS Series on 'The external dimension of the European Green Deal - prospects of cooperation with (re)emerging powers'
Exploring South African 'Green Leadership' in the Context of the European Green Deal
Chevallier, Romy / Alex Benkenstein (2021)
in: DIE-FIIA-KAS Series on 'The external dimension of the European Green Deal - prospects of cooperation with (re)emerging powers'
Identity and discourse within diverse international networks: the Managing Global Governance network seen through the lenses of thematic oral history
Dominguez, Carlos (2021)
Discussion Paper, 14/2021
Shifting to the digital: a case study of the Managing Global Governance (MGG) academy as a digital learning format
Fiselier, Evelien (2021)
Bonn: Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research
The global dimension of the European Green Deal: the EU as a green leader?
Grimm, Sven / Wulf Reiners / Niklas Helwig / Marco Siddi / Louis Mourier (2021)
in: DIE-FIIA-KAS Series on 'The external dimension of the European Green Deal - prospects of cooperation with (re)emerging powers'
Mit wem sollte die nächste Bundesregierung zu Nachhaltigkeit kooperieren?
Grimm, Sven / Wulf Reiners (2021)
in: Die aktuelle Kolumne. German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 10.06.2021
SDG-aligned futures and the governance of transformation to sustainability: reconsidering governance perspectives on the futures we aspire to
Hernandez, Ariel (2021)
Discussion Paper, 30/2021
Carbon lock-in and contradictions - applied guide to academic teaching of Mexico’s energy transition
Hernandez, Ariel Macaspac / Daniel Alejandro Pacheco Rojas / Diana Barrón Villaverde (2021)
in: Applied Sciences 11 (18), article 8289
Managing Global Governance (MGG) und freiwillige Nachhaltigkeitsstandards (VSS) – Die Mobilisierung öffentlicher und privater Entscheidungsträger
Hernandez, Ariel / Wulf Reiners / Sven Grimm (2021)
Zweiseiter 1/2021
Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) – Mobilising public and private rule-makers in managing global governance
Hernandez, Ariel / Wulf Reiners / Sven Grimm (2021)
Two Pager (2021)
The learning activation approach - understanding Indonesia’s energy transition by teaching it
Hernandez, Ariel Macaspac / Yudhi Timor Bimo Prakoso (2021)
in: Energies 14 (17), article 5224
Knowledge diplomacy and the future(s) of global cooperation
Hernandez, Ariel Macaspac (2021)
in: e-International Relations, 05.04.2021
The External Dimension of the European Green Deal: RUSSIA’S PERSPECTIVE
Makarov, Igor (2021)
in: DIE-FIIA-KAS Series on 'The external dimension of the European Green Deal - prospects of cooperation with (re)emerging powers'
Die Digitalisierungsstrategie der Europäischen Union – Meilensteine und Handlungsfelder zwischen digitaler Souveränität und grüner Transformation
Reiners, Wulf (2021)
integration 44 (4), pp. 266-286
Unpacking the new complexities of EU–Turkey relations: merging theories, institutions, and policies
Reiner, Wulf / Ebru Turhan (2021)
in: Wulf Reiners / Ebru Turhan (Hrsg.), EU-Turkey Relations - Theories, Institutions, and Policies, Cham: Pagrave Macmillan, pp. 1-35
Current trends and future prospects for EU–Turkey relations: conditions for a cooperative relationship
Reiners, Wulf / Ebru Turhan (2021)
in: Wulf Reiners / Ebru Turhan (Hrsg.), EU-Turkey Relations - Theories, Institutions, and Policies, Cham: Pagrave Macmillan, pp. 397-432
EU-Turkey relations - Theories, institutions, and policies
Reiners, Wulf / Ebru Turhan (2021)
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
The ambiguous partner: Mexico and the European Green Deal
Ruano, Lorena (2021)
in: DIE-FIIA-KAS Series on 'The external dimension of the European Green Deal - prospects of cooperation with (re)emerging powers'
Warum die Welt globale Governance für Wissenschaftskooperation braucht
Schwachula, Anna (2021)
in: Die aktuelle Kolumne. German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 15.02.2021
Stepping up to the challenges of green recovery: Indonesia and the EU
Sulistiawati, Linda Yanti (2021)
in: DIE-FIIA-KAS Series on 'The external dimension of the European Green Deal - prospects of cooperation with (re)emerging powers'
The transformative capacity of transnational and transdisciplinary networks and the potential of alumni work
Vogel, Johanna (2021)
Discussion Paper 24/2021
Wie Wissensnetzwerke ihr transformatives Potential entfalten
Vogel, Johanna (2021)
in: Die aktuelle Kolumne. German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 12.04.2021
EU-China Green Partnership for Better Global Governance
Zhang, Yanzhu (2021)
in: DIE-FIIA-KAS Series on 'The external dimension of the European Green Deal - prospects of cooperation with (re)emerging powers'
The European Green Deal must turn global
Reiners, Wulf / Sven Grimm (2020)
The Current Column of 14 December 2020
Palgrave Handbook of development cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda: contested collaboration
Chaturvedi, Sachin / Heiner Janus / Stephan Klingebiel / Li Xiaoyun / André de Mello e Souza / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Dorothea Wehrmann (Eds.) (2020)
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
Transnational science cooperation for sustainable development
Schwachula, Anna (2020)
in: Sachin Chaturvedi / Heiner Janus / Stephan Klingebiel / Xiaoyun Li / André de Mello e Souza / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Dorothea Wehrmann (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of development cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 59-88, online
Wissenschaftliche Konferenzen brauchen eine Generalüberholung!
