Martin-Shields, Charles

Dr. Charles Martin-Shields
Transformation of Political (Dis-)order
Project Lead & Senior Researcher
Political Science
Work areas
- Peace and conflict processes
- Digital technology in development and governance
- Impact of development and peacebuilding on migration
Regional expertise
- Africa
- East Asia
since 1/2018 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Researcher, Research Department "Transformation of political (dis-)order: Institutions, values & peace" |
2016-12/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, Department "Governance, Statehood, Security" |
8/2016-4/2017 | School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University Visiting Scholar |
8/2016-4/2017 | International Security and Development Center, Berlin, Germany Consultant: FAO-funded project on impacts of peace and conflict on food security |
8/2011-8/2016 | School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University Doctorate, Dissertation: “When Information becomes action: How information communication technologies affect collective action during crises” |
3/2015-6/2016 | World Bank Group, Washington, D.C. Consultant: Mobile money and ICTs in development and financial inclusion |
8/2013-6/2014 | Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellow, Apia, Samoa Advisor to Government of Samoa, supporting policy development around using digital technology for good governance and disaster response. |
3/2011-5/2013 | TechChange Inc, Washington, D.C. Program manager: Technology for peacebuilding and conflict prevention |
1/2008-8/2010 | School of International Service, American University Master of Arts in International Peace and Conflict Resolution |
4/2008-2/2011 | U.S. Institute for Peace Research Assistant, USIP Academy |
10/2005-9/2007 | U.S. Peace Corps Samoa U.S. Peace Corps development volunteer in Apia, Samoa |
8/2002-5/2005 | American Univeristy Bachelor of Arts, German History and Literature |
Member of
- International Studies Association
- American Political Science Association
- European Political Science Association
- Fulbright Fellow, 2013-2014
Refereed Publications
- Martin-Shields, Charles (2024)
Moderating digital communities in hybrid governance contexts: refugees' digital inclusion and communication in Nairobi
in: Nicole Stremlau / Clara Voyvodic Casabó (eds.), Technology and governance beyond the state: the rule of non-law, Milton Park: Routledge (forthcoming) - Martin-Shields, Charles (2024)
Urban refugees and digital technology
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press - Martin-Shields, Charles (2023)
The relationship between state fragility and refugees
in: David Carment / Yiagadeesen Samy (eds.), Handbook of Fragile States, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 192-204 - Martin-Shields, Charles / al Achkar, Ziad (2023)
Human subjects, digital protocols: the future of institutional review boards (IRBs) and digital research in vulnerable communities
in: Colette Mazucelli / James Felton Keith / C. Ann Hollifeld (eds.), Personal data collection risks in a post-vaccine world, New York: Anthem Press, 25-47 - Martin-Shields, Charles / Katrina Munir-Asen (2022)
Do information communication technologies (ICTs) support self-reliance among urban refugees? Evidence from Kuala Lumpur and Penang, Malaysia
in: International Migration Review, first published 25.12.2022 - Erforth, Benedikt / Charles Martin-Shields (2022)
Where privacy meets politics: EU–Kenya cooperation in data protection
in: Daniels, Chux / Benedikt Erforth / Chloe Teevan (eds.), Africa–Europe cooperation and digital transformation, London: Routledge, 142-155 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2022)
Ride-sharing apps for urban refugees: easing or exacerbating a digital transport disadvantage?
