Conference in Earth System Governance: 2022 Toronto


Ort / Datum
Toronto, 20.10.2022 bis 24.10.2022


University of Toronto, University of Waterloo together, Earth System Governance Project

Earth System Governance Project ist ein seit langem bestehendes globales Forschungsbündnis, das versucht, die Forschung an der Schnittstelle zwischen globalen Umweltveränderungen und Governance auf lokaler und globaler Ebene zu mobilisieren. Das Projekt bringt eine hochgradig interdisziplinäre Forschungsgemeinschaft zusammen, die Disziplinen wie internationale Beziehungen, Politikwissenschaft, Humangeographie, Stadtforschung, Entwicklungsstudien und Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften umfasst.

Die diesjährige Konferenz wird von der University of Toronto und der University of Waterloo gemeinsam mit dem Earth System Governance Project veranstaltet und steht unter dem Motto:

Governing accelerated transitions: justice, creativity, and power in a transforming world.



Online Panel Session:  Transformation of water and ocean governance: Perception, contestation, and power

Date and Time: 20 October, 4:00pm - 5:30pm (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
Session Conference Streams: Anticipation and Imagination

  • Session Chair: Ines Dombrowsky (German Institute of Development and Sustainability, IDOS)
  • Discussant: Saravanan Subramanian (German Institute of Development and Sustainability, IDOS)

Presentations of papers by researchers from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS):

  • Contested estuary ontologies: The conflict over dredging the Elbe river, Germany.
  • Everyday life and knowledge production processes on a German research vessel in the Labrador Sea: Heterotopia par excellence?
  • Inquiring conservation success: Water for beer, the rest for the people

More info: 2022 Toronto Conference - ConfTool Pro - BrowseSessions

Online Panel Session: From SDGs to just transitions: The importance of inclusive and democratic governance for policy implementation

Date and time: 21 October, 10:00am – 11:30am (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
Session Conference Streams: Accelerating Just and Inclusive Transitions

  • Session Chair: Daniele Malerba (German Institute of Development and Sustainability, IDOS)

Presentations of papers by researchers from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS):

  • Show help for 'Increase or decrease the abstract text size' Presentations
    What do citizens prefer? Policy mixes for public acceptance of just transitions
  • Does inequality matter for policy incoherence in sustainable development? A suggested framework using the Capabilities Approach
  • Governance of interdependencies among water and land related SDGs: political-institutional preconditions for policy coherence
  • The role of good governance and democracy in reducing poverty and inequality: Evidence from a systematic literature review on interlinkages between SDGs 16, 10 and 1

More info: 2022 Toronto Conference - ConfTool Pro - BrowseSessions

Online Panel Session: Evolving frameworks for multilateral approaches to environmental issues and sustainable development

Date and time: 23 October, 8:00am - 9:30am (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
Session Conference Streams: Architecture and Agency

  • Session Chair: Steffen Bauer (German Institute of Development and Sustainability, IDOS)

Presentations of papers:

  • The end of the COP as we know it? Accelerating global climate governance in a transforming world
    • Steffen Bauer (German Institute of Development and Sustainability, IDOS) and Sander Chan (Radboud University/IDOS/Utrecht University), together with Wolfgang Obergassel and Lukas Hermwille (both Wuppertal Institute), Stefan C. Aykut (University Hamburg), Idil Boran (York University/IDOS), Carolin Fraude and Kathleen A. Mar (both Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies), Frank Granshaw (Portland State University), Richard Klein (Stockholm Environment Institute/Linköping University), Ludwig Liagre (University of Padova),  Heike Schroeder (University of East Anglia) and Katia Simeonova (independent)
  • Designing Enforceable International Treaties: A Case Study of the Minamata Convention on Mercury
    • Mathilde Gauquelin, Université Laval / Ghent University
  • UN meta-governance for MSPs – fit for transformation?
    • Felicitas Henni Fritzsche (Stockholm University)
  • Are the Sustainable Development Goals Transforming Higher Education Institutions? – An Analysis of Steering Effects and SDG-Embeddedness
    • Andrea Cuesta-Claros, Shirin Malekpour, Rob Raven, Tahl Kestin (Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University, Melbourne)

More info: 2022 Toronto Conference - ConfTool Pro - BrowseSessions

Further paper presentations by researchers from the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)during the conference:

  • Extractivism, water spirits and science. Overlapping governmentalities in Mongolian water- and miningscapes
    Session: The water-energy-food nexus: Scope, struggles, and solutions; Date and Time: 20 October, 2:00pm-3:30pm (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
  • Policy mixes for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda
    Session:Competing narratives on sustainability transformations (I): Implications for design and governance; Date and Time: 20 October, 2:00pm – 3:30pm (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
  • What makes sustainability institutions fit for purpose? A normative and functional framework of institutional design
    Session: Impact-driven sustainability institutions: Frameworks for success; Date and Time: 20 October, 4:00pm – 5:30pm (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
  • Transformative institutions? Findings from a case study on the impact of national sustainability institutions in Germany
    Session: Impact-driven sustainability institutions: Frameworks for success; Date and Time: 20 October, 4:00pm – 5:30pm (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
  • How to disrupt “governance as usual”? The potential of knowledge partnerships for advancing sustainable urban development in the European Arctic
    Session: Urban governance for radical and just sustainability transformations; Date and time: 21 October, 10:00am – 11:30am (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
    • Dorothea Wehrmann and Jacqueline Götze together with Michał Łuszczuk, Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak (both Maria-Curie-Skłodowska-University), Arne Riedel (Ecologic Institute)
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic and impacts on low-carbon and climate-resilient city pathways - A comparative case study of cities across the global North and South
    Session:Urban governance for radical and just sustainability transformations; Date and Time: 21 October, 10:00am – 11:30am (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
    • Sander Chan (Radboud University/IDOS/Utrecht University), Andrew Deneault, Mariya Aleksandrova, Saravanan Subramanian, Fabian Rackelmann together with Tanya O'Garra (Middlesex University), together with Christopher Orr (University of Waterloo), Kennedy Mbeva (University of Oxford), Manish Shrivastava (TERI School of Advanced Studies).
  • Adapting the international governance architecture to comprehensively address loss and damage resulting from climate change impacts
    Session: Global sustainable finance governance: Architecture, agency, risk and power; Date and time: 22 October, 8:00am – 9:30am (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
  • Integrated climate-biodiversity strategies for accelerated and just transition: A systematic review
    Session: Biodiversity-climate alignment in transnational governance: Current research on accelerated and just transformation; Date and time: 22 October, 1:00pm – 2:30pm (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
    • Idil Boran (York University/IDOS) together with Nilanjana Ganguli (York University)
  • Accelerating Transformative Transnational Action at the Climate-Biodiversity Frontier? Outcomes and correlates of effectiveness of nature-based solutions
    Date and time: 22 October, 1:00pm – 2:30 pm (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
  • The Governance of Urban Sustainability Transformation: Findings from a Systematic Literature Review
    Session: Local to global sustainability transformations: Complexity and interactions; Date and time: 23 October, 11:30am – 1:00pm (UTC/GMT -4 hours)
    • Michael Roll together withFlávia Guerra, Simone Sandholz and Lucas Turmena (all United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security)
  • Decarbonising cities: assessing governance approaches for transformative change
    Session, date and time to be allocated


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Datum / Uhrzeit

20.10.2022 bis 24.10.2022 / 00:00 - 00:00




Photo: Steffen Bauer

Dr. Steffen Bauer
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Leitung Klimalog
Telefon +49 (0)228 94927-153