Reiber, Tatjana / Anna Schwachula (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 09.11.2020
Wie kann Entwicklungszusammenarbeit machtkritischer werden?
Kornprobst, Tim / Anna Schwachula (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 16.11.2020
Sustainability Standards and Global Governance. Experiences of Emerging Economies
Negi, Archna / Jorge Antonio Pérez-Pineda / Johannes Blankenbach (2020)
Singapore (Open Access)
Wie die EU und aufstrebende Mächte ihre Zukunft nachhaltig gestalten können
Grimm, Sven / Wulf Reiners / Benjamin Stewart (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 06.04.2020
Das Corona-Virus als Chance für die internationale Zusammenarbeit
Marschall, Paul / Wulf Reiners (2020)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 23.03.2020
Multilateralism without future - or the future of multilateralism?
Grimm, Sven/ Silke Weinlich (2020)
International Development Blog vom 08.01.2020
Digitalisierung in aufstrebenden Mächten: Trends und Strategien
Reiners, Wulf / Sven Grimm (2019)
in: Susanne Luther (Hrsg.), Digitaler Wandel in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit (Argumente und Materialien der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit 24), München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 18-27
Sustainable Development in Science Policy-Making: The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research's Policies for International Cooperation in Sustainability Research
Schwachula, Anna (2019)
Buchveröffentlichungen (2019), Bielefeld: transcript Verl.
10 Jahre Managing Global Governance (MGG)
Reiners, Wulf (2019)
in: Jahresbericht 2017-2018: Brücken bauen zwischen Theorie und Praxis
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Hrsg.)
So kann Kooperation für die Agenda 2030 gelingen
Schwachula, Anna/ Johanna Vogel (2019)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 04.11.2019
Globale Nachhaltigkeit benötigt neue Ausbildungsformate im öffentlichen Dienst weltweit
Reiber, Tatjana/ Wulf Reiners (2019)
Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2019, 26-29
Südafrikas globale Bedeutung schwindet
Grimm, Sven (2019)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 29.04.2019
How to frame South-South Cooperation? Challenges of the upcoming 2nd UN Conference on South-South Cooperation
Esteves, Paulo/ Stephan Klingebiel (2019)
International Development Blog vom 19.03.2019
New educational formats for civil service needed worldwide to support global sustainability
Reiber, Tatjana/ Wulf Reiners (2019)
Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2019, 26-29
The year ahead in 2019: Think local when acting globally
Grimm, Sven/ Axel Berger (2019)
International Development Blog vom 09.01.2019
Knowledge Diplomacy in climate politics: Global policy-making through regional lens
Hernandez, Ariel (2018)
in: Matthias Middell (ed.), The Routledge handbook of transregional studies, London: Routledge
Trump’s USA and climate negotiations – quo vadimus?