in: Trialog (140/141), 58-62 - Martin-Shields, Charles / Sonia Camacho / Rodrigo Taborda / Constantin Ruhe (2022)
Digitalization and e-government in the lives of urban migrants: evidence from Bogotá
in: Policy & Internet 14 (2), 450-467 - Ruhe, Constantin / Charles Martin-Shields / Lisa Maria Groß (2020)
The asylum hump: why country income level predicts new asylum seekers, but not new refugees
in: Journal of Refugee Studies 34 (2), 1730–1746 - Kuhnt, Jana / Charles Martin-Shields / Ruben Wedel (2019)
Challenges and possible solutions to conducting quantitative surveys with displaced populations
Rotterdam: IMISCOE (Briefs on Methodological, Ethical and Epistemological Issues 13) - Martin-Shields, Charles (2019)
When information becomes action: drivers of individuals' trust in broadcast versus peer‐to‐peer information in disaster response
published on Disasters 43 (3), 612-633 - Martin-Shields, Charles / Wolfgang Stojetz (2019)
Food security and conflict: empirical challenges and future opportunities for research and policy making on food security and conflict
in: World Development 119 (July 2019), 150-164 - Martin-Shields, Charles P. / Nicholas Bodanac (2017)
Peacekeeping's digital economy: the role of communication technologies in post-conflict economic growth
published on International Peacekeeping 28 Nov 2017, 1-26 - Mow, Ioana Chan / Charles Martin-Shields / Hobert Sasa / Lealaolesau Fitu (2017)
Towards a people centred early warning and disaster response system in Samoa: the use of ICT by Samoans during disaster
published on The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 81 (2), 1-18 - Firchow, Pamina / Charles Martin-Shields / Roger Mac Ginty / Atalia Omer (2017)
Peace tech: the liminal spaces of digital technology in peacebuilding
in: International Studies Perspectives 18 (1), 4-42 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2017)
Information communication technologies in atrocity response and prevention: deepening our understanding of the legal, ethical and practical challenges
in: Genocide Studies and Prevention: an International Journal 11 (1), 100-103 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2016)
Communicating stability: managing the regulatory process to maximize communication infrastructure for peacebuilding
in: Business, Peace and Sustainable Development 7/2016, 50-65 - Martin-Shields, Charles / Elizabeth Stones (2014)
Smart phones and social bonds: communication technology and inter-ethnic cooperation in Kenya
in: Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 9 (3), 50-64 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2013)
The technologist’s dilemma: ethical challenges of using crowdsourcing technology in conflict and disaster-affected regions
in: Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 14 (2), 157-163 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2013)
Inter-ethnic cooperation revisited: why mobile phones can help prevent discrete events of violence, using the Kenyan case study
published on Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 2 (3), p.Art. 58
Non-refereed Publications
- Martin-Shields, Charles / Diana Koester (2024)
State fragility and development cooperation: putting the empirics to use in policy and planning
(Policy Brief 8/2024) - Martin-Shields, Charles (2023)
Öffentliche Verwaltung: Bedürfnisse der Menschen in den Focus rücken
in: E+Z (4/2023), 27-28 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2023)
Public administration: focus on people's needs
in: D+C, 4/3023, 27-28 - Erforth, Benedikt / Brian King / Charles Martin-Shields / Dorcas Owino (2023)
Harnessing the potential and mitigating the risks of using digital innovation to build a more climate-resilient, prosperous, and democratic world
in: T7 Task Force Science and Digitalization for a Better Future Policy Brief (April 2023) - Motalebi, Nasim / Charles Martin-Shields (2023)
Refugee-led organisations and intersectionality: feminist development policy in the lives of refugees
(Policy Brief 5/2023) - Martin-Shields, Charles (2021)
Defining the new digital world order
in: D+C Development and Cooperation (09-2021), 27-29 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2021)
Digitalization in displacement contexts: technology and the implementation of the global compact on refugees
in: People forced to flee - history, change and challenge, Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Martin-Shields, Charles (2021)
Neue Stimme für Menschenrechte und gute Regierungsführung
in: Welternährung - Fachjournal der Welthungerhilfe, 15.02.21 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2020)
Digitalization and forced displacement: how addressing access, online behaviour, and privacy issues can lead to better digital solutions
T20 Saudi Arabia, Task Force 9 (Migration and Young Societies), Policy Brief - Eppler, Mirko / Stella Gaetani / Francy Köllner / Jana Kuhnt / Charles Martin-Shields / Nyat Mebrahtu / Antonia Peters / Carlotta Preiß (2020)
Information and communication technology in the lives of forcibly displaced persons in Kenya
(Discussion Paper 15/2020) - Kuhnt, Jana / Charles Martin-Shields / Ruben Wedel (2019)
Challenges and possible solutions to conducting quantitative surveys with displaced populations
Rotterdam: IMISCOE (Briefs on Methodological, Ethical and Epistemological Issues 13) - Martin-Shields, Charles P. / Sonia Camacho / Rodrigo Taborda / Constantin Ruhe (2019)
Digitalisation in the lives of urban migrants: evidence from Bogota
(Discussion Paper 12/2019) - Nakicenovic,Nebojsa / Dirk Messner / Caroline Zimm / Geoff Clarke / Johan Rockström / Ana Paula Aguiar / Benigna Boza-Kiss / Lorenza Campagnolo / Ilan Chabay / David Collste / Luis Comolli / Luis Gomez-Echeverri / Anne Goujon / Arnulf Grubler / Reiner Jun (2019)
The digital revolution and sustainable development: opportunities and challenges; Report prepared byThe World in 2050 initiative
Laxenburg: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) - Martin-Shields, Charles / Katrina Munir-Asen (2018)
Keeping the knowledge flowing: policy recommendations for supporting high-skill migration
published on T20 Argentina 2018 - Martin-Shields, Charles P. (2017)
State fragility as a cause of forced displacement: identifying theoretical channels for empirical research
(Discussion Paper 30/2017) - Angenendt, Steffen / Charles Martin-Shields / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
More development - more migration? The “migration hump“ and its significance for development policy co-operation with sub-Saharan Africa
Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP Comments 40) - Angenendt, Steffen / Charles Martin-Shields / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
Mehr Entwicklung - mehr Migration? Der »migration hump« und seine Bedeutung für die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit mit Subsahara-Afrika
Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP-Aktuell 2017/A 69) - Martin-Shields, Charles / Benjamin Schraven / Steffen Angenendt (2017)
More development - more migration? The "migration hump" and its significance for development policy co-operation with sub-Saharan Africa
(Briefing Paper 20/2017) - Martin-Shields, Charles (2017)
Digitalisierung und Flucht: wie können Geber digitale Technologien zur Unterstützung von Flüchtlingen einsetzen?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 16/2017) - Schraven, Benjamin / Steffen Angenendt / Charles Martin-Shields (2017)
Mehr Entwicklung – mehr Migration? Der „migration hump“ und seine Bedeutung für die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit mit Subsahara-Afrika
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 15/2017) - Martin-Shields, Charles (2017)
Digitalisation and flight: how can donors leverage digital technologies to support refugees?
