Articles and other Publications

Researchers of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) publish their research findings regularly in relevant German and international journals. Besides, the IDOS experts release their findings with other well-known external publishers such as Springer and Routlegde.

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Found 6206 results in 9 milliseconds. Displaying results 4271 to 4280 of 6206.

  1. Dramatisches Missverhältnis
    Dramatisches Missverhältnis

    Ruchser, Matthias (2013)

    Wie in jedem Jahr veröffentlichten die vier deutschen Übertragungsnetzbetreiber Mitte Oktober die Prognose für die Umlage, die die Stromverbraucher nach dem Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) für das nächste Jahr bezahlen müssen.

  2. Framework for participatory food security research in rural food value chains
    Framework for participatory food security research in rural food value chains

    Graef, Frieder / Stefan Sieber / Khamaldin Mutabazi / Folkard Asch / Hans Konrad Biesalski / Janet Bitegeko / Wolfgang Bokelmann / Michael Brüntrup / Ottfried Dietrich / Nickson Elly / Aanja Fasse / Jörn Germer / Ulrike Grote / Ludgar Herrmann / Raoul Her (2014)

  3. Applying the concept of fit to water governance reforms in South Africa
    Applying the concept of fit to water governance reforms in South Africa

    Herrfahrdt-Pähle, Elke (2014)

  4. The reflection of African concerns in the G-20 financial regulation and financial development agenda
    The reflection of African concerns in the G-20 financial regulation and financial development agenda

    Wolff, Peter (2014)

  5. Reforming fossil-fuel subsidy regimes in the Middle East and North African countries
    Reforming fossil-fuel subsidy regimes in the Middle East and North African countries

    Vidican, Georgeta (2014)

  6. Low-carbon standards and labels in China
    Low-carbon standards and labels in China

    Brandi, Clara (2014)

  7. New middle-class consumers in rising powers: responsible consumption and private standards
    New middle-class consumers in rising powers: responsible consumption and private standards

    Guarin, Alejandro / Peter Knorringa (2014)

  8. It’s time to look beyond the UN’s $100bn climate finance target
    It’s time to look beyond the UN’s $100bn climate finance target

    Dzebo, Adis / Pieter Pauw (2014)

  9. Als ik in zo’n windmolen mag klimmen, prima
    Als ik in zo’n windmolen mag klimmen, prima

    Pauw, Pieter (2014)

  10. Chinas Zukunft - Hamburgs Schicksal: chinesische Entwicklungsperspektiven und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Außenhandelsplatz
    Chinas Zukunft - Hamburgs Schicksal: chinesische Entwicklungsperspektiven und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Außenhandelsplatz

    Bräuninger, Michael / Corinna Neubach / Katharina M.K. Stepping (2012)