Hernandez, Ariel (2018)
in: PIN Points 45
Facilitar la toma de decisiones: escenarios de transformación de las economías bajas en carbon
Hernandez, Ariel (2018)
in: Helena Cabal / Efraín Gómez-Arias / Antonio Rodriquez Martínez (eds.), Perspectivas de Sustentabilidad en México, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Technológicas, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, 93-107
Developing Countries Turn to Sustainability Standards
Grimm, Sven/ Thomas Fues/ Archna Negi/ Christoph Sommer/ Jorge Perez Pineda (2018)
in: Voluntary Sustainability Standards, Trade and Sustainable Development: 3rd Flagship Report of the United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS), 39-46
Knowledge diplomacy as kingmaker in the post-factual era
Hernandez, Ariel (2018)
Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2018
The Interface between Research and Policy-Making in South Africa: Exploring the institutional framework and practice of an uneasy relationship
Grimm, Sven/ Mareike Magdalena Gensch/ Johanna Hauf/ Julia Prenzel/ Nitja Rehani/ Sarah Senz/ Oliver Vogel (2018)
Discussion Paper 19/2018
The G20 @ 10 conference: Assessing the benefits, limitations and the future of global club governance in turbulent times
Berger, Axel/ Sven Grimm/ Matthew Oxenford/ Stephan Pickford/ Ye Yu (2018)
International Development Blog vom 19.11.2018
Warum der öffentliche Dienst ein Agenda-2030-Update braucht
Reiber, Tatjana/ Wulf Reiners (2018)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 19.11.2018
Digitalisation and exponential technological Change: Challenges and Opportunities
Dominguez, Carlos (2018)
International Development Blog vom 08.11.2018
South-South and Triangular Knowledge Cooperation on Sustainability Standards
Grimm, Sven/ Thomas Fues (2018)
in: Development Cooperation Review 1 (4), 5-9
International Funding for Research and Innovation in Africa: the Case of China
Grimm, Sven (2018)
in: ITB Infoservice (ed.), Science and innovation in Africa: international funding and cooperation (Special edition 12-03/18), 17-19
Drivers and constraints for adopting sustainability standards in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and the demand for finance case studies from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa (Non-paper version, as delivered by authors)
Christoph Sommer (ed.) (2017)
Drivers and constraints for adopting sustainability standards in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Christoph Sommer (2017)
Discussion Paper 21/2017
Ist die Romanze der Süd-Süd-Kooperation vorbei?
Fues, Thomas (2017)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 11.09.2017
Launch of China National Platform on Voluntary Sustainability Standards
Conference Report, June 2017
Launch of the Brazilian Platform on Voluntary Sustainability Standards
Conference Report, June 2017
Belt and Road Initiative: Emergence of a parallel international order?
Fues, Thomas (2017)
Report on the Forum “The Belt and Road Initiative: Risks and Responses” on 6 – 7 April 2017 in Bejing
Conference Report: Voluntary Sustainability Standards and the Role of the
Blankenbach, Johannes (2016)
The global partnership for effective development cooperation: origins, actions and future prospects
Abdel-Malek, Talaat (2015)
(Studies 88)
Institutional architecture and development: Responses from emerging powers
Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Jorge Pérez / Sachin Chaturvedi / Thomas Fues (Hrsg.) (2015)
Johannesburg: Jacana Media
In search of a narrative for Southern providers: the challenge of the emerging economies to the development cooperation agenda
Bracho, Gerardo (2015)
Discussion Paper 1/2015)
The United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for Global Development: Perspectives from China and Europe
Thomas Fues / Jiang Ye (eds.) (2014)
Studies 84 (2014)
Common goals and differential commitments: the role of emerging economies in global development
Besharati, Neissan Alessandro (2013)
Discussion Paper 26/2013
Development cooperation and emerging powers: New partners or old patterns?
Sachin Chaturvedi / Thomas Fues / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (Hrsg.) (2012)
London: Zed Books
Global Governance and building a harmonious world
Fues, Thomas / Youfa Liu (eds.) (2011)
Studies 62
Power shifts and global governance: Challenges from South and North
Ashwani Kumar / Dirk Messner (Hrsg.) (2010)
London: Anthem Press
G20 and global develoment: How can the new summit architecture promote pro-poor growth and sustainability?
Thomas Fues / Peter Wolff (Hrsg.) (2010)
Bonn: DIE (electronic publication)
Globalisation at the crossroad: An “International Panel on Systemic Risks in the Global Economy” is needed
Dirk Messner / Enrique Saravia / Elisabeth Sidiropoulos / Yizhou Wang (2009)
Briefing Paper 6/2009
Die Welt schützen und regieren
Dirk Messner / Sachin Chaturvedi / Garth Le Pere / Simon Maxwell / Enrique Saravia / Margret Thalwitz / Yongding (2009)
in: Handelsblatt, 02.04.2009
MGG Team
Partner and Alumni Network
The MGG Programme has created a strong partner network and a growing alumni network after ten years of running the programme.
2023 MGG Global Network Conference
Im Fokus
Sustainability Standards and Global Governance. Experiences of Emerging Economies
Negi, Archna / Jorge Antonio Pérez-Pineda / Johannes Blankenbach (2020)
Singapore (Open Access)