(Briefing Paper 18/2017) - Martin-Shields, Charles (2015)
Proving (digital) peace
published on Build Peace Forum March 2015 - Martin-Shields, Charles / Murray Ackman / Nicholas Bodanac / Talia Hagerty / David Hammond / Daniel Hyslop / Gemma Wood (2015)
Global Peace Index
Sydney: Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP Report 34) - McCarthy, Gerard / Charles Martin-Shields (2014)
South Sudan on the brink: Australia should make the case for intervention
published on The Interpreter 9 May 2014 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2014)
ICTs in conflict early warning: possibilities and challenges
published on Insight on Conflict July 11, 2014 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2014)
GDELT Global dashboard: big data for conflict resolution and peacebuilding
published on Insight on Conflict July 11, 2014 - Aiolupotea, Ronnie / Manusamoa Tony Sa’aga / Charles Martin-Shields (2013)
Disaster risk management & climate change joint platform 2013: communications and information technology sector role in disaster and climate change policy
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology - Martin-Shields, Charles / Gerard McCarthy (2012)
Crowdsourcing and diplomacy in the Pacific
published on The Interpreter August 15, 2012
Opinion Pieces
- Martin-Shields, Charles (2021)
Neue Stimme für Menschenrechte und gute Regierungsführung
in: Welternährung - Fachjournal der Welthungerhilfe, 15.02.21 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2020)
The U.S. Elections and Development Policy
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 2 November 2020 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2020)
Konfrontration oder Kooperation
in: Frankfurter Rundschau, 30.10.2020 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2020)
Digital sidewalks: using urban theory to understand technology use among migrants in Bogota
published on, 19.05.2020 - Martin-Shields, Charles / Katrina Munir-Asen (2020)
Digital technology in the daily lives of urban refugees
published on 23.01.2020 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2018)
Mehr als nur ein Notstand
published on Frankfurter Runschau 24.07.2018 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2018)
Supporting a place to call home?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 11 July 2018 - Schraven, Benjamin / Charles Martin-Shields (2018)
Dare to be more complex!
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 19 February 2018 - Martin-Shields, Charles / Steffen Angenendt / Benjamin Schraven (2017)
When and how can foreign aid slow migration?
published on The Washington Post 02.11.2017 - Dick, Eva / Charles Martin-Shields (2017)
Fluchtursachenbekämpfung beim G20-Gipfel: Alternativen zur Flucht nach Europa müssen her
published on HuffPost 07.07.2017 - Martin-Shields, Charles (2017)
Gründe, um zu bleiben
published on Frankfurter Rundschau 06.09.2017 - Martin-Shields. Charles (2017)
Good Governance, Good Jobs, and a Good Global Compact on Migration
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 3 July 2017)
- Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts
- Research Team Ghana: Social Cohesion in the Context of Environmental/Climate-Related Internal Displacement in Ghana
- ‘Contested mobility‘: Migration policy in countries of the global South between local needs, national interests and global agendas
- The World in 2050
- Reducing root causes of forced displacement and managing migration
- Digitalisation and Information in the Lives of Migrants and Refugees
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-295
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Urban refugees and digital technology
Martin-Shields, Charles (2024)
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press
The relationship between state fragility and refugees
Martin-Shields, Charles (2023)
in: David Carment / Yiagadeesen Samy (eds.), Handbook of Fragile States, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 192-204